ANNOUNCEMENT January Update - Beta End

Consider leaving the beta servers permanently open, with new stuff injected as needed. I strongly suspect a lot of casual types would like just flapping about in-near god-mode, and don't particularly care about persistance.
Hasn't been a near god mode beta in years, if you are that far from ordinary mode it must make fault identifying extremely difficult and there is no other justification for betas.
You're welcome Will. I hope my modest contributions are useful to the team.

I think it was a good idea to keep the beta short. It promoted players focusing on the issues that are most important to them and prevented them from going into redesign-mode and cluttering the feedback threads with personal ideals and the inevitable squabbles between their proponents. (Though some managed to do that anyway ;).)
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Hi Will, what would be great would be to get some feedback from FD on the beta. What went well and what didn't? What issues did it help to address and which are out of scope for a beta? Earlier posts suggest that it would have generated a few challenges for you, not least the volume of feedback.

I'm assuming that a beta is not a panacea. But it is an opportunity to move towards more open dialogue. I'm sure many would like to know how they can help FD better?

I do not see the captcha on the issue tracker, so I write here.
Training missions don't work WITHOUT a joystick!!!
Nice little beta, with some interesting updates! Let us know how you get on with implementing the changes.

:D S
Quick question for somebody here - haven't actually tried yet but how does one go about uninstalling the beta? (could do with freeing up a bit of disk space).
Can't confirm right now for this beta, but usually check your Elite installation folder, there you will find "products" which will contain the folders for the live game and the beta. I think the beta folder is usually called something like PUBLIC_TEST_SERVER. You can delete that (or keep it for now so you will be able to update faster when the patch goes live).
You'd probably have to remove it manually, and then let the launcher fix itself later, if there'll ever be another open beta (which is highly likely). Are you sure you want to do that though, and not free up space elsewhere instead? When the update comes out, the launcher should use the beta's files for the live download, so that the ones which weren't changed from the beta can just be copied over, no need to download them again.
Quick question for somebody here - haven't actually tried yet but how does one go about uninstalling the beta? (could do with freeing up a bit of disk space).
By the look of it you could just delete the folder "Public Test Server 64" in your elite installation location. (in Products - 19.4 GB on my PC)
Thanks for the tips - will have a look tonight.

You'd probably have to remove it manually, and then let the launcher fix itself later, if there'll ever be another open beta (which is highly likely). Are you sure you want to do that though, and not free up space elsewhere instead? When the update comes out, the launcher should use the beta's files for the live download, so that the ones which weren't changed from the beta can just be copied over, no need to download them again.

Yeah, I'd heard and considered that but I'd still (I assume) be left with two installations of Elite on my HD at the end and to be honest, now I have better broadband, the update doesn't take that long anyway so I think I'd rather just tidy things up.
I would suggest that another beta be organized before the release of this update, so that any issues found during this beta can be checked to see if they've been fixed. Such a beta could be run for a few days.

Will Flanagan

Hello everyone,

The team have begun to review all of the feedback you’ve shared here and on the Issue Tracker. Once again, we'd like to extend a big thank you to all of the commanders who jumped into the beta to help us ensure that, come the launch of the January Update, as many bugs and issues are addressed as possible.

With the beta now over, we’ll now be closing up the main beta feedback threads. If you’d like to continue discussing the beta, please use this thread.

We’ll announce more details about when the January Update will drop, and the final list of changes you can expect, in the near future.

Edit: The January Update Beta Issue Tracker section will be closed up at 15:00 UTC tomorrow (6 December).
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Hello everyone,

The team have begun to review all of the feedback you’ve shared here and on the Issue Tracker. Once again, we'd like to extend a big thank you to all of the commanders who jumped into the beta to help us ensure that, come the launch of the January Update, as many bugs and issues are addressed as possible.

With the beta now over, we’ll now be closing up the main beta feedback threads. If you’d like to continue discussing the beta, please use this thread.

We’ll announce more details about when the January Update will drop, and the final list of changes you can expect, in the near future.
Bar the NS/WD cones, were there other graphic 'enhancements' in the beta - or was I just imagining things?
Looking forward to January :)
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