Why didn't you dismiss your ship and then recall it?...
I ended up having to self destruct SRV
Why didn't you dismiss your ship and then recall it?...
I ended up having to self destruct SRV
So what are the dumbest moments in Elite, that are totally your fault.
I've been running some passenger trips lately as the money is good, last night I checked one out at the station viewed the destination on the galaxy map plotted the route then took off. Few jumps later I'm in the system and check with the contract to see the final destination.... the contract ain't there!! I had totally forgot to accept the passenger after plotting the route.
Actually that happened twice last night. [wacko]
On my trip to Sagittarius A*, which was around 1000 jumps, the only damage I took was because I accidentally performed an emergency drop from SC. I tried to engage FSD but didn't have my next system selected so it did nothing. I tried again and ended up in normal space with damaged hull and a long FSD cooldown.
On that same trip I was really close to running out of fuel. I had some extra fuel tanks so that I could jump 8-10 times before needing a refill and once I just kept jumping without checking the fuel gauge. When I finally checked it it didn't show anything at all - as in not even a single pixel, the main tank was completely empty. I felt VERY relieved when I found my current system had a scoopable star.
Once I was backing out of a station slot in my Cutter (I had the bug where there was a NPC ship on my assigned pad) and managed to collide with and destroy another CMDR flying a T7. The station didn't shoot at me (maybe it was anarchy or just because I wasn't going fast) so I survived without any damage but felt really bad about it. Not sure how to prevent that without a rear view mirror though :-(
Hehe, "lithobraking", I like that.Here are the results from unplanned lithobraking on HD 148937 3
Well, the dumbest one was losing 5 ships in one afternoon trying to assault planetary bases for modified embedded firmware based on outdated information.
Landed at a barnacle site and dismissed my anaconda ... directly into the Farragut capital ship above me. Took 5 or 6 terrifying bounces til she got around the side. No hard feelings from the Feds thankfully.
Plotting mission destination and not taking the mission... more times than I'd like to admit