Can you give me a link to the search you're looking at please?
Elite: Dangerous Index

Can you give me a link to the search you're looking at please?
I've looked into the CSV download, I screwed something up back when I refactored things last year which affected the station downloads. That should be fixed now.Update: It appears that the tourist route button works, I just needed to enter a starting point and range, then it loaded all the way-points. It just looked blank when opened initially. The CSV button still seems to do nothing.
I have some plans for colonization, but there's still a general lack of information about how it's going to work. I have a lot of pieces which I can put together once we get more concrete information but it's difficult to produce a good tool without specific knowledge of how it works.Thanks for the awesome website!
With colonization coming, players may want to run colonization-specific queries such as: Find all systems within X LY of a reference system that itself is 10 LY or less from a populated system, filtered out by systems that have N number of landables. Or filtered by which factions are present.
Are there any plans for adding such queries?
I source all the landmark data from Canonn. You can use their plugin to submit the data to them really like this tool and benefit from the many conveniences it provides. For example, the landmark data it provides for certain planets helps me find various signals that are otherwise hard to locate.
I recently explored the planet "Synuefe WU-C b46-5 A 1" and found signals on it, but there was no detailed information about these signals, so I specifically went to sample them. However, when I returned to the civilized area and sold the data about this sample signal, I found that "spansh" did not update the landmark data for the signal, only updating the signal status time (previously showing 1 year ago, now showing "Signals Updated 17 hours ago (February 21, 2025 at 9:10:23 PM)")
I use tools like EDMC, how can I upload the landmark coordinate data to "spansh"?
Thank you for your reply. I am using EDMC and EDMC-Canonn. It seems I need to ask over there.I source all the landmark data from Canonn. You can use their plugin to submit the data to them
I still have some questions.I source all the landmark data from Canonn. You can use their plugin to submit the data to them
EDSM gets all of your journals sent to it from EDMC. EDMC also transmits some of that data to EDDN (which I get) which does not contain the data for the landmarks. Canonn gets them straight away via the plugin but only generates an export of those once a day (at around 11am UK time).I still have some questions.
I arrived at the "Synuefe FR-L c24-21" system yesterday and scanned data on the B 3 A body.
Then I checked the data on Canonn and found that it had been updated.
Before I scanned, it showed that there was no detailed data on Geology and Biology for "Synuefe FR-L c24-21 B 3 a", only Count.Canonn Signals
Similarly, I also checked the related data on EDSM.
At the very bottom, it shows![]()
EDSM - Elite Dangerous Star Map
The Galactic Positioning System of Elite: Dangerous at your
"You have scanned this celestial body on 2/23/25, 9:06 PM
You have mapped this celestial body on 2/23/25, 9:16 PM, using 2 probes"
These two lines of text seem to be visible only to me?
It seems they updated the planet status and signal status? But did not record the detailed coordinate landmarks data of the signals?
Did Spansh not get the data from above? Or is the data just not updated so quickly? For example, updated once a day?
Hey Guys,
On the spansh webpage there is a tab with uploaded galaxy bodies data, is there a tool similar to EDDiscovery that updates data to Spansh?
Which means if you're running EDDiscovery and are allowing it to send to EDDN (the default) then you're already contributing.Spansh listens to EDDN.
This is because of how the original plotter (and the road to riches) work. However the bookmarked URL will work to give to other people and will bring you to a page which will bring up a new route (after 15 minutes) with updated information. The other plotters actually will do the same thing, even if the job ID doesn't change (the results are only cached for 15 minutes, after that the whole route will be regenerated).Job ID in /plotter/result changes despite no changes being made to Source System/Via/Destination System/Range/Efficiency. Thus preventing from efficiently bookmarking and copying/pasting the link.
Unfortunately that's going to require more than a few changes to fix. I will attempt to get something for it.Hey, not a bug per se, but a small problem I encountered -- was using the trade route finder, and it sent me to a destination that only had a small landing pad!
Since most stations can accommodate a medium-sized ship, having the "Large?" tickbox like is currently there is fine for most cases. However, if you could change it to a size selector (dropdown, radio buttons, whatever) and adjust the query accordingly, it'd help address the occasional instances like this one.