Predicted Animal Roster

Using what animals have been datamined (or at least speculated), and interpretations from what foliage we have in-game, I've created a hypothetical roster for Planet Zoo (not purely a wishlist).

Habitat Animals
Animal NameReason
African BuffaloConfirmed
African ElephantConfirmed
African LeopardDecoration + Speculation
African Wild DogConfirmed
Aldabra Giant TortoiseConfirmed
Alpine IbexSpeculation
American AlligatorDecoration + Article + Speculation
American BisonDatamining
Bactrian CamelDatamining
Barid's TapirConfirmed
Bengal TigerConfirmed
Black Howler MonkeyDecoration + Speculation
Black RhinocerosDecoration + Datamining + Speculation
Black WildebeestConfirmed
Bornean OrangutanConfirmed
Chinese PangolinDatamining
Collared PeccaryDatamining + Speculation
Common OstrichConfirmed
Common WarthogConfirmed
Dromedary CamelDecoration
Emperor PenguinDecoration
Formosan Black BearConfirmed
Galapagos Giant TortoiseConfirmed
Giant AnteaterSpeculation
Giant PandaDatamining
Greater FlamingoDatamining
Grizzly BearConfirmed
Himalayan Brown BearConfirmed
Iberian LynxIn-Game Mention
Indian ElephantConfirmed
Indian PeafowlConfirmed
Indian RhinocerosConfirmed
Japanese CraneDecoration
Japanese MacaqueDatamining
Kirk's Dik-DikArticle + Speculation
Nile CrocodileDatamining
Nile MonitorConfirmed
Olive BaboonArticle + Speculation
Plains ZebraConfirmed
Polar BearDecoration
Pronghorn AntelopeConfirmed
Red DeerDecoration + Speculation
Red KangarooSpeculation
Red PandaConfirmed
Red Ruffed LemurDatamining
Reticulated GiraffeConfirmed
Ring-Tailed LemurConfirmed
Sable AntelopeConfirmed
Saltwater CrocodileConfirmed
Siberian TigerDatamining
Snow LeopardConfirmed
Timber WolfConfirmed
West African LionConfirmed
Western ChimpanzeeConfirmed
Western Lowland GorillaConfirmed
Exhibit Animals
Amazon Giant CentipedeDatamining
Boa ConstrictorConfirmed
Brazilian Salmon-Pink TarantulaDatamining
Brazilian Wandering SpiderConfirmed
Cane ToadSpeculation
Common Death AdderDatamining
Eastern Brown SnakeDatamining
Giant Burrowing CockroachDatamining
Giant Desert Hairy ScorpionDatamining
Giant Forest ScorpionConfirmed
Giant Tiger Land SnailDatamining
Gila MonsterDatamining
Golden Poison FrogConfirmed
Goliath BeetleDatamining
Goliath Bird-eaterConfirmed
Goliath FrogConfirmed
Green IguanaConfirmed
King CobraDecoration + Speculation
Lehman's Poison FrogConfirmed
Leopard SlugSpeculation
Lesser Antillean IguanaConfirmed
Madagascar Hissing CockroachSpeculation
Mexican Red-Knee TarantulaDatamining
Puff AdderDatamining
Red-Eyed Tree FrogSpeculation
Sand GoannaSpeculation
Titan BeetleConfirmed
Vietnamese Giant CentipedeSpeculation
Western Diamondback RattlesnakeDatamining
Yellow AnacondaConfirmed
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Nice list, out of all these animals I'm mostly suprised by the Tigon.. (if this is true)

If these animals are present in the game, they did a great job with selecting the animals.
Nice list, out of all these animals I'm mostly suprised by the Tigon.. (if this is true)

If these animals are present in the game, they did a great job with selecting the animals.
Tigon images have associated text strings in the files, but appear to have placeholders.

Where is the emu, anteater and crane from? Did I miss something? Really hyped for these<33
The emu is due to there being Oceanic grassland plants, the Japanese crane is due to associated decorations, and the anteater I just threw in due to its popularity, ease of using the aardvark rig, and something to go into the leaked Brazilian scenario map.
Tigon images have associated text strings in the files, but appear to have placeholders.

The emu is due to there being Oceanic grassland plants, the Japanese crane is due to associated decorations, and the anteater I just threw in due to its popularity, ease of using the aardvark rig, and something to go into the leaked Brazilian scenario map.

Leaked? Are you talking about the biomes developer journal which revealed the tropical biome, or is there something I missed?
Great Job ! But why is the emperor penguin there ? And what dlc you think frontier will add ?
Emperor penguin decor was found, and the presence of Antarctic foliage means at least 1 Antarctic animal is in the game.
As for DLC, I imagine it'll be smaller continent-based packs (As opposed to large expansions), but I'm really hoping for extinct Holocene DLC (ex. dodos, mammoths, sloth lemurs).
This seems like a safe bet! Now add beavers, koalas, meerkats, platypus, capybara, and sloths.... and you have some underrepresented but equally famous animals covered! And maybe moose? Contrary wise, I'm thinking of making a "lesser known animals" list, of certain species that would be fun for Frontier to include in DLC. They could introduce players to species they'd never even heard of before!
A couple of species from Amazon rainforest are pretty much safe bet.

Firstly they hinted specifically Amazon in their diary and second Amazon is to popular to not have their representation in the game from the start. Jaguar is most likely, but I could easily see some few of them like sloths and anteaters.
So when you said it wasn't a wish list, you meant, it's a bit of a wishlist.
I do happen to want anteaters, but their addition wasn't just me going off a whim. There are legitimate reasons why they could be be in beyond "because I want it".
They're also featured in several zoos, so the "in zoos or bust" crowd has their rationale as well.
Just a suggestion but it might be a good idea to separate the list into categories according to whether they come from data mining, suggested by decorations or just speculation.
Emperor penguin decor was found, and the presence of Antarctic foliage means at least 1 Antarctic animal is in the game.
As for DLC, I imagine it'll be smaller continent-based packs (As opposed to large expansions), but I'm really hoping for extinct Holocene DLC (ex. dodos, mammoths, sloth lemurs).

Do you know what the name of the decor was and/or where it was found? I don't remember seeing any penguin decor ingame or in the datamine.
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