General / Off-Topic The safest place

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I think the problem is that only testing people can really make a difference. Similar drugs like Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and the controversial chloroquine (if proven) have to be taken ideally when you are asymptomatic (i.e. in the first days of infection), almost prophylactically to have any benefit- other drugs that are nebulised may also be effective but these need a clinical setting to be administered. Only testing, tracing and isolating/ treating will have a dramatic effect on curbing the problem. Hopefully the vaccine will have few problems in its development, and hopefully this strain does not have significant genetic drift over time otherwise its back to square one. This too is a gamble, it may mutate into something milder to spread better (or it may not).

One thing that is clear, the world has changed- the unthinkable has happened and now there will be a public clamour for lessons to be learned.

UK scientists are talking about an easy test being available in large numbers within a few days, works on a single blood drop and operates like a pregnancy test. Shows if you've had it as well as if you have it.

That would allow people proven immune to leave quarantine.
Your response would totally make sense if any way shape or form I implied that this wasn't serious.
Sorry, I did not mean to offend you personally ... I have read that Trump wants to put people on the streets to work, because the economy is more important ... clearly HE is not being serious about this issue and what counts their citizens, if I can do anything for you is to warn you , Governments is not going to tell you that here the doctors are overwhelmed, nurses are committing suicide in Italy, Spain old people die in nursing homes, and their bodies are left In them for days, tests are not done as the leaders count and diagnose by phone ... the infected can be much more than what the official data says,

and every week, since February, the data about the virus in the News are wrong the following week or a few days.
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Sorry, I did not mean to offend you personally ... I have read that Trump wants to put people on the streets to work, because the economy is more important ... clearly HE is not being serious about this issue and what counts their citizens, if I can do anything for you is to warn you , Governments is not going to tell you that here the doctors are overwhelmed, nurses are committing suicide in Italy, Spain old people die in nursing homes, and their bodies are left In them for days, tests are not done as the leaders count and diagnose by phone ... the infected can be much more than what the official data says,

and every week, since February, the data about the virus in the News are wrong the following week or a few days.
Don't worry, I understand your concern and am definitely not offended at all.

Now I'm going to say something thats going to have everyone turning themselves inside out with outraged disagreement: The bottom line is that we're in the opening phases of WWIII. The president of America understands that as well as anybody and from what I've seen better than most.
UK scientists are talking about an easy test being available in large numbers within a few days, works on a single blood drop and operates like a pregnancy test. Shows if you've had it as well as if you have it.

That would allow people proven immune to leave quarantine.

This is good if these tests are validated and work. But: once you know you are OK, how do you prove you are clear? Carry about the test :D I imagine in Blighty just saying its fine is enough, here in France I'd have to go to a doctor who would write some sort of certificate.
Now I'm going to say something thats going to have everyone turning themselves inside out with outraged disagreement: The bottom line is that we're in the opening phases of WWIII. The president of America understands that as well as anybody and from what I've seen better than most.

Not really outraged, it is just rather silly. I'm going to throw that on the pile with "China tries to kill their elders", "china created a virus targeted against us", "china is hiding tens of millions of corpses." and your earlier "a new civil war in the US is inevitable because Antifa." and such on. There isn't really much to actually discuss about it beyond: okay, if those are the ideas you contemplate, so be it.
This is good if these tests are validated and work. But: once you know you are OK, how do you prove you are clear? Carry about the test :D I imagine in Blighty just saying its fine is enough, here in France I'd have to go to a doctor who would write some sort of certificate.

Its information from the health protection agency rather than the government, so its reliable :LOL:.

Don't worry, I understand your concern and am definitely not offended at all.

Now I'm going to say something thats going to have everyone turning themselves inside out with outraged disagreement: The bottom line is that we're in the opening phases of WWIII. The president of America understands that as well as anybody and from what I've seen better than most.

I thought he was trying and failing at that already.

Old article, about a leaked US Gov report suggesting an 18 month timeline.
This is in keeping with the estimated vaccine deployment in a best case scenario where the first vaccine proves effective and safe.

It is eventually going to pass. Lets keep that thought.

I do not have the food resources to make 18 months though. We shall have to resupply in 3 to 4. How long is your reserve going to last?

We are not rich, but we are independent, for now. Still have a small backup income trickle.
I don't need to apply for Govt. assistance, let those who need mine get it.

First power cut last night. Private security is working out.
🇹🇹 :confused:
My battery bank is ok however as we are more people here than it was designed for, some extra power is needed or we need to
Use less. I can’t produce more at the moment so not to drain the banks completely some ration on the consumption has been agreed here. However that reminds me to expand the capacity when all this is normal again, or stop taking people in we can’t support with all the needs. Then again this is not who we are so back to the drawing board and pumpup the volume, thinking of making a steam turbine as we can burn a lot of stuff here and could convert it into electricity.
Here's a direction this conversation hasn't gone yet: where are the stories of high profile dignitaries, actors, politicians, royalty, media darlings etc succumbing to the virus? We know that this virus is well integrated across all walks of life, cultures, occupations, castes, so where's the data on that?
Here's a direction this conversation hasn't gone yet: where are the stories of high profile dignitaries, actors, politicians, royalty, media darlings etc succumbing to the virus? We know that this virus is well integrated across all walks of life, cultures, occupations, castes, so where's the data on that?

Oh Lord...

Currently 0.0000006% of the US population has succumbed to the virus. Yesterday Tony-award winning mcNally died, loads of celebrities, athletes, royalties, actors and what not have been confirmed positive, and some are hospitalized at the moment. My apologies if you are dismayed not enough of them have died yet, give it a bit. Be prepared for a lower mortality rate though; that kinda happens when you live in abject wealth with access to jets on standby to fly you to private hospitals. Sorry about that.

I dont know what the mods think of it, but maybe we could have a topic just for your more.. colourful brain teaser, so we can keep this topic about COVID19 as it develops.
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Now I'm going to say something thats going to have everyone turning themselves inside out with outraged disagreement: The bottom line is that we're in the opening phases of WWIII. The president of America understands that as well as anybody and from what I've seen better than most.

I'm not one to shout down someones opinion, but I have to ask: can you expand on that mate?

Here's a direction this conversation hasn't gone yet: where are the stories of high profile dignitaries, actors, politicians, royalty, media darlings etc succumbing to the virus? We know that this virus is well integrated across all walks of life, cultures, occupations, castes, so where's the data on that?

I'd say that due to the various reasons that the 'new upper class' types who can, for example spend 6 months with a personal trainer to get ripped abs before they make a movie are probably more likely to survive being infected due to their diets/finances/circumstances.
Oh Lord...

Currently 0.0000006% of the US population has succumbed to the virus. Yesterday Tony-award winning mcNally died, loads of celebrities, athletes, royalties, actors and what not have been confirmed positive. My apologies if you are dismayed not enough of them have died yet, give it a bit.
Quit being daft. I'm not disappointed at all. I'm just wondering why Prince Charles, Tom Hanks and his wife, the top guy in the New York Port Authority, the second lady of Canada, Olga Kurylenko, Idris Elba and other high profile types haven't perished yet, or seemingly struggled too much? You can bet that the press would have given us the grueling details if they had been struggling.

No, the evidence is slowly but surely grinding back to this being a massive over reaction. Consider stories such as Prof. Ricciardi in Italy saying quote "The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus. On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three,” he says.

I'm not trying to say that it isn't serious and that we shouldn't highly worried. But on the other hand, it seems fairly obvious we're also being fed a lot of crap, too, in the spirit of "never let a crisis go to waste."

@WhiteHaulerMan what part do I expand on, specifically? The part where we're in "WWIII" which if you believe the data we're given we are in a figurative sense (the war being against the virus, obviously), or the part where POTUS knows that and acts accordingly?
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In a matter of weeks, this will be over in the US. We will have rapid on demand testing and more respirators, ventilators, and mask than we can use for the next decade.

And - effective treatments are on the horizon.

In the US - it's just about over

We will get our economy moving again quickly while we continue to beat the virus into the ground.

And we will likely be contributing to other countries as well, like we traditionally do (to maintain our global hegemony.) 😂
Additionally, financial markets are trying to establish a base and find bottom confirmation. Smart investors will still be wary of unemployment and GDP reports that may come in worse than predicted, but those will be numbers looking backward. Once those are out the way, forward momentum will be up.

Anyone who set aside investment cash will wisely dollar cost average back in over the next 3 - 6 months at regular intervals.

The clouds are lifting.
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