PvP To all my generous patrons... an advance apology

Dear Traders,

I've tried to hold out for as long as I could and embrace the sacred ways of gentleman's piracy. I've had a never-shoot-first policy, I always wait a good 30 seconds for a response because some type slower than others, I have forgiven an initial boost or two away until you see I mean no harm, I've even spared the souls who tried to fight me and then later surrendered when their hull got low. I've seen all manner of shenanigans from those I pull over, from faking keyboard troubles until their drive is charged, to stalling me with friendly chatter and questions until authorities or friends arrive to help them escape.

But I'm afraid I can no longer abide by such docile ways. With the numbers of log offs (combat or otherwise) and straight up rude responses to my polite requests I've now seen (and it only seems to keep increasing!), I feel it is time to institute a more aggressive approach. For those that have enjoyed our little encounters as I have, and there have been so many I can't keep track of all your names, I apologize upfront for any forthcoming damages.

From here on out, I feel I must simply shoot first, hope to disable, and then resort to hatchbreakers. Alas, I have grown tired of seeing ships simply disappear while I'm waiting for a response, and the rude non-compliance, leading inevitably to destruction and frustration for both of us. If you could see some of the vile things I've been called... Truly, I don't want a murder bounty any more than you want to be murdered! But if we aren't going to be reasonable about my request for 10 out of your 400 vegetables, well then I guess I'll just have to blow out your frameshift, drives, point defense, weapons, and hatchbreak as much as I can get out of you. It will mean more lost cargo, and it will mean far more costly repairs. But a hungry pirate family has got to eat! You've all but forced my hand! No longer shall I be giving you traders the benefit of the doubt. From now on I feel I must assume you are all obstinate, pirate-hating runners who have no wish to engage in a simple friendly exchange.

To the one out of five who are as genial as I've tried to be, I sincerely appreciate your manner, but you have now been regretfully warned...

Yours truly,

A former gentlepirate
Personally, I'm all for what somebody on here characterised as "smash and grab piracy". The idea that cargo ships should be expected to willingly stop and surrender cargo is silly, as is the idea that pirates should be expected to not try to take it by force.

As long as you're remaining focused on getting your hands on the cargo and not destroying traders, you're all good as far as I'm concerned.
Dear Traders,
With the numbers of log offs (combat or otherwise) and straight up rude responses to my polite requests I've now seen (and it only seems to keep increasing!)

You're expecting too much from ED players with this in-character approach to what's essentially stealing $1.45 from a Salvation Army bell ringer's change pot with a sticky glove.

OP, I commend you to sticking true to your chosen fantasy role in the game. But please, don't get upset when others don't share your swashbuckling ideas of the universe. In fact I just don't get the whole PvP Piracy thing. Just because you want to be a pirate, don't expect everyone else to rejoice and willingly dump their cargo just because you asked nicely. For some out there, that cargo could be the difference between buying that new ship they have been working towards and yet having to do another bunch of cargo runs. Or your interdiction could be the final straw that broke the camels back and your intended victim disappears forever into Solo.

Just a question, why does your targets have to be players and not NPCs, maybe because the NPCs will often immediately fight back (just guessing here)? Here is another question: I would envisage that you would incur the odd bounty due to your actions, would you like it if everyone playing Bounty Hunter chased you down every time you ventured out of a station, and all you see is rebuy screen after rebuy screen? After all they are just playing their role in the game just like you are.
OP, I commend you to sticking true to your chosen fantasy role in the game. But please, don't get upset when others don't share your swashbuckling ideas of the universe. In fact I just don't get the whole PvP Piracy thing. Just because you want to be a pirate, don't expect everyone else to rejoice and willingly dump their cargo just because you asked nicely. For some out there, that cargo could be the difference between buying that new ship they have been working towards and yet having to do another bunch of cargo runs. Or your interdiction could be the final straw that broke the camels back and your intended victim disappears forever into Solo.

Just a question, why does your targets have to be players and not NPCs, maybe because the NPCs will often immediately fight back (just guessing here)? Here is another question: I would envisage that you would incur the odd bounty due to your actions, would you like it if everyone playing Bounty Hunter chased you down every time you ventured out of a station, and all you see is rebuy screen after rebuy screen? After all they are just playing their role in the game just like you are.

Oh don't mistake me here, I fully appreciate another player's choice to play the game how they want to, and that vision of the game might not include me (as a pirate). But then I really must ask, if this is your preferred environment, why not just go solo/private? To answer one of your questions, I actually wish there were *better* ways for bounty hunters to find me and do their jobs. It is part of the reason why I only play open, even when I'm not pirating. I really don't understand why one would choose to enter the dangers of open only to log off at the first sign of player interaction, even before any clear intent has been communicated. Why not save us both time and skip playing open? That is exactly why there are other modes available.

And I don't expect rejoicing to meet my demands, but I would like to expect some level of maturity in handling a situation that has arisen because a choice was made at the very first screen after launching the game. I choose to play in open for the unpredictable danger. You won't catch me cursing out my attackers or logging off because they are simply doing what they have chosen as their role in response to what I've chosen as mine.

But I'm tired of wasting time waiting for responses to negotiate (because I don't want to take something that would ruin their mission, for example) only to be met by rage or watching ships disappear because I didn't immediately initiate combat. I'm trying to do my job, and by being a part of the open universe, you have a small chance of being part of that job. But from now on, I'm no longer granting the benefit of the doubt.

Also, as to your other question, the main reason I used to choose players was precisely for the negotiations and often quite funny interactions. NPCs are dumb, will never allow for a peaceful negotiation, usually stupidly sit there ineffectively tickling my shield so that I have to kill them just out of annoyance. They present almost zero challenge or interest. I once got 3 cargo off a player in a cutter while in my Imperial Eagle through sheer persistence and charm. That was a fun encounter and is something no NPC can come close to. In fact, most of the friends I've made in this game are former victims of my piracy who appreciated the interesting interaction as much as I did. But I digress...
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Combat logging is why I don't do piracy any more. I left the Code then got invited into SDC a long time ago, and haven't looked back.

There would be a lot more pirates and a lot less gankers if combat logging wasn't a thing (or if frontier actually punished it, which they don't)
Dear Traders,

I've tried to hold out for as long as I could and embrace the sacred ways of gentleman's piracy. I've had a never-shoot-first policy, I always wait a good 30 seconds for a response because some type slower than others, I have forgiven an initial boost or two away until you see I mean no harm, I've even spared the souls who tried to fight me and then later surrendered when their hull got low. I've seen all manner of shenanigans from those I pull over, from faking keyboard troubles until their drive is charged, to stalling me with friendly chatter and questions until authorities or friends arrive to help them escape.

But I'm afraid I can no longer abide by such docile ways. With the numbers of log offs (combat or otherwise) and straight up rude responses to my polite requests I've now seen (and it only seems to keep increasing!), I feel it is time to institute a more aggressive approach. For those that have enjoyed our little encounters as I have, and there have been so many I can't keep track of all your names, I apologize upfront for any forthcoming damages.

From here on out, I feel I must simply shoot first, hope to disable, and then resort to hatchbreakers. Alas, I have grown tired of seeing ships simply disappear while I'm waiting for a response, and the rude non-compliance, leading inevitably to destruction and frustration for both of us. If you could see some of the vile things I've been called... Truly, I don't want a murder bounty any more than you want to be murdered! But if we aren't going to be reasonable about my request for 10 out of your 400 vegetables, well then I guess I'll just have to blow out your frameshift, drives, point defense, weapons, and hatchbreak as much as I can get out of you. It will mean more lost cargo, and it will mean far more costly repairs. But a hungry pirate family has got to eat! You've all but forced my hand! No longer shall I be giving you traders the benefit of the doubt. From now on I feel I must assume you are all obstinate, pirate-hating runners who have no wish to engage in a simple friendly exchange.

To the one out of five who are as genial as I've tried to be, I sincerely appreciate your manner, but you have now been regretfully warned...

Yours truly,

A former gentlepirate

Well I understand, but I want to point out that you are simply adding to the reasoning behind the people that do log out and insult and such.
They are likely doing so because of prior experiences with not so gentle pirates.

So yeah...
Lots of understanding for the OP's sentiment. As much as brainless Pew-machines annoy me, I can understand the frustration from going the extra mile and having nothing to show for at the end of the day.

I do love how the finger wagging already has started. If it weren't for the griefers, there wouldn't have been so many combat logs! If it weren't for so many combat logs, there wouldn't be so many griefers. For some reason I am reminded of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Bottom line is, it's the pillocks who ruin it for the rest of us. There's a symbiosis there, one feeding of the other. Goddamn, I used the word symbiosis. Whether the pillock has a loose connection or a loose trigger finger is irrelevant.

Going: they started it, is reasoning that belongs in kindergarten.
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I really admire what you're doing OP, bringing us some civilized piracy and it sounds like fun.

How do you disable your prey without destroying their ship and before cops show up?

I'm asking in case I would want to do a little bit of piracy myself. I don't want to send the other guy to the rebuy screen unless I have to, but I have no idea how to disable a ship without blowing it up in the process.
Well I understand, but I want to point out that you are simply adding to the reasoning behind the people that do log out and insult and such.
They are likely doing so because of prior experiences with not so gentle pirates.

This is true, and I used to believe that maybe with time and some reputation, things could get a little better. But these days, I'm pretty convinced that people often do these things not because they've actually had any bad encounters themselves, but because of the culture surrounding the game, on the forums, reddit, and in player groups. There is a lot of knee-jerk fear/anger out there I guess. And I'm not saying it is or isn't justified in general, but after you keep getting lumped in with griefers, psychopaths, or thoughtless murderers for so long and are treated as such, despite all efforts to distance yourself, it begins to feel pointless to try, even if I hate the thought of giving in to it.

Lots of understanding for the OP's sentiment. As much as brainless Pew-machines annoy me, I can understand the frustration from going the extra mile and having nothing to show for at the end of the day.

I do love how the finger wagging already has started. If it weren't for the griefers, there wouldn't have been so many combat logs! If it weren't for so many combat logs, there wouldn't be so many griefers. For some reason I am reminded of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Bottom line is, it's the pillocks who ruin it for the rest of us. There's a symbiosis there, one feeding of the other. Goddamn, I used the word symbiosis. Whether the pillock has a loose connection or a loose trigger finger is irrelevant.

Going: they started it, is reasoning that belongs in kindergarten.

Thanks for this Ziggy, you're right it is the old chicken or the egg problem. And I do hate the thought of contributing further to the already fraught situation just because I personally ran out of patience. This does carry the potential to reinforce the issue, rather than whatever small amount of positivity I may have been spreading. However, I did actually end up having a few more positive encounters last night after posting this that restored some of my faith in humanity, so maybe I'm not totally fed up yet. BUT I AM CARRYING HATCHBREAKERS NOW EITHER WAY, SO JUST TEST ME, I DARE YOU! ;)

I really admire what you're doing OP, bringing us some civilized piracy and it sounds like fun.

How do you disable your prey without destroying their ship and before cops show up?

I'm asking in case I would want to do a little bit of piracy myself. I don't want to send the other guy to the rebuy screen unless I have to, but I have no idea how to disable a ship without blowing it up in the process.

Thanks, and I encourage you to give it a try!

I probably shouldn't give up all my trade secrets here, but I'll private message you some tips. If you ever wanna wing up at some point too, just let me know.
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Don't get fooled by the twisted description of "proper piracy" that the forums are trying to feed everyone. It's a lie.
You're a gentleman if you don't explode their ship after they comply and give you the cargo you asked for. That is, literally, the only thing.
Don't get fooled by the twisted description of "proper piracy" that the forums are trying to feed everyone. It's a lie.
The notion that there is a forum consensus on what proper piracy entails is indeed a lie.

So whatever you do, if someone tells you
You're a gentleman if you don't explode their ship after they comply and give you the cargo you asked for. That is, literally, the only thing.
realise that this is, literally, just an opinion.


I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
Lots of understanding for the OP's sentiment. As much as brainless Pew-machines annoy me, I can understand the frustration from going the extra mile and having nothing to show for at the end of the day.

I do love how the finger wagging already has started. If it weren't for the griefers, there wouldn't have been so many combat logs! If it weren't for so many combat logs, there wouldn't be so many griefers. For some reason I am reminded of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Bottom line is, it's the pillocks who ruin it for the rest of us. There's a symbiosis there, one feeding of the other. Goddamn, I used the word symbiosis. Whether the pillock has a loose connection or a loose trigger finger is irrelevant.

Going: they started it, is reasoning that belongs in kindergarten.

Yup. Well put. :)

OP: Don't give up! I do appreciate your dilemma, but I can say I find it way more fun to be pirated in the 'gentlemanly' fashion. :)
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In my opinion this is an argument to split "Open" into "Open PvP" and "Open PvE".

To me, "Open" is NOT an exclusive PvP mode. It's a mode literally open to all, PvP and non-PvP alike.

The problem experienced by the OP is when non-PvPers who want to play *with* other players, play in open - as they are perfectly entitled to do - get PvP imposed on them and decide to log off to avoid it. That's really their only option.

Yeah, yeah, I've read the argument that they should go off to Solo or PGs, but if you're a newish player, and you want to play *with* (but not *against*) other people, then Solo is out (obviously), and PGs are out too, since a newish player won't know of any groups. Open is their only option, and if they don't want PvP, then logging off is also their only option.

It really is way past time Frontier split Open into "Open PvP" and "Open PvE" and put both options right where Open currently is. The two play styles simply cannot co-exist without generating copious quantities of salt on both sides. Split them up, and keep both groups happy.


Will kill the immersion, not in many ways if any can this be implemented other than having soft population control like in Mobius. Fdev will need to remove mode violators to open pvp, while the latter will complain that it was a mistake etc. Investogstions and time waisting.
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