Article: "Elite’s Distant Worlds 2 expedition proves the game is wildly unbalanced, and that’s OK"

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Meh... I'd still argue it is imbalanced.

I reckon you should be able to choose between a fast, lightweight build that's fragile, but jumps far and should be able to outrun almost anything (but can't fight to save its life....)
Or you can build a ship stacked with weapons, shields, reinforcement packages, shield boosters, shield-cell-boosters that can give and take a pounding (but should be heavier and less agile)

Or a compromise build somewhere in between.

As it stands, you can effectively build a 'tank'-like ship with no compromise on firepower or shields/hull, that's retains enough agility and speed to outrun and destroy most lightweight explorer craft builds. That makes no sense to me, from a balancing (tanks are rarely fast or agile) or realism perspective.

Agree very much about tanks should never be agile or fast.
I am just laughing at the misrepresentation of the pvp community here. Using Iridium wing as a basis for The best PvPers in the game is just a joke. Those guys get stomped by The 13th Legion and those who know how they operate will understand what that means.

I'm not conversant about either of those groups. But to call anyone or any group "the best" there should be some sort of objective mechanism to measure that. And you're missing the point they were making--Iridium specifically tries to help the more helpless commanders out there against the mental midgets in the game whose solitary purpose is to kill for no reason other than their jollies. So, in that context, Iridium Wing may very well BE the best at what they do. Does 13th defend the defenseless?
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Board I the only one who started a new commander from scratch and could buy and outfit a phantom in less than a month using regular game mechanics? (Missions, trading, exploration, rescuing people from attacked stations)
Agree very much about tanks should never be agile or fast.

Well, unless you're claiming the algorithms are totally hosed, even with engineered thrusters the more you tank your ship the slower and less agile it's going to be. Every configuration is a choice. Every combination of engineering is a choice. If I had any complaint/suggestion it would be that the insurance cost that a victim incurs when a ganker destroys them be automatically deducted from the ganker's account. This is essentially how auto insurance works, so it's not a foreign idea. It won't stop them from killing other players, but they might be more measured in their attacks if it consistently takes huge chunks out of their account. Right now, the crime and punishment piece, while improved, relies on pirates/gankers getting caught in order to make them pay bounties/fines. If the insurance piece was automatic (and there's no reason why it can't be) then victims don't lose money unnecessarily and gankers feel the pain immediately. Victims still would have to respawn and would lose cargo, but I maintain that at least reasonable risk should still exist.
Board I the only one who started a new commander from scratch and could buy and outfit a phantom in less than a month using regular game mechanics? (Missions, trading, exploration, rescuing people from attacked stations)

I hadn't even heard of that until LATE last year, when someone suggested I visit Dav's Hope. Out here in Colonia, there's no reason or opportunity to use such a tactic.
The old adage in gaming, attributed to Warren Spector during the development of Deus Ex 2, states that “anytime reality gets in the way of fun, fun wins.” For companies that develop MMOs, however, that’s not always good advice.

The irony of Spector making that comment in relation to Invisible War, one of the most disappointing sequels in the history of gaming, strikes me every time I read it. He'd have done better to state 'Every time you're thinking of dumbing down your epoch-defining PC game to shoehorn it onto a console, don't do it'. * :D

* Note - that's in relation to consoles at the time that game was in development (turn of the millennium) not today. Before any of you start.
I see the problem, the writer opens the article stating that ED is a MMO.
It's only PARTLY a MMO.
After 5 years you'd think this would be self evident, esp for a gaming mag, or whatever e-mags are called.
"It's unbalanced but that's ok." Wow, that right there is some pretty sad commentary.

This is just the headline. If you read the full article its not quite this sensational, and is pretty balanced. It also comes to an interesting conclusion. Something about Open has to change if the game is going to be sustainable. Imo that means adding structured and meaningful PVP. Maybe Open Only PP.

I do wish that the article had covered the real effort to combat the Distant Gankers instead of the PVE role playing defense. But ah well. I'm pretty sure we've killed at least 10% of the active deep space Gankers so far. That % will matter more once the fleet passes the core. :)
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I see the problem, the writer opens the article stating that ED is a MMO.
It's only PARTLY a MMO.
After 5 years you'd think this would be self evident, esp for a gaming mag, or whatever e-mags are called.

Later in the article the writer explains why they don't really consider it an MMO.

So far as balance, many a good game has been ruined by the player base demanding balance that ends up homogenizing everything into slightly different versions of the same thing, which almost always is born of PvE/PvP disparity. I have yet to see a game do a good job of it without making PvE and PvP two separate things.
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Later in the article the writer explains why they don't really consider it an MMO.

So far as balance, many a good game has been ruined by the player base demanding balance that ends up homogenizing everything into slightly different versions of the same thing, which almost always is born of PvE/PvP disparity. I have yet to see a game do a good job of it without making PvE and PvP two separate things.

I agree, a perfectly good solo game is ruined. ;)

I actually think FD has done a pretty good job considering.
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This is just the headline. If you read the full article its not quite this sensational, and is pretty balanced. It also comes to an interesting conclusion. Something about Open has to change if the game is going to be sustainable. Imo that means adding structured and meaningful PVP. Maybe Open Only PP.

I do wish that the article had covered the real effort to combat the Distant Gankers instead of the PVE role playing defense. But ah well. I'm pretty sure we've killed at least 10% of the active deep space Gankers so far. That % will matter more once the fleet passes the core. :)

I scanned through it pretty quickly because I'm on my phone at work, so I'll have to check it more thoroughly when I get home. But from what I could tell it was all pretty sensational, tbh. I agree that it would have been better to focus on the real defenders as opposed to the make believe defenders, because apparently you guys have managed 5.7 kills, so that's pretty good:)
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