Oculus Elite: The good, the bad and the ugly.

I wonder if turning off the HUD in the SRV would help with motion sickness - as long as you're just out for a Sunday drive and not collecting materials. My problem is going cross-eyed when the HUD, projected out in front of the SRV, intersects with the ground.

This is it for me. All holographic HUD elements should be set at the same distance, to match the distance to the front of teh SRV canopy. I think that would solve a lot of problems.
The opening of "OMG this is the greatest thing ever" is pretty much what every single person says when they first try VR, and that gives me huge hopes for its future. I've only gotten to play Elite with VR (the Vive, not Oculus) once, and I had the same reaction. A friend of mine has both the Oculus and the Vive, and a bunch of my friends and I went to his house to try it. They also had the HOTAS setup mirror Elite. Incredibly, every one of us felt that the pilot's in-game arm was our actual arm, since it moved in the same way we moved our actual right arm. It was a terrible shame that my friend's account only had a Sidewinder. I would've loved to see my Corvette's bridge in VR.
While I do not have a Corvette, I can tell you the cockpit in the Anaconda in VR is something else (but I WISH that Faulcon DeLacy would tidy up that cabling before delivering the ship). The cockpit is larger than my bedroom! I think that it would be possible to park a Sidewinder in there.
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The opening of "OMG this is the greatest thing ever" is pretty much what every single person says when they first try VR, and that gives me huge hopes for its future. I've only gotten to play Elite with VR (the Vive, not Oculus) once, and I had the same reaction. A friend of mine has both the Oculus and the Vive, and a bunch of my friends and I went to his house to try it. They also had the HOTAS setup mirror Elite. Incredibly, every one of us felt that the pilot's in-game arm was our actual arm, since it moved in the same way we moved our actual right arm. It was a terrible shame that my friend's account only had a Sidewinder. I would've loved to see my Corvette's bridge in VR.

You know you can log in with your own account on another PC, right?

Never mind, figured it out I think.

I too would be interested in having the option for choosing if Oculus app opened/ran when launching ED... as i want to configure all the controls in 2d and get used to it without VR first... but I don't understand how to achieve it from your post.. Will check back in this thread on return from hols.

Great to hear everyone's enthusiasm for ED VR.. certainly something to look forward to [yesnod]
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I too would be interested in having the option for choosing if Oculus app opened/ran when launching ED... as i want to configure all the controls in 2d and get used to it without VR first... but I don't understand how to achieve it from your post.. Will check back in this thread on return from hols.

Great to hear everyone's enthusiasm for ED VR.. certainly something to look forward to [yesnod]

I set it up and tried it out this morning. Works an absolute charm. So you create two shortcuts on your desktop. For one you enter the command 'net stop OVRService' and label the shortcut "Oculus Off", and for the other you enter the command 'net start OVRService' and label the shortcut "Oculus On" (n.b. I'm using the 'net' command rather than the 'sc' command because it waits until it's done it's job before closing). Next you have to open the Properties of each shortcut, click on Advanced and tick "Run as administrator". Then, if you want to run ED without Oculus you double-click the "Oculus Off" shortcut, use drkaii's EDProfiler to apply your non-VR graphics settings and bindings and then launch ED. Alternatively, if you want to run ED with Oculus then you double-click the "Oculus On" shortcut and again use EDProfiler to pick your VR settings (making sure that 3D is set to "HMD headphones") and launch ED. The only other thing you might have to do is pick the appropriate playback device from your audio settings (via a right-click on the tool tray speaker icon) to get the sound coming out of the right set of headphones.

I'll add these details into the first post here aswell.
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I've updated the OP with the details on how to turn Oculus support on and off via a desktop shortcut plus added a new tip to the "Bad" section concerning keeping the Comms panel open when trying to read Inbox messages.

I've updated the OP with the details on how to turn Oculus support on and off via a desktop shortcut plus added a new tip to the "Bad" section concerning keeping the Comms panel open when trying to read Inbox messages.


Read all posts about having to turn off the oculus service, don't have to do any of that, I just switch between 2d and VR using EDProfiler, exit ED completely, change mode and restart ED. I have a triple monitor setup and the rift into the 4th port on my 1080. Only problem I seem to have is the oculus service needs to be started and a cold PC start, need to look at that.
Read all posts about having to turn off the oculus service, don't have to do any of that, I just switch between 2d and VR using EDProfiler, exit ED completely, change mode and restart ED. I have a triple monitor setup and the rift into the 4th port on my 1080. Only problem I seem to have is the oculus service needs to be started and a cold PC start, need to look at that.

In order for this to work (i.e. if you've played ED in VR the day before and decide that today you want to go non-VR), were you able to simply launch ED from EDProfiler with 2D settings applied? Because what I found was that doing so would still open Oculus Home and start ED in VR mode. I'd then have to turn 3D off, quit ED and then re-start it again. All this stuff about stopping the OVRService is in order to prevent that happening and allow me to play non-VR ED with as little fuss as possible.
In order for this to work (i.e. if you've played ED in VR the day before and decide that today you want to go non-VR), were you able to simply launch ED from EDProfiler with 2D settings applied? Because what I found was that doing so would still open Oculus Home and start ED in VR mode. I'd then have to turn 3D off, quit ED and then re-start it again. All this stuff about stopping the OVRService is in order to prevent that happening and allow me to play non-VR ED with as little fuss as possible.

I swap between VR and 2d during the same play session, as great as VR is there are times, when doing a long run where I like to browse Inara or the forums so just park up, exit ED, switch to 2d mode and restart, so yes just simply launching from EDProfiler (sometimes EDFX).

2) Up until now I've been using the "Mouse widget" option to place a small dot in the center of my screen that I use for things like aligning my path through the mailslot. I've found that this no longer seems so useful in VR (for the same reason the mouse cursor doesn't really work in the 3D galaxy map) and have turned it off.

There's a little bit of good news for you. The usefulness of the mouse widget will be improved after the beta. Before the little dot was hovering uselessly just in front of your nose. In the beta they've got it back to where it was before, way way off in the distance in front of your ship.
I swap between VR and 2d during the same play session, as great as VR is there are times, when doing a long run where I like to browse Inara or the forums so just park up, exit ED, switch to 2d mode and restart, so yes just simply launching from EDProfiler (sometimes EDFX).

Huh, doesn't seem to work for me. I wonder if there's a thing where launching ED after booting up the PC will ALWAYS start up Oculus Home (which in turn then opens ED in VR mode) but where, if you've already done this once and then quit and re-start, it's happy to stay in non-VR mode. Are you able to simply switch your PC on and run 2D Elite or do you always start off in VR and only then decide to switch to non-VR?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to understand what's going on here. I don't think I'm alone in the behaviour I'm seeing (e.g. it was MAIN SEQUENCE who put me on to the OVRService thing so I assume he has the same issue).
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Huh, doesn't seem to work for me. I wonder if there's a thing where launching ED after booting up the PC will ALWAYS start up Oculus Home (which in turn then opens ED in VR mode) but where, if you've already done this once and then quit and re-start, it's happy to stay in non-VR mode. Are you able to simply switch your PC on and run 2D Elite or do you always start off in VR and only then decide to switch to non-VR?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to understand what's going on here. I don't think I'm alone in the behaviour I'm seeing (e.g. it was MAIN SEQUENCE who put me on to the OVRService thing so I assume he has the same issue).

From cold I get a box pop up with "Can't Reach Oculus Runtime", this is due to the service being stopped, odd as set to auto start and on my list to look at, for now just start it. Only had the rift since Friday and don't always go straight into VR, will do some tests when home tonight from a cold start trying starting VR first and vice versa.

Think the service being stopped on a cold start may have something to do with, when I fix that I may see the same issues.
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From cold I get a box pop up with "Can't Reach Oculus Runtime", this is due to the service being stopped, odd as set to auto start and on my list to look at, for now just start it. Only had the rift since Friday and don't always go straight into VR, will do some tests when home tonight from a cold start trying starting VR first and vice versa.

Think the service being stopped on a cold start may have something to do with, when I fix that I may seem the same issues you are seeing.

Cool, thanks! I think you're right - your service not-auto starting basically means your PC is initially in the same state as mine would be after I'd clicked my "Oculus Off" shortcut, which coincidentally means you're then able to fire up a non-VR ED profile with no problem.

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There's a little bit of good news for you. The usefulness of the mouse widget will be improved after the beta. Before the little dot was hovering uselessly just in front of your nose. In the beta they've got it back to where it was before, way way off in the distance in front of your ship.

In the category of "The Ugly", does anyone else get very occasional bright white flashes? It's almost like someone's taken a flash photograph of you (and no, my wife stopped doing that after the first few hours and has now finished ridiculing me on facebook so it's definitely coming from the headset). It's very sporadic and typically while I'm turning my head. It kinda feels as if one particular position has triggered it but if I try and carefully look back towards the area where it happened I can't seem to reproduce it - but then it'll happen again a few minutes later.
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In the category of "The Ugly", does anyone else get very occasional bright white flashes? It's almost like someone's taken a flash photograph of you (and no, my wife stopped doing that after the first few hours and has now finished ridiculing me on facebook so it's definitely coming from the headset). It's very sporadic and typically while I'm turning my head. It kinda feels as if one particular position has triggered it but if I try and carefully look back towards the area where it happened I can't seem to reproduce it - but then it'll happen again a few minutes later.

Yep, noticed that as well and glad not just me - seems to happen more in stations.

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Cool, thanks! I think you're right - your service not-auto starting basically means your PC is initially in the same state as mine would be after I'd clicked my "Oculus Off" shortcut, which coincidentally means you're then able to fire up a non-VR ED profile with no problem.

But after enabling it can switch between VR and 2d without any service stopping and starting, maybe trying setting the service to manual on your system and cold start it - seems odd though.
In the category of "The Ugly", does anyone else get very occasional bright white flashes? It's almost like someone's taken a flash photograph of you (and no, my wife stopped doing that after the first few hours and has now finished ridiculing me on facebook so it's definitely coming from the headset). It's very sporadic and typically while I'm turning my head. It kinda feels as if one particular position has triggered it but if I try and carefully look back towards the area where it happened I can't seem to reproduce it - but then it'll happen again a few minutes later.

Do you mean like this:

which ship are you in? The AspX has lights on the left and right canopy uprights and if you turn your head you can catch the god-rays coming off them (though I haven't noticed this in 2.2 beta so perhaps they've changed something).

Are you sure it's generated by the headset and not the game?
Yep, noticed that as well and glad not just me - seems to happen more in stations.

Thank god! I had a horrible feeling my headset might have a hardware fault. On which subject, last night I noticed that as well as being able to see light down through the nose gap (which I'm actually OK with) I could also see some light above it. I took the headset off and noticed that the face plate had pulled away at the nose and was basically flapping off the headset. "Oh god!" I thought, "It's already falling apart!". Much googling later and I discovered the whole "facial interface" (as it's called) is removable. Phew!



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Sounds a lot like that but this morning it was happening while I was just looking around the cockpit of my Python while docked at a planetary settlement.

Are you sure it's generated by the headset and not the game?
When I said "headset" i just meant that it was coming from inside the headset rather than from outside in my room somewhere.
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Thank god! I had a horrible feeling my headset might have a hardware fault. On which subject, last night I noticed that as well as being able to see light down through the nose gap (which I'm actually OK with) I could also see some light above it. I took the headset off and noticed that the face plate had pulled away at the nose and was basically flapping off the headset. "Oh god!" I thought, "It's already falling apart!". Much googling later and I discovered the whole "facial interface" (as it's called) is removable. Phew!

Did notice I need to work on getting a bulbous nose to fill that gap, shame drinking is so tricky with the headset on:)
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