Is Anything Left To Improve In Horizons?

Missions need a lot of work, judging by the Beta. Granted, the separate server hasn't come on line yet, so maybe they will be improved at the same time as this introduction.

Of course, mission 'improvement' is going to mean different things to different players. I'm hoping for greater variety, with varying loadouts, and branching missions that make sense. We will see.
Some visual QoL stuff:

1. Persistent Ship Damage. At least the paint wear is persistent, but why does my ship look otherwise brand new when I land at a station (or just enter SC) and my canopy is blown out and I have 50% hull left? I always forget to look at the damage when it happens!

2. See Stations from Super Cruise. On some planetary outposts/settlements, you can make out details from almost 200km away in orbital cruise, and you can really make out details on all of them from 100km. But when I fly by a station at 10km, it's still just a little white dot - but fly 10km away in normal space and it's still a big space station. You should even be able to make out some ships from SC, in some situations, and this would include some USSes and NAV point.

3. The HUD is looking very outdated and cartoony. I thought it was pretty great 4 years ago, but with everything else looking so realistic, the HUD has become a little disappointing. I'm not sure what can be done about it. Maybe different looks for different cockpits/manufacturers? Also the ability to customize colors (but I understand that may be technically difficult due to the way they are handling HUD colors).

I'd also like to see any reference to telepresence removed from the game. If they won't replace it with some meaningful game play, then just leave any answers to any questions up to handwaivium - but that'll never happen.
I believe FD has tweaked lots of things since Horizons first dropped. They've spent this last year improving things in this version of it (which is a good thing, I believe).

They've done improvements in QOL items and graphics. What's left to improve in it? Or do you think it's time for them to move on to something more juicy? DLC's involving atmosphere? DLC's with legs? DLC's with story plots that you can choose to play or ignore?

I think the playing field has been created, the lawn has been trimmed, and grid lines nicely set and improved. I believe it's time for something juicy. Toss in a ball and let's play something.

What do you think?

You must be joking. Most of the features introduced in Horizons are broken or terrible. Beyond mostly fixed up a small subset of the undercooked features from BEFORE Horizons. There's plenty of placeholders which could be replaced with real things, and I'd love it if they kept on doing "Beyond" style updates for everything. But yeah sure go ahead and let's plop in another layer of empty "me-too" features and do just enough that you won't technically be lying if you say they exist in the game. It's worked great so far.
- mission rewards/ payouts
- weapons
- defensive modules
- NPCs
- REZs
- CZs
General improvements:
- Multicrew (usability, in addition to Wings, NPC crew)
- PvP/ Powerplay
Multicrewif anything, that NEEDS to be taken care was a core feature of horizons, and its the only thing they haven't improved in beyond.actually, they have treated those who want to use multicrew like EA currently does its customers...
I'm hoping they look at multi-crew too.Used to be you couldn't fly bigger ships without the required complement.
They've certainly done a good job...
Still, depends on where you focus and what you think the issues are.
I've gone on at length about NPC improvements and limpet controllers recently - both things I feel should be worked on. Whether they constitute things that should be part of Horizons is a bit unclear - I'd probably go no for NPCs at this stage but a big yes to limpet controllers. Very unlikely we'll see those things though, perhaps some hope for the new year and a new season (or however they want to name their ongoing updates).
Gripes about those things aside I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next, atmospheric planets? Gas giant game play? More SRV's? Space legs? I expect some or much of what appears to be paid DLC and it will be interesting to see how the game develops. You have to wonder about dropping the base game and forging ahead with one platform.
So, exciting times.
I expect some or much of what appears to be paid DLC and it will be interesting to see how the game develops. You have to wonder about dropping the base game and forging ahead with one platform.
I hope you are wrong on these two points.Game is perfectly playable as a base game.Horizons is much more playable,and has more features, sure, but you really don't need those features in order to play a thoroughly enjoyable game.
Shame they didn't add more game play to planetary landings with more choices of SRV to compliment the game play. Power Play also needs looking at, as does CQC - maybe adding it as an in-game feature.

I'm certainly looking forward to tomorrow, particularly the new exploration tools.

I believe FD has tweaked lots of things since Horizons first dropped. They've spent this last year improving things in this version of it (which is a good thing, I believe).

They've done improvements in QOL items and graphics. What's left to improve in it? Or do you think it's time for them to move on to something more juicy? DLC's involving atmosphere? DLC's with legs? DLC's with story plots that you can choose to play or ignore?

I think the playing field has been created, the lawn has been trimmed, and grid lines nicely set and improved. I believe it's time for something juicy. Toss in a ball and let's play something.

What do you think?
Wrong game :D

No, it is not... :p

NPC crew. What is the point of three crew slots and multiple SLFs if you can only launch one at a time?

Also, Elite: Dangerous is a rubbish name.
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