337ly club, Anaconda max jump range.

My eyes bleed when I see the no boost no shields no integrity no speed no weapons no everything build :cool:
As a thought Experiment and a "see what is possible" ship this is cool.
As a real ship-to-fly in the Elite universe this thing is an abomination :LOL:
Exactly! It's built for a purpose but as a daily ship it's as much use as a fish with nipples 😂
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I have a few questions.

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Just maxed out my conda again! It is now capable of 337.02ly shipyard and video link below. o7

Source: https://youtu.be/gcnjn7Oyues

Major questions.
1 how you get thrusters below maximum mass cap. and how it is possible that the thrusters rise up your ship (stripped down instead of drive distributtors) ?
2 How u get sensors below limits. how is it possible that your sensor weights 12,21t instead 12,8t (what is a minimum weight via engeneering) ?

Regards Conantrus
Hi Conantrus
So I had to use asp x and engineer the thrusters and add Drive Distributors then head back to your conda switch them in, from that point you can use outfitting but if you head back with them fitted on the conda and switch them to Stripped Down then you get less mass, however from that point you cant use outfitting until you switch back to Drive Distributors. So yeah with the sensors they are a god roll from the old system and are classed as legacy sensors.

Hope that helps!
My eyes bleed when I see the no boost no shields no integrity no speed no weapons no everything build :cool:
As a thought Experiment and a "see what is possible" ship this is cool.
As a real ship-to-fly in the Elite universe this thing is an abomination :LOL:
Some of us like living on the edge, it keeps us sharp. ;)
Major questions.
1 how you get thrusters below maximum mass cap. and how it is possible that the thrusters rise up your ship (stripped down instead of drive distributtors) ?
2 How u get sensors below limits. how is it possible that your sensor weights 12,21t instead 12,8t (what is a minimum weight via engeneering) ?

Regards Conantrus

1) probably by engineering undersized thrusters with clean drives and stripped down experimental effect to bring up minimum/optimal mass and bring down weight. If you can get the ship's weight down below the minimum mass of the thruster you can equip it. youd have to start by installing it on a smaller ship for engineering and then swap it i to your stripped down larger ship. if you get the mass down it they actually work quite well since your ship is so light.

2) g5 lightweight mod.. Colonia engineer has g5 lightweight life support mod...I think theres a g5 lightweight sensors too.
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Reminds me of my best moment in Elite, flying a ship with virtually no defensive capability at all:

Competition: Your Fondest Frontier Memory! post #41

My best experience in ED was returning to the bubble to cash in my data following a loop around the core. That sentence alone makes it seem a mundane task but there was a little more to it.

When I started the game I promised myself I would re-earn my Acornsoft badge (see my avatar pic), earned for reaching Elite in the original game. IIRC you had to do it within the first year, & send off a postcard (included in the box) with a code the game supplied.

I started on 13th Jan 2015, and by August was Combat Elite, so I gave myself a stretch target of reaching Triple Elite before the 13th Jan 2016.
By Mid December 2015 I got my Trade Elite & was about half way through Pioneer for Exploration. I had time for one big trip, needed a little over 40mCr and on a previous trip to SagA* I'd earned 30m (mostly honking & scooping) so I knew what it was going to take, and roughly how long it would take.

With hindsight I didn't have to go to such extremes, but I wanted the fastest ship in the game, just to make sure I could get back from wherever I went in time.

I looped around the outer core (the really bright bit), mostly searching for black holes and O&B class stars until I realised that I wasn't sure how much cash I'd earned & if it wasn't enough I needed to allow time for another trip, so I called a friend for help. It's the only time in my ED 'career' I've ever felt I couldn't do something alone, but a lot was riding on this, I had to make it back in one piece, I had to have enough and I couldn't wait.

I was in a 40ly Conda with a 1d distro & a 3a PP. No weapons, minimal shield, fastest ship in the game (this was before engineers) If I got attacked by a single NPC there would be nothing I could do but put four pips to shields & wait for the FSD to charge.

I needed a wingmate. Considering what I had riding on that trip I wanted an armarda but I have a few PvP buddies & one agreed to fly out to an agreed rendezvous system outside the bubble, in a fully equipped PvP Python.

I travelled 10,000ly in the time it took for him to get his solid hunk of metal out to meet me, I'm pretty sure it's the only time I've ever impressed a PvPer with just how much ground it was possible to cover.

We met up in supercruise, winged up & jumped into the destination system where I had left my gunrunner Cobra MkIII (the other fastest ship in the game, weaponless but unkillable) & travelled the most uneventful 500ls, sweat literally pouring off my brow, my wingmate wondering what all the fuss was about

I made it into dock, switched ships & bid my buddy thanks & farewell as I left his Python far behind.

I got the Triple Elite within a year, with a week to spare. As best experiences go I imagine I'm unlikely to top that.

Original post:
Best experience in Elite
Hi Conantrus
So I had to use asp x and engineer the thrusters and add Drive Distributors then head back to your conda switch them in, from that point you can use outfitting but if you head back with them fitted on the conda and switch them to Stripped Down then you get less mass, however from that point you cant use outfitting until you switch back to Drive Distributors. So yeah with the sensors they are a god roll from the old system and are classed as legacy sensors.

Hope that helps!

That helps a bit...
Hoever, there is a still small doubt..
On your previous movie your range was correct to actual possible engeneering level, like your sensor was exact 12,8t, so why u didint use your old engineered sensor then? You got it all the time, right? Or how u get your old engeneered sensor later ?

Source: https://youtu.be/_pqxlHAYYU0

(relax, this is a regular question without pointing and pushing, just pure curiosity )
My eyes bleed when I see the no boost no shields no integrity no speed no weapons no everything build :cool:
As a thought Experiment and a "see what is possible" ship this is cool.
As a real ship-to-fly in the Elite universe this thing is an abomination :LOL:
But there is a docking computer.... just saying :)
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