Silly fleet carrier question

So bit of a silly question I wanted to ask for fun. We don't know the price of fleet carriers buuuut lets say it was 8 billion.
Would you...
A) buy a fleet carrier?
B) buy 290 000 sidewinders?

(Also please don't be a salty pilot. I posted this on CANNON's discord and all I got was people being salty and threats that they would leave the game or other silly stuff. I am asking this for fun)
Sadly Goonswarm proved this to be 100% true.
god, I remember the banner ads when they were recruiting in the early days, going through the mastercard meme, the prices of all these massive battleships that other player groups were fielding, and the last one just being "destroying all of that with a million ships that cost less than their ammunition: priceless"
Sadly Goonswarm proved this to be 100% true.

That's not how the Goonswarm worked. They were able to recruit a steady stream of new players to actually use the intended tactical role for the smaller ships, as warp disruptors. All the small ships did was lock down the opposing battleships so that our firing line of battleships could actually get a significant number of kills during a sortie. Prior to that, the tactics were based on coordinated focus fire and warping around to try to catch the other fleet off guard and maybe take down one enemy per engagement before they warped out. It was grindy and annoying. It was also heavily based on the fact that some people had rare items that made them marginally more effective. I don't remember the details. Goonfleet wasn't about spamming small ships. Goonfleet was about using the small ships for a specific tactical role that made our battleships incredibly more effective pound for pound and allowed us to have decisive victories that destroyed significant amounts of the enemy's resources, and thus persistently threatened their expensive battleships. This tactical doctrine allowed us to safely incubate in the little cul-de-sac of systems we started in until we had critical mass to move forward. The rest is history.
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290k Sidewinders? And what would I do with them? Tile hangar floor with in a mosaic pattern?

With 8B Cr I could finally afford ships I want and outfit them as I envisoned.
Of course - or a cadre of altCMDRs.

However the question was what would a player do - presumably with a single CMDR.

Its obvious that carriers as they stand are a massive compromise to everyone. If they were for solo commanders only they'd only need one L pad, they have 16 mixed so that part is for squadrons and multiplayer.

Robert Maynard

Volunteer Moderator
Its obvious that carriers as they stand are a massive compromise to everyone. If they were for solo commanders only they'd only need one L pad, they have 16 mixed so that part is for squadrons and multiplayer.
Better a compromise for everyone than arbitrarily restricted, IMO.

The ability to grant other CMDRs landing permission caters to the multi-player side of things. The fact that each CMDR can acquire one means that Squadrons are not limited to a single Carrier.
8 billion credits might not seem like a lot for people who have played Elite for a long time, but it is a very high amount for casuals or people who don't like to do mining.

I just started Painite mining a few weeks ago to start saving credits for a Carrier. I have about 1.2 billion right now, and if I go mining once per week for 2 hours to fill my Type-9's 256 ton cargo bay (I use the other class 8 for biweaves... maybe a mistake), that will get me approximately 200 million credits per trip, bringing my total to around 4-5 billion by the time Carriers arrive (assuming I might go more or less than once a week occasionally).

Might not seem like it if you're the type of miner who does back-to-back, brain tumor inducing mining runs... but that's a lot of mining.

I guess if they end up costing... let's say.. 10 plus billion credits.. I'll just have to continue my pace for a few more months.

.... but that's still a lot of mining.
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