ANNOUNCEMENT Fleet Carriers - Content Reveal Announcement

Does anyone know if FD have put a limit on the number of carriers one can own? I want least.

Actually, now I think of it, a fleet of carrier task forces would be great.

Unless it's changed, it's "One per commander" based on the original announcement.
Interesting in a 'this is going to lead to "I left the game for a few months and my Carrier has been scrapped!!1eleven!" threads' sort of a way - certainly.

I wonder, as the Carrier is personal rather than Squadron based, how high the weekly upkeep bar willl be set - too high and it will disenfranchise some players who can afford one but can't devote significant time per week to earn the upkeep.

Sounds that way from the article. Buying one might not be enough, they might require regular spending in order to keep too.

I never noticed the giant space endowment dangling below- is this new?

To nobody's surprise, FCs sport some big ship energy.

Wonder how accurate that article statement is... :unsure:
Lol what muppet made that website. Is it really what it looks like, a fake news site for spitting out Frontier press releases with random speculation added in for the flavour 0_0
Greetings Commanders,

We're thrilled to announce that the first look at the upcoming Fleet Carrier update will be coming to your screens on Thursday, 2 April! Lead Server Developer, Dav Stott, and Game Designer, Luke Betterton, will join us on a special video to talk us through what these vast vessels are and how they'll be shaking up the galaxy!

Since the initial reveal of Fleet Carriers, we've examined the concept of predefined load-outs and decided to invest additional time to ensure that fleet carriers offer the same level of flexibility and customization as other ships within Elite Dangerous. We've done this by adding more loadout options to make your carrier unique, and allow for player-to-player interaction like you've never seen before in Elite Dangerous!

Squirming in your cockpit chair wanting to know more details? Here is some key information on Fleet Carriers - but for the entire content reveal, tune in to our Pre-Recorded Stream on YouTube, on 2 April at 18:00 (UTC). Although we won't be live, our team will be there in the chat to answer any questions that you may have.

  • One of your most frequent questions about Fleet Carriers was: How much do they cost? Fleet Carriers will be a lucrative investment, costing 5,000,000,000cr at launch.​
  • Fleet Carriers are individually owned and feature 16 landing pads (of varying sizes) for other players to dock at.​
  • Fleet Carriers use a new fuel, Tritium, to jump from system to system.​
  • Fleet Carriers have a max jump range of 500LY at one time, with the ability to jump whenever the owner wants, however, they will have a build up and cool down period between jumps.​
  • You can manage your carrier's finances by setting tariffs and adjusting the buying and selling prices for commodities traded in it's market.​
As it currently stands, we're aiming to launch the Fleet Carriers update in June and will be calling all commanders to experience Fleet Carriers (as both visitors and owners) in two upcoming public betas before the update is live! The first beta will begin on 7 April for PC only, and the second beta which will be launched on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, will take place in May. Please note that there is a chance that these time frames may change slightly in the coming weeks, but we'll keep you up to date on the specific times, dates and instructions.

See you there, Commanders.

Thank you Stephen and the rest of FD team.
This is great news. Cant wait for the stream

5 bn seems just right.
Expensive, but not unattainable

Just 4.85bn to go....

Oh... hang on.... better factor in a re-buy or two as well 🙄

Looks like it's sidewinder taxis for me, for the next few years then!
Lol what muppet made that website. Is it really what it looks like, a fake news site for spitting out Frontier press releases with random speculation added in for the flavour 0_0
Muppet? It looks like there's a lot more there than Frontier games. The 5 newest news items aren't. Did the nasty website hurt you somehow?
Excellent! And a fair price too, 5 billion was widely anticipated (and that 500ly jumprange justifies it). I have 4bn, I'll go get the remaining 1bn soon.

...And, no, you don't have to mine if that's not your thing. I got 2.3bn from exploration when I returned from Beagle (after reaching rank 5 with LYR). And Robigo passenger missions are still good for around 80m/hr.

If there is a maintenance cost, I'm still hoping it will be a percentage of income. That seems fair, and the mechanism is already in place for NPC copilots.
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