2.3 Beta Release News (27th Feb)

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Blimey, reading some of the posts in this thread is embarrassing. I can only give the authors the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are young kids.

It'll be ready when its ready and putting such pressure on the devs over something so trivial isn't going to incentivise them at all. It's a game beta for Zarquans sake! Let them do their jobs.
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Blimey, the level of self-entitlement in this thread is a bit OTT.

Anyone who has been involved in software development will appreciate that sometimes planned deadlines are missed. This is because code is complicated and it's not always trivial to fix last minute bugs. So big respect to the developers who are working hard on this at the moment. Take your time - better to get it out when it's ready.

And to those complaining: Grow up - it's a game. A delay of a few days is not the end of the world. Go for a walk or read a book or something.
Blimey, reading some of the posts in this thread is embarrassing. I can only give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are young kids.

It'll be ready when its ready and putting such pressure on the devs over something so trivial isn't going to incentivise them at all. It's a game beta for Zarquans sake! Let them do their jobs.

Blimey, the level of self-entitlement in this thread is a bit OTT.

Anyone who has been involved in software development will appreciate that sometimes planned deadlines are missed. This is because code is complicated and it's not always trivial to fix last minute bugs. So big respect to the developers who are working hard on this at the moment. Take your time - better to get it out when it's ready.

And to those complaining: Grow up - it's a game. A delay of a few days is not the end of the world. Go for a walk or read a book or something.

Sums up my thoughts nicely.
Blimey, the level of self-entitlement in this thread is a bit OTT.

Anyone who has been involved in software development will appreciate that sometimes planned deadlines are missed. This is because code is complicated and it's not always trivial to fix last minute bugs. So big respect to the developers who are working hard on this at the moment. Take your time - better to get it out when it's ready.

And to those complaining: Grow up - it's a game. A delay of a few days is not the end of the world. Go for a walk or read a book or something.

Tee Hee. We posted the same thing at the same time!
Blimey, reading some of the posts in this thread is embarrassing. I can only give the authors benefit of the doubt and assume that they are young kids.

It'll be ready when its ready and putting such pressure on the devs over something so trivial isn't going to incentivise them at all. It's a game beta for Zarquans sake! Let them do their jobs.

Who is this Zarquan and have you any pamplets to hand out? :D


I use an application called QRM for financial risk modelling. Its specialty is that it will frequently fail to work, will tell you it has failed to work but then fail to tell you what failed, where it failed, which module the failure was in, which command failed, or give you any clue at all as to what your problem was/is/might be.

I love it. Really, I do.

Flying happily in Production 2.2, where the view is still fantastic
My boss just walked in on me and after watching over my shoulder for a moment, he asks: "why are you refreshing that page all the time?".
I said: "to see if the beta has arrived"
Boss nods and goes away. He doesnt have the slightest clue what i was talking about. :D

Pointy hair?
Blimey, the level of self-entitlement in this thread is a bit OTT.

Anyone who has been involved in software development will appreciate that sometimes planned deadlines are missed. This is because code is complicated and it's not always trivial to fix last minute bugs. So big respect to the developers who are working hard on this at the moment. Take your time - better to get it out when it's ready.

And to those complaining: Grow up - it's a game. A delay of a few days is not the end of the world. Go for a walk or read a book or something.

The level of lack of understanding that this is a paid for product is just as astonishing.

It is rather annoying this continuous throwing around of the word 'entitlement' when we're dealing with a business transaction.

I'm not sure if you people realise this, but these game developers and companies don't develop and give us these games out of the kindness of their hearts.

Proportion is something that not only do the people you criticise lack, but you yourself. As per usual sense lies in the middle. It IS a extreme the way people negatively react, as if somehow FD are doing this out of incompetence, or casual disinterest in the community-- but it's also extreme to suggest people should be thankful and just be quiet when things like delays happen; or just dismissing it as 'it's just a game'. Well, when your friend has a problem with his TV do you just dismiss him 'it's just a TV', as if this is some kind of great revelation to silence discussion.

Attack what people are criticising, rather than attacking criticism itself.
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Bloody hell,

I am flabbergasted that some of the folks in this thread, presumably grown men and women with responsibilities, are, apparently, so comfortable with acting like spoilt little brats on Christmas eve over a bloody beta for a computer game being a little late. Not content with that they dumbfound further by insulting those who do not have the attention span and patience of gnats as white knights and 'grandads', wow.
Blimey, the level of self-entitlement in this thread is a bit OTT.

Anyone who has been involved in software development will appreciate that sometimes planned deadlines are missed. This is because code is complicated and it's not always trivial to fix last minute bugs. So big respect to the developers who are working hard on this at the moment. Take your time - better to get it out when it's ready.

And to those complaining: Grow up - it's a game. A delay of a few days is not the end of the world. Go for a walk or read a book or something.

Can I just ask this as I am not (and never have been) a developer (and not been to developer school so don't know) - Is there a developers code that you all sign up to, that says when it goes wrong (and for some that will be a lot) we all counter gank the venting public with standard phraseology that can start with "You have no idea how hard developing is.." or "I've been a developer for [insert impressive number] years..." sort of a "All for one and one for all sort of mentality?"
Yeah, best to not pursue this any further. :)

A clever man once said...

Wise words to heed ;)

When you've got nothing left to say attack the poster indirectly through someone else's post (a post written in error by the way) and throw in an overused quote to look intelligent.... wise words indeed.
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Eh, What can you do.... just take your time so that it's an awesome experience for everyone. Better to wait a year and have something that works, than wait a day and have something that is broken. If the Beta pass is available on the store I plan on buying it, so this will be my first Beta. I look forward to it :) Keep up the good work FD
Zarquon is an ancient prophet who is the focus of a religion, one whose believers await the Second Coming of Zarquon. Zarquon's name is often used as a sort of swear phrase among people in the galaxy, particularly Zaphod Beeblebrox.

Please don't ask who's Zaphod Beeblebrox!

In case anyone is wondering Zaphod Beeblebrox was the Galactic President. Think of him as a cool hippy version of Trump with two heads.
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