PvP An incident in open

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A question about open,
I play a mix of open / private / solo and last night I was on alone and decided to play open. I enjoy seeing other Hollow square boxes on the screen and some of the local chat. I was flying to my home system to turn in some missions as well starting to buy some new Power Play mats for ZH. On my way home I was interdicted and told there was a blockade and I could either high wake out or get blown up. I thought cool; let’s see how my piloting skills are. I salute; turn to run and low wake out. So I saw the box once again on my radar and once again I am fighting interdiction. This time I submit, and with all pips to engines, I low wake again. I am determined I’m getting home. The determined blockade protector also kept coming. I tried to keep him guessing, I would drop super cruise, and just fly till I saw him in the instance then I would once again low wake out and this little cat and mouse kept going all the way back to my orbital. I dare say it was fun and more exciting than the usual fly here, drop this off and fly back get credits.
So I get to my station, request docking, and make sure I am under 100 speed limit. I do see the FDL on screen and was curious what he would do. As soon as I entered the toaster he rammed me, taking out the remaining bit of my shields, I applauded his tenacity but was curious why the station wasn’t going to do anything about it. Then when I was near my landing pad, he proceeds to push me off course of my pad, got underneath me and started ramming some more. I could not land and was taking big damage.
This is where the immersion was broken, The station was idly watching this happen and because we were both under 100 they would not do anything. I could not do anything except let him keep ramming me. If he bested me out in space, I would happily let him destroy me. That is why you play open, but to me this guy took it to far and was abusing a lack of control in a station. So I exited the game.
My questions
(a) How would you handle this situation?
(b) What could I have done other then let him ram me to death in the station?
I like PvP encounters and will not cry foul over any of the encounter out in space but my evening was tainted and I decided after logging back in and turning in missions, I was done for the night. I was thankful I was in my engineered python and credit it for keeping me alive.
Call me whatever names you want, I am just looking for options here and to listen to some peoples thoughts on this? If the consensus is I am a bad person for logging out, so be it. I will take my pounding next time and be a better person for it.
Thanks for listening.
Unfortunately you encountered somebody who was not capable of accepting when he had been beaten fairly (yes, you were informed of a blockade, you tried to run it, and I would say you were successful). In such a case I would log out, switch to Solo, and complete the run. If I wanted to 'taunt' your tormentor (I will NOT call them a Player, as they did not accept when they had lost) I would then (while docked) switch back to open and let them know you had landed safely (without resorting to questionable language).

There are people who just want to see the Galaxy burn, and you encountered such a person. Players accept when they were fairly beaten, persons cannot make this distinction.
A question about open,
I play a mix of open / private / solo and last night I was on alone and decided to play open. I enjoy seeing other Hollow square boxes on the screen and some of the local chat. I was flying to my home system to turn in some missions as well starting to buy some new Power Play mats for ZH. On my way home I was interdicted and told there was a blockade and I could either high wake out or get blown up. I thought cool; let’s see how my piloting skills are. I salute; turn to run and low wake out. So I saw the box once again on my radar and once again I am fighting interdiction. This time I submit, and with all pips to engines, I low wake again. I am determined I’m getting home. The determined blockade protector also kept coming. I tried to keep him guessing, I would drop super cruise, and just fly till I saw him in the instance then I would once again low wake out and this little cat and mouse kept going all the way back to my orbital. I dare say it was fun and more exciting than the usual fly here, drop this off and fly back get credits.
So I get to my station, request docking, and make sure I am under 100 speed limit. I do see the FDL on screen and was curious what he would do. As soon as I entered the toaster he rammed me, taking out the remaining bit of my shields, I applauded his tenacity but was curious why the station wasn’t going to do anything about it. Then when I was near my landing pad, he proceeds to push me off course of my pad, got underneath me and started ramming some more. I could not land and was taking big damage.
This is where the immersion was broken, The station was idly watching this happen and because we were both under 100 they would not do anything. I could not do anything except let him keep ramming me. If he bested me out in space, I would happily let him destroy me. That is why you play open, but to me this guy took it to far and was abusing a lack of control in a station. So I exited the game.
My questions
(a) How would you handle this situation?
(b) What could I have done other then let him ram me to death in the station?
I like PvP encounters and will not cry foul over any of the encounter out in space but my evening was tainted and I decided after logging back in and turning in missions, I was done for the night. I was thankful I was in my engineered python and credit it for keeping me alive.
Call me whatever names you want, I am just looking for options here and to listen to some peoples thoughts on this? If the consensus is I am a bad person for logging out, so be it. I will take my pounding next time and be a better person for it.
Thanks for listening.

Sounds like you did the right thing to me. No need to reward the plum!
I wonder if it was a blockade of ONE? And what's the bet the FdL Commander probably started bragging to his friends (that is if he has any) how he 'owned' the OP. Seriously, at times I wish we had a public KoS list so we can hunt these types of players down.
Loitering Is A Crime Punishable By Death

Issue is, he need only request docking permission, and then he has longer than the OP to dock and to grief him on their landing pad, and prevent them from docking!

That said, if you're on someone elses landing pad?
Thanks for the replies. I have been in that system for 2 weeks now and have not heard or seen anything of a "block aid" so I am guessing it was a party of one. "Loitering Is A Crime Punishable By Death", I'm curious if my hull could of held out before the station started attacking him?.
As soon as he gave me the choice to fight or run, I would have either fought him, or logged out and into solo. I applaud you for sticking at it, and in the end you did the only thing you could. I wouldn't have been so patient.

Thanks for the replies. I have been in that system for 2 weeks now and have not heard or seen anything of a "block aid" so I am guessing it was a party of one. "Loitering Is A Crime Punishable By Death", I'm curious if my hull could of held out before the station started attacking him?.

Is it eravate? If so, they have been there for a week or so, out of school hours, after they've finished their chores and homework, naturally. ;)
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Issue is, he need only request docking permission, and then he has longer than the OP to dock and to grief him on their landing pad, and prevent them from docking!

That said, if you're on someone elses landing pad?
He having docking permission should not allow him to loiter over OP pad and prevent him from landing. I am not sure why he wasn't fired upon - maybe because OP didn't wait for long enough for loitering become a more than warning.

Deleted member 38366

Basically you've encountered an old issue : the lack of Traffic Management and enforced Traffic Deconfliction inside protected (Air)space such as inside or around Stations etc.

It was suggested a very long time ago but ignored. You basically paid the ultimate price for that, years later (mind if I say : precisely as predicted).

Currently there's absolutely nothing one could do, as there are no Scripts in place to detect and determine non-weaponized Attacks such as ramming below 100m/sec.
The Game has no means to identify "Hostile Intent" and "Hostile Action - non-Weaponized" weighted against a CMDR's History and Track Record, thus it can't and won't do anything.

It all falls apart at exactly this point, allowing CMDRs to do things which damage & destroy other vessels with complete impunity - right inside an Ocellus Starport in a High Security System.
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He having docking permission should not allow him to loiter over OP pad and prevent him from landing. I am not sure why he wasn't fired upon - maybe because OP didn't wait for long enough for loitering become a more than warning.

I can't recall what the loitering time is? 20 -30 seconds?

I guess if the OP had kept that in mind, and had the Hull/Shields he could have whethered the griefing and then enjoyed the show?
That's combat logging and you should be banned for it. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or something similar. Don't know, I am just joking, but that's what some people are going to tell you.
a) Keep trying to dock
b) Ram back and body slam him on to your pad. If done right, he has only 30 seconds until the station starts to shoot him.

It isn't like the station isn't watching and just idles but it doesn't react instantly to harmless ramming incidents. He gets warnings for pad loitering and 30 seconds to leave that spot. Alternatively he can cancel docking request to get an additional 90 seconds, which is a stupid mechanic TBH. But yeah, a maximum of 2 minutes you need to sustain before he gets blown up or leaves you for docking. Gets worse with wings as they can swap whenever they feel their time is running out.

To counter this you can equip bigger shields, a SCB or push him off the pad yourself. There are many ways to do it. Main requiernment: proper defensive equipment.
That's combat logging and you should be banned for it. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or something similar. Don't know, I am just joking, but that's what some people are going to tell you.
Yeah, they will, but no one (of actual importance) cares about combat logging for years - so meh.
Makes for a hell of a story to be sure, that's what Elite is all about. I do agree through, I wish stations were a bit harsher. I can speed all I like with no concequenses, Players can exploit them the way they did in OP's situation, and AI seem to be completely exempt from any sort of mailslot priority (I fly a Beluga or Type 9, wait my turn, go to exit and there's ALWAYS a cheeky little Hauler that cuts in front of me through a 3m gap -_-
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a) Keep trying to dock
b) Ram back and body slam him on to your pad. If done right, he has only 30 seconds until the station starts to shoot him.

It isn't like the station isn't watching and just idles but it doesn't react instantly to harmless ramming incidents. He gets warnings for pad loitering and 30 seconds to leave that spot. Alternatively he can cancel docking request to get an additional 90 seconds, which is a stupid mechanic TBH. But yeah, a maximum of 2 minutes you need to sustain before he gets blown up or leaves you for docking. Gets worse with wings as they can swap whenever they feel their time is running out.

To counter this you can equip bigger shields, a SCB or push him off the pad yourself. There are many ways to do it. Main requiernment: proper defensive equipment.

whilst i accept there are probably ways to stop the rammer from getting what they want via tough builds etc...... for me personally, and the OP it seems, its just totally 4th wall breaking. In a game as bit and complex as Elite, for those who care about verisimilitude and immersion (yes i know the i word that some thing should be banned from here!) seeing this kind of nonsense happening just kills the game. the vast majority of folk can play within the spirit of the game and NOT take advantage of every loophole in the games ai / rules... but sadly a small minority wont... and my money is on those who wont are also those who do the crack train rubbish, or did the 5:1 exploit and have ships completely built to do just this kind of thing, which makes me suspect if the op had hung around, he would have been blown up long before the rammer finally set the station defences on him.

years ago bungie handled this quite well. there were a number of obvious exploits in halo... (Reach i think it was), those who frequented the forums knew what they were, but rather than bungie "fix" them and potentially throw the baby out with the bath water by annoying the 99% of legit players, they had a system where IF they caught / or were sent a video of a player using the exploits, they were banned.

epic did the same with gears of war, submit a video and they would wield the ban hammer......

FD are just too tolerant imo... some people on here have said "you cant ban me, i paid money i can do what i want" (not exact quote)................... but that is not true.... bungie happily banned folk from halo, epic happily banned folk from gears of war 3.

I submitted plenty of videos, and sure enough, it may have took some time (presumably they had to have more than 1 complaint before acting) but eventually you would see a recognisable name show up on the forum moaning that "I just had my character wiped" or "i just had my account banned" and i never cheated ever honest!..... (sometimes with a "but perhaps my brother / son / dog did something") to which the response was "tough...."

or failing that, after a while you would just notice that the regular expoiters just would not be seen any more..

FD are too nice for their own good imo and worry too much about upsetting a few and end up upsetting the many instead.
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