The Block Bug Exploiting of Fleetcomm.

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Agreed that Open Blocks should apply to Comms only.

If you want to play alone or with a select group of friends, then [Solo] and [PG] are already there for you. Exploiting player blocks in Open PP & CG's, if this is indeed a forthcoming feature, would be gamebreaking.
I agree that blocking shouldn't require friending people. What I'm not clear on is how there's the concept of a "valid reason for blocking". I think if we take a position that it's ok to shoot anyone in open for any reason, then the natural equality to that is that it's ok for anyone to block anyone for any reason.

What blocking should do, that's another story. I always thought it was a comms block only until the recent noise around it happened. I kinda figured that a comms block only is a bit limp and pointless. But if the blocks start messing with instancing then it gets a bit more messy. Is all this instance messing contributing to the recent server issues, for example, because the matchmaking servers are having to do a lot more work than was intended? Hopefully not, but who knows?

ETA: I just tested and you can block from the history window, so no need to friend people if you've been instanced with the person. All's well.
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This is a bit of a change from the way block used to work :

You had to have been instanced with people to block them before.

I can't honestly say I think its a bug or exploit though. The block option must have been deliberately added to the friends panel as did the ability to block people in your pending requests list.

Obey Wheatons law and you've nothing to worry about.

As for the leaders of DW2 advising its use specifically to counter players using dirty tricks against explorers, you reap what you sow. Seems perfectly fair to me.


Comms became a bigger issue with the system chat. Because the DG2 players made system chat pretty much unusable with their constant spamming during peak evening times, players have started blocking them in larger numbers to clear out their chat from spam.

I was at the launch of wp3 for DW2 last night. Seriously, the most spam was coming from a certain character made famous by a certain Ms. Rowling and his brethen trying to coax players to 'play' with them.

Block has nothing to do with DW2, don't be trying to lay the blame there, when we all know why block was introduced.

And if comms are an issue for you, you know you can turn them off?
Quite agree op.

It is clearly wrong that you have to send a friend request before you can block someone.

You should be able to just block them without sending a friend request first.

Sort it out FD before it causes any more salty tears from the armchair lawyers who are suffering from all these cancelled friend requests.

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That would make sense if your interaction was by itself an overpowering one. As it is, all modes are equal, something peeps seem to think is going to change but would require reneging on the kickstarter.

There are many players, all advancing their goals in different modes, with different skill sets. And the numbers make any one individual player's activity negligible.

And let's be honest here; My interpretation of the OP, is that they're miffed that their DW2 prey are wise to them and blocking them en'masse. Something I applaud.

i agree, just chiming in with my little worry, as it seems to be a good place to do so. OP has made a rep for them selves (so i hear, not watch their work much) but i don't what the issue to be thrown out just because it was presented by the OP and peoples personal dislike of them.

yes, this relates to DW2 and Op (or someone they know) being banned in this way, but it dose expose the issue, and that whats important.
''As it is, all modes are equal,'' Remove ban list from all :)
I was at the launch of wp3 for DW2 last night. Seriously, the most spam was coming from a certain character made famous by a certain Ms. Rowling and his brethen trying to coax players to 'play' with them.

Block has nothing to do with DW2, don't be trying to lay the blame there, when we all know why block was introduced.

And if comms are an issue for you, you know you can turn them off?

Note that I wrote DG2, not DW2. DG2 is "Distant Ganks".

Edited my post to make this clearer.
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I agree that blocking shouldn't require friending people. What I'm not clear on is how there's the concept of a "valid reason for blocking". I think if we take a position that it's ok to shoot anyone in open for any reason, then the natural equality to that is that it's ok for anyone to block anyone for any reason.

What blocking should do, that's another story. I always thought it was a comms block only until the recent noise around it happened. I kinda figured that a comms block only is a bit limp and pointless. But if the blocks start messing with instancing then it gets a bit more messy. Is all this instance messing contributing to the recent server issues, for example, because the matchmaking servers are having to do a lot more work than was intended? Hopefully not, but who knows?

ETA: I just tested and you can block from the history window, so no need to friend people if you've been instanced with the person. All's well.

I don't think this is the problem... Apparently... The mission server was moved to a dedicated server. Now the missions server takes ages to do anything, and I highly doubt the missions server is interfacing with the comms, or other servers.

So the server problems are nothing to do with instancing. In fact, at DW2 last night the issues were not instance related but pure PC to Game issues. Unless its checking instances as soon as you click play..
Classic Streisand Effect right there. But maybe Swizzy should just open a few more threads like this while we're at it.

Exactly. I had a look at the OP's proof and the list being circulated in flleetcom for blocking is SDC's own kill tally of explorers on DW2 which they uploaded just for the salt. Seems to have backfired quite badly.

Like the time they invaded mobius and lost their PMF's assets in Wolfberg.


Few years back a well known player group who practiced pvp stated there were lists of players they deemed Kill On Sight...their crimes ranging from being cloggers to forum warriors they wanted taken down a peg or three.

The pve community answered the call and started making their own lists of well known griefers fer the purpose of letting as many others as possible know whether to block them or not.

None of those lists appeared on this forum because its against the rules to do so but it does have to be said, wasnt the carebears who started this list making, it was the pvp groups who used to boast about having KOS lists. Fer ever action there is reaction and to me it simply says ye reap what ye sow...working as intended.

Sounds more like the griefers dont like a level playing field as the dw2 private groups were ready fer them and they dont like it...let the tears flow. Most would love to play in open but the toxic nature of some open players means that solo and group feels like the naughty step sometimes...feels like a punishment fer playing nice while in open the inmates appear to run the asylum along with FD blessing that their toxicity is a valid way of playing the game.

Personally I play in solo and couldnt care less who likes it or not...and yes I have seen very detailed lists of pvp player groups individual players. Ive also seen pvp KOS lists that could be seen as encouraging more griefing. Either both sides are wrong or nobody is...which it is will depend on what side of the fence yer on while solo players like me are just amused by it all ^
The need to send a friend request before blocking someone is rather strange problem, admittedly. You don't need to do so when blocking through the contacts history or the comms, so the need to do it through the menu is odd. Probably just a minor, if annoying oversight for both sides of the function.

The potential problem with Power Players blocking each other to prevent interactions, though. That certainly could become an issue. Especially as it's suppose to be, at least to my knowledge, an Opt-In pvp activity. (You know, giving yourself an actual "I want to PvP" tag.)
Though it should also have a fairly easy fix, at least conceptually: Is the Blocker and Blockee both signed up to a power play faction? If Yes: ignore the block status of the blockee. If no: let things stand as they are.
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