Q-Type Anomaly - what happened to them?

I cant find them.
Codex points to two locations:
HIP 15310 and Alaunus.
No sign of them.

Were they removed from the game maybe?


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I did restart the game. Didn't help. I guess it's a bug then.
It seems to be a general thing - NSPs move around. There have been a few threads. Sometimes it can be a simple relog fixes it, but some have just moved / vanished.

It's annoying as I wanted to head out and search for new variants, but with all the Codex issues the chance that I could miss out on a find because of needing a relog / random NSP weirdness I cannot bring myself to set off :(
funny thing, i was about to create a thread to ask the same question
can't find "Q09 Anomaly" in Alaunus, HIP15310, Shibboleth or Pallaeni, even after mtuliple relog...

same thing with "Roseum Sinuous Tubers"

these are the 2 items missing in my codex for the Inner Orion Spur, i have found everything else (sometimes not in the expected system/planet)
It seems to be a general thing - NSPs move around. There have been a few threads. Sometimes it can be a simple relog fixes it, but some have just moved / vanished.

It's annoying as I wanted to head out and search for new variants, but with all the Codex issues the chance that I could miss out on a find because of needing a relog / random NSP weirdness I cannot bring myself to set off :(
To be honest, at first I thought that maybe they move by design, or appear only at certain times (like thirteen minutes past midnight on friday 13th, or something ;)), so I thought I'll ask here.
I guess I can still believe that. For immersion and stuff.
You are not the first one seeing they are gone from where they supposed to be

You are not the first one seeing they are gone from where they supposed to be

I couldn't find anything on that subject when searching, but I have that problem sometimes with finding the right wording...

Yesterday I tried to also find Gourd Mollusc sites from the Codex - those close to the Bubble. On 3 systems checked, I've found them in only one.
To rub salt into the wound when you try to use Research Limpet on those Molluscs, it crashes with them and gets destroyed - no way to extract samples (and I'm sure that should be possible).

Someone from Fdev should take a good look at Exploration and include some fixes in next patch.
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