Hello CMNR's and Developers. I'm a little bit angry! Is it fair that new players can not buy the new Cobra Mk4??
For example, I learned about the game quite recently and simply did not have time to buy the original Elite Dangerous. So I pre-order Horizons and I really love this game now. I never saw anything like this. I plan to stay in Elite for a long period of time (years). And now I face a discrimination (sorry but it is how it is) about permission to buy Cobra Mk4. There are not so many ships in this game and everyone of them is special. I don't care how good or bad it is. I saw many videos where people say that Cobra mk4 is worse that mk3 but my opinion with those who think that Cobra mk4 is the ship for planetary warfare and smuggling. So why I cant buy this ship if I want to? Is it my fault that I didnt know anything about Elite Dangerous before? How about other new players who just taking the first steps in the game??
From Horizons release the whole community will be divided in two separate groups: The Special One (who joined in the first year) and The Others. One group can do something that others can't. Is it really fair?? Is it that way which you want to choose to go? Guys from Frontier? What if the time will come when there will be a lot more new players than old ones? And when them will face the same question? I think that a lot of other players who will join the game in the future will feel discriminated and negative about this and your decision to make someone special. It is a bad brick to foundation of the project's future.
I agree that you wanted to reward those who was with you from 1 year. And that's a nice thing. But at least give the opportunity to buy this ship (Cobra Mk4) from your Frontier Store. And those who want it - will have it and you will get some bonus money for future development of the game. This will be fair. Answer me please.
For example, I learned about the game quite recently and simply did not have time to buy the original Elite Dangerous. So I pre-order Horizons and I really love this game now. I never saw anything like this. I plan to stay in Elite for a long period of time (years). And now I face a discrimination (sorry but it is how it is) about permission to buy Cobra Mk4. There are not so many ships in this game and everyone of them is special. I don't care how good or bad it is. I saw many videos where people say that Cobra mk4 is worse that mk3 but my opinion with those who think that Cobra mk4 is the ship for planetary warfare and smuggling. So why I cant buy this ship if I want to? Is it my fault that I didnt know anything about Elite Dangerous before? How about other new players who just taking the first steps in the game??
From Horizons release the whole community will be divided in two separate groups: The Special One (who joined in the first year) and The Others. One group can do something that others can't. Is it really fair?? Is it that way which you want to choose to go? Guys from Frontier? What if the time will come when there will be a lot more new players than old ones? And when them will face the same question? I think that a lot of other players who will join the game in the future will feel discriminated and negative about this and your decision to make someone special. It is a bad brick to foundation of the project's future.
I agree that you wanted to reward those who was with you from 1 year. And that's a nice thing. But at least give the opportunity to buy this ship (Cobra Mk4) from your Frontier Store. And those who want it - will have it and you will get some bonus money for future development of the game. This will be fair. Answer me please.