Patch Notes Update Update 1.1 Incoming - Clipper hot fix (1.1.01) 7.15 pm GMT

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Its always nice to have a fixes/tweaks/feats but we need desperately new weapons , ships , utils , tools, loads of customisations (hud colors for example )and all kinds of options. Please, and thank you.
Will issues reported to the PTS department for 1.1beta that are still New (not 'We Are Investigating' or 'Resolved') still be handled?

It would seem like overhead to have to report them again vs 1.1, but there's no way for us to update the department to the 'live' Elite Dangerous.
- Change supersampling options to store multiplier rather than mode
- Change graphics option screen to offer x0.75, x1.5 and x3.0 as well as the existing options
pls, can anyone explain what is meant with this?
any benefit for us triple-mon users?
Sure, Super Sampling (commonly abbreviated to SSAA) means rendering the graphics at a different resolution to your chosen output resolution, to either improve quality (normally used) or performance (rarely used), which the graphics card then samples down/up to the output res.

A few examples:
  • You have a monitor which displays at 1080P (1920x1080) resolution, and graphics hardware pushing 100+FPS normally
    • You can set SSAA at x1.5. The game renders at 2880x1620, then samples down to 1080P, for a drop in performance (~30-50%) but better graphics quality, i.e. cleaner and sharper
    • You can set SSAA at x2.0. The game renders at 3840x2160, then samples down to 1080P, for a drop in performance (~50-75%) but hugely better graphics quality, i.e. much cleaner and sharper
  • You have a monitor which displays at 1080P (1920x1080) resolution, and graphics hardware struggling to get 30+FPS normally
    • You can set SSAA at x0.75. The game renders at 1440x900, then samples up to 1080P, for a boost in performance (~25-40%) but lower graphics quality, i.e. slightly blurry
Hope that helps :)

Edit: Ninja'd by Mad Mike :D
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Try reconfigure graphics options. New settings appeared.

Not related to graphics. Game is fine in solo mode.

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From 1.1 Beta2:
>- - Remove seeking luxuries for now
Not turned on again at 1.1 Beta3 and not metioned at 1.1 Release notes.

If gone I need more popcorn for the new threads the next days ....

Gone for good, Michael commented they will look for new ways to provide opportunities for traders.
Wow, 1.1 is coming out faster than I expected... Good job team! Can't wait to see the changes. Got Baron with Empire last night... Now I might need to pick me up one of these Clippers, though I'm also interested in seeing the final results of the tweaking to the Python. See you all in space!

I welcome this change!

Haha, I scared the crap out of the cat laughing!
Not related to graphics. Game is fine in solo mode.

And it still happened in Open with the graphics options set to Low. There was a correlation here between send bandwidth (not choking my upstream, either) and frame rate.

Pecisk, did you get any hint of resolution on your ticket for this? Mine(34282) is Resolved, but only because support opened an internal bug report for it after I supplied verbose netlogs. However, I didn't see this problem again since the first night of 1.1 Beta.
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