Cmdr's Log Continued

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The first idea seems the better of the two - like you say that's a lot of data to enter otherwise.

Wasn't sure if the journal held coordinates of the systems that you had visited though, in which case it could be calculated on the fly.


I hadn't considered that, but the Journal system actually tells me the coordinate position of the main star for the system you jump into! I could include that in the system data and using that to calculate distances between systems is relatively easy!

(It also tells you the fuel used for the jump, and remaining fuel in the ship which is interesting, I might use that too)
About auto- updated lists an souch... will it be possible to add things manually? I'm asking because english isn't my language (as you surely noticed [big grin]) and in the original CommandersLog is used to 'translate' all the stuff in my own language.

Ah, and on the Screens i can se a 'donate- button' as well - good [yesnod]
About auto- updated lists an souch... will it be possible to add things manually? I'm asking because english isn't my language (as you surely noticed [big grin]) and in the original CommandersLog is used to 'translate' all the stuff in my own language.

Ah, and on the Screens i can se a 'donate- button' as well - good [yesnod]

Well, concerning the auto-update system I was going to just have it overwrite the local file since that's simpler, but I hadn't considered wanting to change the labels to a different language, which would mean you'd want the update to just add new entries into the existing list.

I can do that. It shouldn't be too difficult to merge the lists instead of overwriting and it'd definitely be worth it to do so.

I could also potentially allow reading text, such as table headers and menu text from a language file, and allow providing alternate files and a language option in the settings menu, thus allowing translating the entire application to different languages.
So I just learned about the Journal feature introduced in 2.2.

It's apparently a file where information about certain game events are output as a kind of log, such as docking, undocking, going into supercruise, exiting supercruse, FSD jumps and even buying and selling goods. I found out about this thanks to foxpur mentioning the G19s Companion app which uses it.
If you hadn't seen it...
Progress report, here's a shot of the commodity window!


Currently working on building the trade window.
Last edited:
Adding systems & stations now work. Added the beginning of the settings system and some rudimentary settings!

I'm hoping to have enough done to be able to enter beta this week!
I've created a repository on my GitHub account for this project, for ticket tracking! It has no code in it.

I've made a milestone for the beta and for the release, and I've added all the tasks I've been able to think of at the moment that will be required for each milestone.

You can see which tasks remain for the milestone and which have been completed. I will of course add more as I think of them!

I set this up primarily for me to keep track of what I need to do so I don't forget things, but also to allow you to watch my progress more closely should you want to, and most importantly for handling feature requests and future bug reports.

If you have one or more features that you'd like to see at some point feel free to add a ticket right away!
(If you're new to github you can do so from this page once you've created an account! You can still view issues without one.)

As you can see there is also a release milestone where I've already added a couple of things for the next stage.

Here it is! The first beta version!

You'll find this and future releases with downloads and information here:

Keep in mind that this is a very basic version of the application, and work will continue towards the release version, with more features and functionality, like more filtering options when generating trade routes!

If you find any bugs or issues, or have a feature request please submit a ticket on the issue tracker, or email me with the address you can find in the application!

I'm also going to be using this myself, so maybe I'll get some ideas for improvements along the way.

Here's a video about the application where I show how to use it, what the files look like etc, if you feel like listening to me ramble a bit It's a bit longer than I would have liked. I'm not super happy with it, but it works. My voice can't take any more re-takes right now and I want to post this. (I found a bug while trying to record this)

Now that there is a working baseline I'm going to be working on adding features and improving some things, like how the main window scales for example, and I will be adding shortcuts asap.

Although the application can be used with just tab and directional keys to choose availability. Are shortcuts still needed do you think?
This is mainly @foxpur with the VR thing!

Because that's pretty much all you do anyway, other than entering price and amount, and I could allow defining short-cuts for setting predetermined (numerical) values, but I'm not sure that'd be useful...
As for me, "tab" feature is all what I need.
I'm just quick looking on program (have no much time now), and first impression: it's great :)
Can you add commodities window size remembering? After closing application, window resets to default position.
Can you add commodities window size remembering? After closing application, window resets to default position.

That seems to be some kind of bug in the framework. It's supposed to remember the size and position for windows that I've given a unique id, but it's not. I'm going to investigate further and see if I can fix it, or if I need to report it and perhaps implement my own workaround for now.
Had a change to test it now a little bit and, although I know it's early beta I can say; great work so far [yesnod]

Nevertheless, if I may make some suggestions:

- As you seem to have enough space left, what's about an small info window on which we can make some short notices?
- I really would add 'System Controlling Power' or how ever it's called in English. This, because the Power controlling a system/station can in deed effect a market and its prices.
- I would add 'Planetary City' or how ever it's called in the 'Port Type' tab as it's really not the same as those small outposts [smile]
- Export/Import: I think this will be a useful thing to see which commodities a station is exporting / importing at a glance.
- 'Controlling Faction' can also be useful as it can also effect your gameplay.

And here is another thought of which I'm not sure of: Is there any relation between commodity- prices and their demand? If yes, wouldn't it be nice to have this formula working for us? And if not... are we really needing the options from Low to High?
Had a change to test it now a little bit and, although I know it's early beta I can say; great work so far [yesnod]

Nevertheless, if I may make some suggestions:

- As you seem to have enough space left, what's about an small info window on which we can make some short notices?
- I really would add 'System Controlling Power' or how ever it's called in English. This, because the Power controlling a system/station can in deed effect a market and its prices.
- I would add 'Planetary City' or how ever it's called in the 'Port Type' tab as it's really not the same as those small outposts [smile]
- Export/Import: I think this will be a useful thing to see which commodities a station is exporting / importing at a glance.
- 'Controlling Faction' can also be useful as it can also effect your gameplay.

And here is another thought of which I'm not sure of: Is there any relation between commodity- prices and their demand? If yes, wouldn't it be nice to have this formula working for us? And if not... are we really needing the options from Low to High?

These are all valid points, lets go through them one by one:

  1. If you mean a "notes" field for each station, sure, added to the task list
  2. This is already planned, and hinges on the redesign of the station list and separating stations and systems, but it's been added
  3. I've been looking for one in-game to see what it's actual name is, once I find one I will add it!
  4. I have a chart, I plan on displaying this data somewhere, I just haven't gotten there yet, not really a priority.
  5. Indeed

As for the supply/demand thing, it does affect the price, but I don't think it's the only thing that does. In simple terms, a low supply means that the product is rarer, which means more expensive to purchase, high supply means there's more, so it's cheaper to purchase. Conversely, low demand means they have a lot of it, and will pay less when buying more, high demand means they have very little, and will pay more to refill their stocks. Even if it was the only thing that affected price you still can't translate say Medium Supply into a fixed value, there are nuances to it, which is why price has to be entered manually. But you don't need to enter the price really. The point of the Low-High Supply-Demand structure is to be able to approximate the best trade routes, which is how the trade window works currently. For example the best possible result you'll get, not knowing the prices, will always be High Supply (cheapest buying price) to High Demand (Highest selling price). The prices can be entered optionally to show the potential profit (per ton, currently) for each trade route.
I hope that answers your questions about that!

As of this writing there are 25 open tickets on the issue tracker, each of which represents something that needs to be added or improved or fixed.

Currently the one bug listed has priority.
As for the supply/demand thing, it does affect the price, but I don't think it's the only thing that does. In simple terms, a low supply means that the product is rarer, which means more expensive to purchase, high supply means there's more, so it's cheaper to purchase. Conversely, low demand means they have a lot of it, and will pay less when buying more, high demand means they have very little, and will pay more to refill their stocks. Even if it was the only thing that affected price you still can't translate say Medium Supply into a fixed value, there are nuances to it, which is why price has to be entered manually. But you don't need to enter the price really. The point of the Low-High Supply-Demand structure is to be able to approximate the best trade routes, which is how the trade window works currently. For example the best possible result you'll get, not knowing the prices, will always be High Supply (cheapest buying price) to High Demand (Highest selling price). The prices can be entered optionally to show the potential profit (per ton, currently) for each trade route.
I hope that answers your questions about that!

Was expecting something like that, but thanks for explaining. :)

Did you plan to make it possible to put rare goods in the station- info in any way? For example: Choice 'Rare Goods' Yes it could open a small field in which you chan tipe in the 'rare good' and estimated tons/price - a small symbol in Stations/System field could show you there is some rare good in the system available. Why I'm asking for that? Because right now, the only possibility to track availabilities for rare goods is to make bookmarks in the starmap - which was cool BEVORE whe got all of these 'special spots' in the universe like the ruins and such... it would make 'rare good runs' much more easy to plan also I think?
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