What will you use your carrier for?

What would I use my carrier for?
Let's wait and see what they will cost and what they will be able to do. As a minimum, I'd require ship and module transfer options. After that - well, half of the available space I'll need for my racing ships. The rest probably for heavy duty mining ships to keep the carrier operational.
As a brothel in deep space.

No, well maybe, but on a more serious note, I’ll use to Carry ships to places.

It’s going to largely depend on two factors we still don’t know the answers to:

1. Fuel

We know it’s “Unique”, meaning it’s something not in the game yet. But how (in)convenient will it be to acquire? Is it going to take days of flying, searching, scanning, collecting and hauling to refuel a Carrier? Hours? Minutes? Will it be sold for Arx? If it’s painful to move a Carrier, I’ll likely park it somewhere interesting to me and use it as a forward operations center/semi-mobile base.

2. When will it move?

If, when I schedule a Carrier jump, it doesn’t move until Thursday at the update tick, or even if it doesn’t move until the following morning, and it does not require Herculean efforts to refuel, then I’ll be using mine as a “stopping off point” for deep space operations. Otherwise, it will end up parked somewhere that holds my interests until I decide to move it again.

As it stands right now I’m about 66 Carrier jumps from the bubble, That could translate to days, weeks, months or more than a year to get a Carrier to where I am, depending on #1 and #2.

Not exactly convenient, though the basic services available would be a blessing this far out.
I'm under the impression that fleet carriers will not be cheap, nor will they be particularly easy to move. You might be further ahead to just eat the transfer fees!

I also hope they have a limited capacity, like 16 ships at one time. Otherwise ED might as well give us unlimited ammo and cargo carrying capacity if physical size and mass no longer matter in this game...
LOL. I've not played for years now. I could no longer face the grind and risk to my ships. However before I gave up - I built a spreadsheet that mapped ship mass and armor types - nothing in this game scales with real world physics, why complain about this particular implementation? I'm going to ignore the stupidity of the one-shot to the power plant detonation - has that been resolved? What about the fragile canopy? On the upside - at least a carrier is magically invulnerable. Does it have cannons? can you ram things with it? questions questions.
<flameproofsuit> Can I buy one with real world money? I'll give you (FD) $100 </flameproofsuit>
Why not? Its indesructible, and presumably has no weapons and cannot ram things, so what's the harm? :p
Im not sure i will be getting one. I can see that it is an attempt to give players something to do with their endgame. Its expensive and it requires upkeep.
Players with a Carrier will HAVE to log in on a regular basis to maintain their carrier, With Earning ARX as a result of login period also coming this september its clear that Frontier are trying to promote player retention and login statistics.

A carrier seems to me like a pet that i have to look after and worry about and make time to visit and take care of it. I knew that Frontier would go solo player with the Carriers because its easier for microtransactions to be deployed against the mechanic. So once a player invests the time to buy a fleet carrier and they have spent real world money on its BLING, then a player will essentially feel obligated to keep logging in to keep it going.

The thing is, i cannot think of any real use for a carrier? what game play.... i mean REAL game play does it bring to the formula of Elite Dangerous?
Its just there to create a currency sink on a game where the economy is a complete joke.

Nothing in Elite has any value, Ships are shoes and a fleet carrier is a shoe cupboard. Ships in Elite are like Pokemon and the fleet carrier will be no different.

I will admit that we still have many details to hear from Fdev about this new thing, but right now im not that interested.
I just want it because it’s neat to store ships in something I own and control, rather than some random station that is subject to the BGS and player/npc traffic.

It’s similar to the argument for owning a private jet. First class on Emirates is cheaper and just as luxurious, but it’s way cooler to have your own Gulfstream.
I am wondering how a single player will use their carrier.
What's the difference in storing your ships in a station, compared to storing them in your carrier? There is always a station within a minute or two.
Ok, you can jump your carrier. But how many of your ships do you need to use in the system you jumped to?
When I jump to a system, it's for a purpose. So I take the ship suitable for that purpose. I don't need to have all my other ships there too.
Plus I should think it would be costly to jump a carrier, using up hard earned mats you collected.
I am sure I must be missing something. But I don't see how useful they will be.

Based on what little we know today, I agree that carriers seem fairly useless. They are just another ship to upgrade and engineer.

I was really hoping to hear about some compelling new gameplay around carriers, but there was nothing. I was hoping to hear about something for veteran players, but nothing.

Seems the game has truly hit a dead end. Here's hoping for last quarter of 2020 I guess.
Maybe you bubble babies can stop wetting yourselves in fear and actually head out into the black for once?


Obviously, I will attempt to block a station entrance with one.

Ideally, I'll try to manually drop out of SC close enough to a station/installation that I clip inside it.
And then I'll raise a ticket with support to get it back again.
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