Horizons Is it FAIR?? COBRA MK4

Hello CMNR's and Developers. I'm a little bit angry! Is it fair that new players can not buy the new Cobra Mk4??

For example, I learned about the game quite recently and simply did not have time to buy the original Elite Dangerous. So I pre-order Horizons and I really love this game now. I never saw anything like this. I plan to stay in Elite for a long period of time (years). And now I face a discrimination (sorry but it is how it is) about permission to buy Cobra Mk4. There are not so many ships in this game and everyone of them is special. I don't care how good or bad it is. I saw many videos where people say that Cobra mk4 is worse that mk3 but my opinion with those who think that Cobra mk4 is the ship for planetary warfare and smuggling. So why I cant buy this ship if I want to? Is it my fault that I didnt know anything about Elite Dangerous before? How about other new players who just taking the first steps in the game??

From Horizons release the whole community will be divided in two separate groups: The Special One (who joined in the first year) and The Others. One group can do something that others can't. Is it really fair?? Is it that way which you want to choose to go? Guys from Frontier? What if the time will come when there will be a lot more new players than old ones? And when them will face the same question? I think that a lot of other players who will join the game in the future will feel discriminated and negative about this and your decision to make someone special. It is a bad brick to foundation of the project's future.

I agree that you wanted to reward those who was with you from 1 year. And that's a nice thing. But at least give the opportunity to buy this ship (Cobra Mk4) from your Frontier Store. And those who want it - will have it and you will get some bonus money for future development of the game. This will be fair. Answer me please.
If you want it that bad you can allways buy season 2 and then purchase the season 1 and you should get the cobra. I dont know if thats true or not or if its in the same realm of the artbook and free ships of our choosing for beta backers
OP don't worry, Cobra mk4 kind of sucks.
There was more than one thread on the beta forum about how it is worse than mk3 in every way...
Isn't this another duplicate thread?

In the case it is not...

I'm not sure about the fair aspect of it, but I do know when items are "gifted" as purchase of something that's otherwise not pay-to-win that isn't available to all players that don't purchase content, fluff, etc, we are being fed incremental pay to win - tumbling down that slippery slope. I've seen this in too many other games out there. The free gifts serves as incrementally feeding pay to win to the player base in a method of forcing you to accept pay to win in the game. Once it is on you, the fanbois all pipe up with, "You've been doing pay to win the whole time, and now you complain?". So for the record, I'm complaining now.

BTW I preordered horizons -- I have the ship. I'm still complaining, just want that documented for the future fanbois when/if P2W comes.
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No it isn't fair. In exactly the same way that the lifetime pass was around £30 if you came into Elite at kickstarter level and was £120 if you came in at a later point as I did. Is it also fair that x-box users can't play horizons yet? Is it also fair that there's no ps4 release at all.
Baseline what I'm saying here is that to please everyone you'll end up pleasing no-one. File it under life isn't fair.

Personally even though I have the LEP and therefore the Cobra IV I disagree with the exclusive thing. Timed exclusive sure (so if they make it accessible later) etc.
You may find that buying season 3 if you already own season 1 or season 2 will get you access to it, who knows what FDev's plan is.
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Hello CMNR's and Developers. I'm a little bit angry! Is it fair that new players can not buy the new Cobra Mk4??

For example, I learned about the game quite recently and simply did not have time to buy the original Elite Dangerous. So I pre-order Horizons and I really love this game now. I never saw anything like this. I plan to stay in Elite for a long period of time (years). And now I face a discrimination (sorry but it is how it is) about permission to buy Cobra Mk4. There are not so many ships in this game and everyone of them is special. I don't care how good or bad it is. I saw many videos where people say that Cobra mk4 is worse that mk3 but my opinion with those who think that Cobra mk4 is the ship for planetary warfare and smuggling. So why I cant buy this ship if I want to? Is it my fault that I didnt know anything about Elite Dangerous before? How about other new players who just taking the first steps in the game??

From Horizons release the whole community will be divided in two separate groups: The Special One (who joined in the first year) and The Others. One group can do something that others can't. Is it really fair?? Is it that way which you want to choose to go? Guys from Frontier? What if the time will come when there will be a lot more new players than old ones? And when them will face the same question? I think that a lot of other players who will join the game in the future will feel discriminated and negative about this and your decision to make someone special. It is a bad brick to foundation of the project's future.

I agree that you wanted to reward those who was with you from 1 year. And that's a nice thing. But at least give the opportunity to buy this ship (Cobra Mk4) from your Frontier Store. And those who want it - will have it and you will get some bonus money for future development of the game. This will be fair. Answer me please.

You won't see many Commanders flying it, and the consensus view is that it offers no advantage to your game progression. I bought one because I could, more as a collector's item, and it is handy for transporting more cargo than the Mk III, especially down to planets, but it lacks the speed. It has the ability to carry stronger weapons, but it is tricky to handle for getting out of trouble, say after interdiction.

The majority view in Beta seems to have suggested that the Asp is a better ship to aim for. Someone will correct me if I am wrong.
If you want it that bad you can allways buy season 2 and then purchase the season 1 and you should get the cobra. I dont know if thats true or not or if its in the same realm of the artbook and free ships of our choosing for beta backers
People that buy horizon get season 2 and season 1, last I checked anyone that has horizon will be able to get cobra mk4?
It was made available to those who already had Season 1, or had ordered Horizons, or lifetime pass etc. before Horizons came out. A pre-sale offer, not now available.


According to Update # 104 Don’t forget, Commanders who already own Elite Dangerous will also get access to an additional ship in-game, the Cobra MkIV, and are currently eligible for a £10 ($15) loyalty discount which will automatically be applied at the checkout when you buy Elite Dangerous: Horizons.

It’s not too late to introduce new players to Elite Dangerous for Christmas, you can gift the game here.
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Well I like my exclusive Mk IV, and it looks great in that midnight skin. ;)

To the OP, there are many other fine ships available.
Dude! Such is life, noone promised the life will be fair and just. Stop whining and take my Cobra MKIV, seriously, if I could, I would give it to you, its no miracle anyway :)


You will be able to get it eventually theres no way they will do all that work and not have it for sale later on. They have said other things were for a limited time and released them several times later (country skins) so they will most certainly release this ship for purchase or provide it free later on.
Hello CMNR's and Developers. I'm a little bit angry! Is it fair that new players can not buy the new Cobra Mk4??

For example, I learned about the game quite recently and simply did not have time to buy the original Elite Dangerous. So I pre-order Horizons and I really love this game now. I never saw anything like this. I plan to stay in Elite for a long period of time (years). And now I face a discrimination (sorry but it is how it is) about permission to buy Cobra Mk4. There are not so many ships in this game and everyone of them is special. I don't care how good or bad it is. I saw many videos where people say that Cobra mk4 is worse that mk3 but my opinion with those who think that Cobra mk4 is the ship for planetary warfare and smuggling. So why I cant buy this ship if I want to? Is it my fault that I didnt know anything about Elite Dangerous before? How about other new players who just taking the first steps in the game??

From Horizons release the whole community will be divided in two separate groups: The Special One (who joined in the first year) and The Others. One group can do something that others can't. Is it really fair?? Is it that way which you want to choose to go? Guys from Frontier? What if the time will come when there will be a lot more new players than old ones? And when them will face the same question? I think that a lot of other players who will join the game in the future will feel discriminated and negative about this and your decision to make someone special. It is a bad brick to foundation of the project's future.

I agree that you wanted to reward those who was with you from 1 year. And that's a nice thing. But at least give the opportunity to buy this ship (Cobra Mk4) from your Frontier Store. And those who want it - will have it and you will get some bonus money for future development of the game. This will be fair. Answer me please.

Don't be upset believe me, the Cobra MKIII is better....
The Cobra mk4 was a gift from FD to the players who came through with their bucks when the game had far less content than it has now, for players who spent twice the money to play ED than players who only purchase the game now..

It's definitively not "pay to win", as the ship is fairly poor, it does not give anyone any kind of advantage over other players, nearly everybody who bought the game before Horizons came out have far better ships now and barely any use for the Cobra mk4.

The first backers also get instant access to founder's world, one could argue about the fairness of it, but what is true is that they came up with their bucks when ED was not even a game yet. They believed in the game when it was far more incomplete than it is now, so yes they deserve a little present for it. Same for season one players and the Cobra mk4.
Don't be upset believe me, the Cobra MKIII is better....

Yes, this. ↑

I only pilot small ships in the game out of choice and even then the Cobra Mk. IV (being a small ship) still isn't worth getting. I actually prefer using the Vulture for exploration with the option of a little combat on the side and the Cobra Mk. III for occasionally trading rares with impunity thanks to its speed (being the fastest ship in the game).
People that buy horizon get season 2 and season 1, last I checked anyone that has horizon will be able to get cobra mk4?

According to the ED Update #104:

Don’t forget, Commanders who already own Elite Dangerous will also get access to an additional ship in-game, the Cobra MkIV, and are currently eligible for a £10 ($15) loyalty discount which will automatically be applied at the checkout when you buy Elite Dangerous: Horizons.

It’s not too late to introduce new players to Elite Dangerous for Christmas, you can gift the game here.
One mid range ship and we have the good old pay to win debate! Maybe we should suggest to FD that they invoice all players for the difference between what they paid and whatever the minimum amount that has all perks and create a level playing field. The other suggestion would be to contact FD support and ask them to invoice you for the cost of the missing elements (ship is only one thing, Alpha had a massive insurance discount, then there are the start options....). I am sure FD would be delighted for the additional cash and we can all move forward on a level playing field.
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