I was just listening to FD's DW2 livestream from last week. On the subject of servers handling the load, Ed used phrases like "they've got it covered" and "there's no need to worry". I think from long experience we all now know that, at times of high server load, FD have quite simply NOT got it covered, there is good reason to worry and I honestly don't see this situation ever being resolved or remotely "covered". I came to accept a long time ago that Elite: Dangerous is a Mediocrely Multiplayer Online game and to be honest the only thing that bothers me these days is when FD's community managers suggest otherwise.
Sorry - that's a bit of a downer for a first post from me on the Monday morning after the DW2 launch. I wish DW2 all the best and I know it'll be a stunning event that many people will treasure for years to come as one of their great video gaming experiences - but people should try to keep any dreams of stable mass jumps or meet-ups with trouble-free instancing firmly in check. Elite: Dangerous has proved time and again not to be that game so I'd like to suggest that commanders new to this sort of stuff keep their expectations of any Massively Multipler interaction firmly in check.