Spring 2024 DLC Speculation

People are just circling through unrealistic expectations, pulling on straws, trying to define for them if theres a way that one last dlc could complete the game for them and in general people are not to happy with frontier despite what they promised
Hey, I had to be away for a while. Anyone could update me on what's the current dlc situation?
We basically know nothing. But there are hints that the DLC will probably not come in the usual DLC window, that is, before Easter. Steam database shows only the usual branches are updated, but not those that indicate DLC is near. All the focus is probably on the console edition and people speculate the DLC will come in May, once the console had its time to shine.
People are just circling through unrealistic expectations, pulling on straws, trying to define for them if theres a way that one last dlc could complete the game for them and in general people are not to happy with frontier despite what they promised
It's like that animal game we did last week I think about your personal best and worst pack ideas. Everyone who really doesn't want to be disappointed should take that worst pack and give it the frontier treatment to show what is more likely to happen than a wonderful 12+ animal pack with an impressive free update.
There are 3 possible ways for the future of the dlc support for the pc version and I think they are quite dependent on how well will the console version sell:

1. One last dlc till the end of May, I don’t expect anything special just a regular dlc 4+1 or animal pack 7+1. DLC would be available multi-platform.
2. New DLC’s will come out regularly as usual until the March-May 2025 when the support for console will end and the financial year on May 2025.
3. Frontier will change the format of the dlc and will introduce us to something totally new.

Which outcome would be the most interesting for you?
There are 3 possible ways for the future of the dlc support for the pc version and I think they are quite dependent on how well will the console version sell:

1. One last dlc till the end of May, I don’t expect anything special just a regular dlc 4+1 or animal pack 7+1. DLC would be available multi-platform.
2. New DLC’s will come out regularly as usual until the March-May 2025 when the support for console will end and the financial year on May 2025.
3. Frontier will change the format of the dlc and will introduce us to something totally new.

Which outcome would be the most interesting for you?
2 best by a long shot, good, predictable, rapping up in one year should be a reasonable task
It's like that animal game we did last week I think about your personal best and worst pack ideas. Everyone who really doesn't want to be disappointed should take that worst pack and give it the frontier treatment to show what is more likely to happen than a wonderful 12+ animal pack with an impressive free update.
There is a lot I think a free update could bring, but I would rather them work on more animals than a free update at this point.

But yeah, I’m trying to have some hope and give credit to Frontier, while also tempering my expectations and expecting the dlc to not be my thing. So I’m ping-ponging between feelings right now. I know a lot of people think the Jurassic World dlc could be bad news, but:

  1. That’s a different team (as far as I know)
  2. A new movie is coming out, they might make a third game to release alongside the movie.
  3. This is not their own IP, I find this to be very important.
  4. JWE2 may not be predicted to make the same money as Planet Zoo, especially with console coming out
So I’m not sure what to feel on that front.
There are 3 possible ways for the future of the dlc support for the pc version and I think they are quite dependent on how well will the console version sell:

1. One last dlc till the end of May, I don’t expect anything special just a regular dlc 4+1 or animal pack 7+1. DLC would be available multi-platform.
2. New DLC’s will come out regularly as usual until the March-May 2025 when the support for console will end and the financial year on May 2025.
3. Frontier will change the format of the dlc and will introduce us to something totally new.

Which outcome would be the most interesting for you?
Easily #2 is the best outcome by far. I would love one more year of support. Bring us to the 5th anniversary and show console players what’s to come! Also it’s weird to have a season pass, then just do one season? I feel like if things go well they might put future dlc on a new season pass.
Hmmm... I wonder why todays twitter post got deleted. It lead to a beginners guide but the beginners guide link also leads to a 404 error.
A total stretch, but if that happens at EA there is always a mini leak in there.
It can still be seen on the YouTube feed. But yes, the link doesn't work
Skærmbillede 2024-03-27 130358.png
There are 3 possible ways for the future of the dlc support for the pc version and I think they are quite dependent on how well will the console version sell:

1. One last dlc till the end of May, I don’t expect anything special just a regular dlc 4+1 or animal pack 7+1. DLC would be available multi-platform.
2. New DLC’s will come out regularly as usual until the March-May 2025 when the support for console will end and the financial year on May 2025.
3. Frontier will change the format of the dlc and will introduce us to something totally new.

Which outcome would be the most interesting for you?
Can I combine 2 and 3? Not that I think it's realistic, but I'd rather have 2 bigger multi-platform releases after a regular DLC now, maybe introducing aviaries and birds and monkeys and then an exhibit overhaul with moving mammals and a few fish and different exhibit sizes, then 5-6 "business as usual" packs at this point.
If support does go forward til March next year and the next pack is in May, the schedule will change resulting in us maybe getting the next one in August, then the final 2024 one in December.

It would be strange that they make all this extra money from the console release but only put out 1 more pack, I would think of the console port as a boost to keep going, but I could also see it as more funding for the new games coming out later this year.
That survey was....weird

Nothing important was said in there, the questions regarding the game where way to generic and unspecific or just kinda dumb for example do you like building a zoo in a zoo game? No no totally not

Is management important to you?
Well yes it would be, its my favorite video game genre but planet zoo is only a management game in its steam tags.

What was i suppoused to answer there?
Yes its very important to me but i literally do not interact with any "management" feature because most of them arnt management but tedium.

What do you buy new packs for?
Actually lists scenarios as an exclusive answer next to animals and scenery, as if anyone is gonna pick that.

Most of the survey would have benefitted alot from being able to assign numbers or having a text box to write in additional context, as rn the only informations that frontier got that arnt just the most generic and obvious stuff like that i think that animal variety is in fact very important in a zoo game (take notes frontier) is my personal information, that im a young addult from germany who enjoys mamagement and strategy games, aswell as league of legends.
It felt much more like they are trying to asses their audience range instead of actually trying to gather meaningfull feedback about their game

There are 3 possible ways for the future of the dlc support for the pc version and I think they are quite dependent on how well will the console version sell:

1. One last dlc till the end of May, I don’t expect anything special just a regular dlc 4+1 or animal pack 7+1. DLC would be available multi-platform.
2. New DLC’s will come out regularly as usual until the March-May 2025 when the support for console will end and the financial year on May 2025.
3. Frontier will change the format of the dlc and will introduce us to something totally new.

Which outcome would be the most interesting for you?
Most ideal? Probably #2.

Most interesting? Definitely #3. I’ve felt the pack format’s been a bit limiting for a while now. Switching it up would be nice!
There are 3 possible ways for the future of the dlc support for the pc version and I think they are quite dependent on how well will the console version sell:

1. One last dlc till the end of May, I don’t expect anything special just a regular dlc 4+1 or animal pack 7+1. DLC would be available multi-platform.
2. New DLC’s will come out regularly as usual until the March-May 2025 when the support for console will end and the financial year on May 2025.
3. Frontier will change the format of the dlc and will introduce us to something totally new.

Which outcome would be the most interesting for you?
I like number 3 the best, the format for dlcs over the last year has been rather predictable.
Most ideal? Probably #2.

Most interesting? Definitely #3. I’ve felt the pack format’s been a bit limiting for a while now. Switching it up would be nice!
I like number 3 the best, the format for dlcs over the last year has been rather predictable.
Honestly some new formats would be nice, obviously larger expansions would be great. I always thought mini packs would be very nice though.

Maybe you get a small $5 pack of only props, or maybe a $5 pack of 3-4 animals. No updates would come along with it, but it gives people individual options.

Here are some examples:

  1. Caribbean scenery: contains a small amount of scenery based around the Caribbean. Some new wall sets, as well as props such as steel drums. Contains some new plant species as well. Can also contain some peaceable coral rocks. $5 for maybe around 50-100 scenery props/ pieces
  2. Duck pack: $5 for 3-4 ducks. Only has one animal group, allowing Frontier to focus on one thing at a time.
I always though this would be nice, the game can get continuously new stuff while allowing Frontier to downsize the team so they can also focus on new stuff if they want to.
It would be strange that they make all this extra money from the console release but only put out 1 more pack, I would think of the console port as a boost to keep going,
I think people do tend to forget that making DLCs also costs money and that financially a port to console alone is a safer financial ROI than making new DLCs is. You need both less people to do a port and fewer types of dev profiles than you need to make new DLCs.

If they decide not to do more packs alongside the console release then it won't be strange or weird, but it will be because it was financially the better option.
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