Ships Best canopy/Hardcore Exploration Ship

I have been exploring in my ASP but due to canopy cracking up I am having to shoot back after only getting 11k ly out.
Thinking of doing some hardcore trading again to get a souped up Anaconda for my next trip out. Is it much tougher or is there another ship which has a stronger canopy and is more suitable for long range trips 1000's of light years from a repair shop?
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I have been exploring in my ASP but due to canopy cracking up I am having to shoot back after only getting 11k ly out.
Thinking of doing some hardcore trading again to get a souped up Anaconda for my next trip out. Is it much tougher or is there another ship which has a stronger canopy and is more suitable for long range trips 1000's of light years from a repair shop?

Never had an issue with the canopy cracking, traveled over 3000ly out with no issues and back again. Swap to an A5 Fuel Scoop and you can sit above the suns scooping fuel at 60% heat comfortably. Always travel with two B3 Auto-repair units for the modules too, swapped my shields to the 6 slot and use an A6 shield Gen. and fully loaded with two beam lasers and 4 gimble autocannons and get a 28ly jump 27ly laden
I have been exploring in my ASP but due to canopy cracking up I am having to shoot back after only getting 11k ly out.

Did you forget your fiberglass tape? Seriously - give it a big thump with your fist and if it holds, you're good. Just tape over it so it doesn't leak and it ought to hold you until you get home, or die, whichever comes first.
For exploring I use the class 6 slot for the fuel scoop and run with small shields, thrusters and power unit. No weapons.
Not had a problem with the canopy....
There is something very nerve-racking about the "canopy compromised" message my ships computer gives me! Thanks for the advice though but I still don't know if upgrading to a Anaconda is going to be stronger than the ASP canopy. Any Anaconda owners here who think its a better exploration ship due to hardiness?
I'm only a few weeks into the game but i never hat a problem with the canopy outside of a fight. How did you damage yours? I thought explorers have the least chance of pumping into other ships.
Violently dropping out of supercruise, as when getting too close to a planetary body, can compromise your canopy if you're unlucky. I think it's kinda random, I've only ever had it happen in my Vulture when I did a lot of interdicting and my hull was already down to 80%.
The only time I saw this was on my 5th jump in my Adder and I forgot to zero the throttle during the jump to the system. "Fuel Scoop Engaged" so quickly I couldn't blink, then "Heat Critical" and then bang, I was in normal cruise with a big red angry sparkly star staring at me.

I went back home...
thing is when you are visiting thousands of systems eventually the small chance of being forced out of super cruise becomes a eventual reality. Get too close to a neutron star or even just by being a bit careless fuel scooping and crack!
My throttle only goes down to 30 using the X key or even the key I set to -25%. Anyone know how to get it to "Zero"? :(
The only time I saw this was on my 5th jump in my Adder and I forgot to zero the throttle during the jump to the system. "Fuel Scoop Engaged" so quickly I couldn't blink, then "Heat Critical" and then bang, I was in normal cruise with a big red angry sparkly star staring at me.

I went back home...
My throttle only goes down to 30 using the X key or even the key I set to -25%. Anyone know how to get it to "Zero"? :(

In supercruise the slowest speed (0 throttle) is 30km/s, lateral and up/down thruster don't work, and you can't go backward.
You can set your throttle to 0 after the FSD countdown started, and you'll be at minimal speed at landing (30km/s) wich is enough to not take heat dmg from any known object, even neutron stars. Only problems are multiple stars close each other.
Of course 30km/s is not stop dead, so don't land on a neutron star and go walk the dog.

Regarding avoiding heat dmg, i found that class 6 fuel scoops are a must for the ASP, they really change your life.You can scoop superfast, when you align to something else. 6C is 1.7 millions wich, if I'm correct, is cheaper than 5A. 6B is 7 mil and something, total,ly worth it if you have some spare money. I guess than 6A is even better, but costing more than 20 mil would be unwise to fit in a 6.6 mil hull, unless ofc you have a lot of spare money.
Fuel scopps have 0 weight, so they don't hamper your jump range, and the 6 class really makes that difference on long exploration trips.
There is something very nerve-racking about the "canopy compromised" message my ships computer gives me! Thanks for the advice though but I still don't know if upgrading to a Anaconda is going to be stronger than the ASP canopy. Any Anaconda owners here who think its a better exploration ship due to hardiness?

Conda is hard, true. And you can build her to jump 39,4Ly. But still it's a flying barn (at least in SC) while in asP you feel you're 'closer' to the Universe due to view range. When you switch from Conda to aSp you feel like loosing 50 pounds in weight :). But to answer your question - I think Conda's canopy is harder but I did explore a lot in both of them and never had issue with cracking canopy in ASp. However in combat my AsP's canopy cracked entirely but Conda's not once.

Dunno, maybe I'm flying with caution...? ;)
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think im gonna grind for a anaconda like what your saying traveller and i have been to some of your discovered systems to. :)
I have been exploring in my ASP but due to canopy cracking up I am having to shoot back after only getting 11k ly out.
Thinking of doing some hardcore trading again to get a souped up Anaconda for my next trip out. Is it much tougher or is there another ship which has a stronger canopy and is more suitable for long range trips 1000's of light years from a repair shop?

I think the real answer is to learn to be more careful. If you get a cracked canopy after 11k ly out, having a sturdier ship is not going to help you, it sounds like you need to build more cautious habits when exploring. I think when I went to Sag A* and back, I got forced out of supercruise exactly once (by not being careful around a neutron star). There are systems that will force you out of supercruise on jump in, but they are extremely rare, and are unlikely to compromise the canopy on their own if you are a careful flier otherwise (they happen once out of many hundreds, possibly even thousands of jumps).

Anaconda has better range and might have a better canopy than the asp (this is unknown). However, it is a very slow turner in supercruise, which affects the efficiency of your system scanning, and it has very large wear and tear repair bills, too.
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Pretty much what Puca said regarding caution while out in the black.

I got pulled out twice while in a neutron field both through carelessness. It has not happened since because I got careful.

1. ALWAYS throttle back during countdown to jump.
2. After scanning a neutron/BH/White dwarf ALWAYS turn away from it before doing anythin
3. While scanning the above, no map checking or looking at 'anything else on your computer'
4. When scooping go no higher than 2/3 max rate of your scoop

Follow this, and your days of crashing into stars are fading away.

btw, Clipper seems to have a strong canopy and a glorious view :)
I think the real answer is to learn to be more careful. If you get a cracked canopy after 11k ly out, having a sturdier ship is not going to help you, it sounds like you need to build more cautious habits when exploring. I think when I went to Sag A* and back, I got forced out of supercruise exactly once (by not being careful around a neutron star). There are systems that will force you out of supercruise on jump in, but they are extremely rare, and are unlikely to compromise the canopy on their own if you are a careful flier otherwise (they happen once out of many hundreds, possibly even thousands of jumps).

Anaconda has better range and might have a better canopy than the asp (this is unknown). However, it is a very slow turner in supercruise, which affects the efficiency of your system scanning, and it has very large wear and tear repair bills, too.

Anaconda has more hull, but it makes difference in combat. Against the enrgy a star emits there's no real difference, and i saw a lot of pictures with damaged (serious percentage of hull lost) anacondas that met twin white dots from hell (aka binary neutron star).

So Puca suggestion is the best in the thread: you should learn to manuever more carefully, then from sidewinder to anaconda you can explore with ship that's properly equipped.
256 mils, Explorer Annie that I use atm:,,2-3I8S9Y8S2CD88I,53cmpZ7Q42jw2UI

Lightweight almost at max of its limits, shield generator weights only 2t, wich lowers jump range only by 0,14ly.... You can go without it as well. 39ly fully tanked, range up to 41ly with 25% of fuel... She aint need even stop for more than 10 sec during scoop for next jump.... Ultimate explorer ship.... W&T costs are about less than 10 mils at 0% hull, so most suitable for long trips only. I think it can travel more than 1000ly per hr. She can endure lots more "mistakes" than anything else too, and still safely continue the trip. Canopy seems solid on her.

There is quite few of star clusters on edges on our galaxly in all directions that require 40+ ly jumps to get into them...
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256 mils, Explorer Annie that I use atm:,,2-3I8S9Y8S2CD88I,53cmpZ7Q42jw2UI

Lightweight almost at max of its limits, shield generator weights only 2t, wich lowers jump range only by 0,14ly.... You can go without it as well. 39ly fully tanked, range up to 41ly with 25% of fuel... She aint need even stop for more than 10 sec during scoop for next jump.... Ultimate explorer ship.... W&T costs are about less than 10 mils at 0% hull, so most suitable for long trips only. I think it can travel more than 1000ly per hr. She can endure lots more "mistakes" than anything else too, and still safely continue the trip. Canopy seems solid on her.

There is quite few of star clusters on edges on our galaxly in all directions that require 40+ ly jumps to get into them...

You can easily do about 2500Ly/hr. I did something like 1000Ly/25min. with similar loadout (time measured ;) ). Strongest scoop is a must. And yeah - there are places where you need 40Ly+ jump range. :) And it's fun to become entangled in such a place. Must think hard to get out. :D
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