What would it take to stop you playing Elite?

I did drift away for quite a while when combat was buffed- I couldn't do it and my FGS got fried in about 10 seconds by an engineered Adder. Then a Sidewinder obliterated my spare FDL with repeated plasma blasts. Fdev did sort this (in all fairness quite quickly), they even refunded people the rebuy(s) paid, but it coincided with Civ VI coming out. By the time everything got nerfed and combat was possible for a wet blanket like me I'd already wandered off.
I'm back now but if my ship got routinely interdicted, destroyed and I couldn't realistically either run or fight back, well, that would see me off I guess.
As an aside I'm fine with HazRes being REALLY dangerous, with wings of engineered Anacondas, I can simply stay away, just not in general play.
Welcome CMDR's,

Time for another seemingly pointless question from my befuddled mind...

We are mostly all aware of the features that we'd like to see or are on the '10 Year plan' and many of them are very exciting potentially game changing. Legs etc. But although developers like to read this kind of stuff and how hyped we get for it I was wondering the opposite. What would possibly make you want to stop playing or at least question the amount of time you spend in game.

Now this could be anything, some may not be overly thrilled about legs or how it might be handled but what would make it a game breaker for you and don't just focus on the legs thing as I've mentioned it. Maybe you are dreading something else such a atmospheric planets being limited in the area available to fly in?

For some there may well be nothing that would make you consider stopping/dropping Elite and that's fine too but the reason behind this thread is to see what you do not want - i.e. provide a bit of feedback to Frontier about potential potholes to be avoided or done better then planned/expected.

As always keep it clean and have fun - there is nothing wrong with having an opinion that differs from others as long as we don't bash each other over the head with pointless insults ;)

stop completely....... I think removal of oculus rift support is probably about the only thing. (I am going to assume I am safe from a subs model)

radically reduce my playtime....... removal of PG support or removal of content in PGs,

There are other things which could decrease my interest as well, (instant ship transfer was a huge near miss from my view, and I am scared FD are charging towards making the game cater to "must have everything asap and to hell with if it makes any sense to the game lore" which is also a big turn off.).
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The main thing that has reduced my game time is the Beige(ing). I'm not going to stop playing, but there is less for me to enjoy with the lack of diversification in the galaxy.

I'm not sure if I'll ever stop completely, this is a game I drop in and out of...

Even if they messed up Space Legs, there would still eventually be Atmospheric planets (or the next update) that would inevitably get me to try the game out again.

I could tell you what would make me play this game MORE than drop in/drop out though. That's something to really invest in, such as a much more enhanced & involving, casual friendly, powerplay.
Playing Mass Effect 3 in preparation for playing Mass Effect Andromeda. Andromeda is reported to be bigger than the other 3 combined so that should pretty much carry me through for many months. I don't have the luxury of binge playing so the content should last a long time for me.

Horizons has been a let down for me personally. The next announcement needs to be a huge exploration one, or I will be pretty much done until things change. Summer is also just around the corner and my time shifts to outside activities and ED isn't even a blip on the horizon when warm weather hits.
I'll decide when the roadmap for the next season drops. If the pace continues and - again - no real gameplay is added or existing mechanics are fleshed out, i'll quit.
Microtransactions for credits or other in-game non-vanity bonuses.

A player-ran economy and all the cheating and gold farming which comes with it.

Removing solo and private group modes.

Those would do it for me. I love the game, but cannot stand monitisation.

I have played for 2½ years.
My camel's back is really straining with the addition of galaxy wide instant telepresence.

Why on earth are you wasting time on the forums?!
I'm not sure if I'll ever stop completely, this is a game I drop in and out of...

Even if they messed up Space Legs, there would still eventually be Atmospheric planets (or the next update) that would inevitably get me to try the game out again.

I could tell you what would make me play this game MORE than drop in/drop out though. That's something to really invest in, such as a much more enhanced & involving, casual friendly, powerplay.

I will tag on to thisone.
Stopped several times, or perhaps paused is a better term.
Sometimes for several month', somtimes for a few weeks.
I do that with other games too.
And when i play it's for an hour or 2 of casual exploring or trading, just to tickle my space game senses for a while.
I haven't played ED as my "go to" or mainstay game for about 2 years now.
It didn't quite turn out as i had hoped for it would, and i realized early on that it never will.
No harm done, still enough to get small doses of entertainment from it.
Subscription would definitely make me stop for good though. My attachement to ED is way too loose that i would want to spend any money to keep it.
I could easily let go if that were to happen, no chance in hell it ever will anyway, imo.
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