Patch Notes Update April Update - Patch 1

Any explorers here? Seems like there is an issue with FSS while zooming in on secondary star in the systems. FSS just goes crazy, and im not able to do anything, only option is to get out of FSS.

It looks like this:


Anyone else with similar issue?

Yup. Happened to me twice yesterday.
Just took a donation mission and that worked perfectly. Might have been a server issue, patch day and all. The FSS thing looks disturbing, didn't test it yet though. Must be the data gravity thing that comes with cloud computing ;)

Yup. Happened to me twice yesterday.

So than it is not new issue really, but it happend first time to me today, right after i updated my game with new patch. Hm strange, could it be somehow related to the last server update?

So than it is not new issue really, but it happend first time to me today, right after i updated my game with new patch. Hm strange, could it be somehow related to the last server update?

Same here, it happened to me couple of days ago, but only once. It was certainly after April update, so it can't be because of today's hotfix.
The FSS going crazy happened to me immediately after the last update and continued to do so, I think it happened me most when I was above a certain distance from the planets I was scanning. It didnt happen in small systems.
@knobhead Just re-log, fixed it for me. I first went to solo then back to regular open, not sure if that's relevant.
I've relog'd a few times, but passengers are still stuck, no option to jettision them or complete the missions, at an outpost but if I flew to another station I wouldn't be able to change ship to do something else cos of the passengers!
Any explorers here? Seems like there is an issue with FSS while zooming in on secondary star in the systems. FSS just goes crazy, and im not able to do anything, only option is to get out of FSS.

It looks like this:


Anyone else with similar issue?

I have the same issue, before the patch it was occasional, but now it's more often.

Also I have a problem while zooming out since the patch, the focus is done on the main object of the subsystem. It's not natural and more time consuming.
Hello, there. I have the same issue aboout the FSS module on secondary star, since the last hotfix. also had a weird repositioning where I zoom in in a group of celestial bodies after I zoom on the different bodies and zoom out to scan them.
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