Patch Notes Update Elite Dangerous: Horizons patch 2.0.04

Brett C

Morning Commanders,

We have an update incoming today. The galactic servers will go offline at 11AM GMT and will return within the hour (UPDATE: We aim to bring the servers back online at 12.30GMT - thanks!). Below are the patch notes to quench your changelog fever.

General Changes
  • Fix for crash when approaching some settlements (AZRAEL - SEARLE PORT)
  • Fixed a crash in drone component
  • Fix for crash during outfitting
  • Added guards for a door manager related crash
  • Fixed Mine/Missile malfunction causing the client to crash
  • Added guards to help prevent a Capital Ship related crash
  • Ensure cargo is transferred when re-buying a ship from an orphaned SRV
  • Limit Galnet to only displaying recent articles in the game
  • Fix Darnielle's Progress in the Maia system
  • Fix some names in local trading report news articles.
  • Stop requiring the Phekda permit to travel to that starsystem
  • Rank missions should no longer instantly fail for no apparent reason
  • Ammo store shouldn't show drones as purchasable if there is no stock
  • Galaxy map now remembers the previous Cargo Mass slider setting, unless enough real cargo is added to the ship to exceed the slider setting
  • Don't replot the current route just because the Galaxy Map is opened. Fixes the route being forgotten sometimes if viewing the galaxy map during FSD charge, and helps to avoid forgetting the in-system target at the end of the route
  • The SRV is now refuelled when it docks at a port
  • Fixed an issue when deploying the buggy to a garage in a port, the buggy started slightly below the ground.
  • Fix Imperial Cutter schematic

Client: Text Display
  • Translations updated.
  • Various text fixes.

  • Fix bug when determining network connection MTU causing assorted player-to-player connection problems.
  • Fix for network object ID exhaustion.
  • Fixed some missing Powerplay translations.

Server Side Fixes
  • Fixed some metadata mismatches causing server errors.
  • Fixed a server crash if a star system is being accessed while being deleted.
  • Various server performance and reliability improvements

Brett C

Hmm i´m missing plenty of long knwon bugs :(

1. SRV throttle forward bug
2. Crashes in RES
3. Sound graphics stutter after one hour in CZ
4. Rotating NPC
5. LOD texture and shadow issue
6. Black rectangles

and many more... :(

Some bugs take longer to fix simply due to the complexity and other outlying issues. In the development process, it goes something like this: Bug is posted on forums/Customer Support Ticket -> Bug is then inputted into our internal tracker -> QA investigates bug -> QA attempts to replicate bug -> QA sends replication steps over to engineering -> engineering attempts a fix for said bug -> Back to QA to validate or reject the applied fix in the code. If it fails, back to QA and Engineering loop. It's a long process. :)
Hmm i´m missing plenty of long known bugs :(

1. SRV throttle forward bug
2. Crashes in RES
3. Sound graphics stutter after one hour in CZ
4. Rotating NPC
5. LOD texture and shadow issue
6. Black rectangles

and many more... :(
I only had 2 and 4, and I suppose 4 is the stupid NPC AI.
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Some bugs take longer to fix simply due to the complexity and other outlying issues. In the development process, it goes something like this: Bug is posted on forums/Customer Support Ticket -> Bug is then inputted into our internal tracker -> QA investigates bug -> QA attempts to replicate bug -> QA sends replication steps over to engineering -> engineering attempts a fix for said bug -> Back to QA to validate or reject the applied fix in the code. If it fails, back to QA and Engineering loop. It's a long process. :)

The spinning AI ships must be one hell of a bug then :/


Volunteer Moderator
Hmm i´m missing plenty of long known bugs :(

1. SRV throttle forward bug
2. Crashes in RES
3. Sound graphics stutter after one hour in CZ
4. Rotating NPC
5. LOD texture and shadow issue
6. Black rectangles

and many more... :(

Maybe there are no fixes for those yet.


Ninja'd by Brett :)
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Hmm i´m missing plenty of long known bugs :(

1. SRV throttle forward bug
2. Crashes in RES
3. Sound graphics stutter after one hour in CZ
4. Rotating NPC
5. LOD texture and shadow issue
6. Black rectangles

and many more... :(

Glad 3 isn't just my rig problem...
General Changes
  • Don't replot the current route just because the Galaxy Map is opened. Fixes the route being forgotten sometimes if viewing the galaxy map during FSD charge, and helps to avoid forgetting the in-system target at the end of the route
Awesome, thanks! ^^

Server Side Fixes
  • Fixed a server crash if a star system is being accessed while being deleted.
What's this all about? o_O
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Some bugs take longer to fix simply due to the complexity and other outlying issues. In the development process, it goes something like this: Bug is posted on forums/Customer Support Ticket -> Bug is then inputted into our internal tracker -> QA investigates bug -> QA attempts to replicate bug -> QA sends replication steps over to engineering -> engineering attempts a fix for said bug -> Back to QA to validate or reject the applied fix in the code. If it fails, back to QA and Engineering loop. It's a long process. :)
Also -- and I don't know Frontier's process here so may be different, but I suspect not -- a lot of bugfixes will be made on the trunk, and only a few will make it onto the release maintenance branch. As the trunk and release branch diverge (which will be happening at quite the rate as the new 2.1 features go in) the effort required to backport bugfixes from trunk to release branch can increase substantially. In the worst case, a bugfix on one branch may require a separate implemention on another due to underlying changes in the code. That's why maintentance patches like this one will aim to fix major issues such as crashes, or bugfixes that are trivial to merge between branches.
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