Hour to jump, hour to cool down, 500LY range + Tritium gathering. Is it too slow?

I've have concerns that these ships may be a bit too slow. I think the range may need to be extended. Also the jump prep and especially cool down times may need to be halved.

The range isn't the issue. I wouldn't mind some sort of cooldown on jumps. That could be ok. Make a jump, explore the nearby systems, do some mining, do some material gathering, find some interesting stuff, then jump again.

But as it stands, it appears that every jump you're going to have to spend a couple of hours at least mining specifically for fuel.

Assiming Tritium is fairly easy to find in icy rings (i'm waiting to see if this is the case... if its rare, then that won't be funny) then i think 100t would be more than enough.
You are getting a carrier able to load 16 ships, 25k cargo and 500 ly range. Dont you think it should have some downsides?
No, absolutely not. It should whiten my teeth, freshen my breath, do my taxes and make me irresistible to any and all sexes. (I'm well aware of how difficult the first, second and fourth things are, but this of course doesn't matter to me because I bought this game and it needs to do everything I imagine it can do -- never mind things like "economics" or "the physical constraints of modern technology and the universe as a whole"!)

It should also cure all diseases, be eligible for succession in every governmental structure, and act as a flotation device in the incredibly-likely-but-still-technically-nonzero chance my home will suddenly plunge into the ocean (despite currently being in a landlocked state and digital items being unable to instantly become real items with tangible mass). It should do all of these things all at once, you see, because I'm the customer and I'm always right.

(I don't have to put an /s after all that, right? We all understand I'm having a playful jab at some of the more unreasonable critiques?)
I was hoping to be able to use a Fleet Carrier to take a small fleet of my ships exploring, and spend more time exploring rather than traveling.

At 250 LY/hr (my Exploraconda can do 2,000 LY/hr including mapping most WW/AW/ELWs) not counting refueling time, a Fleet Carrier simply can't cover distance fast enough to make this worth trying.
If it was possible to map out a track of jumps and not just a single one, then you could set a final destination, go around and do all exploration and meet up with the carrier thousands of LY away. That's a feature I think shouldn't be too hard for FDev to implement.
Yes, it moves too slow.

If you are a solo player and want to bring your carrier somewhere far, you will run out of fuel after two jumps. Then you have to mine 500 units of Tritium for it to jump again. I don't know how long it takes you to mine 500 units of anything, but I need about 3 hours in a triple LTD hotspot. Fly back to your carrier, shove the tritium into your FSD and wait for another freaking hour before it can jump. So after the initial 1000 lightyears every other jump takes you about 4 hours if you operate alone. That's 8 hours per 1k Ly. Do the math for whatever point far out in the galaxy you dreamed about visiting with your fleet carrier. Spoiler: you're going to be disappointed.
Just checked obsidian ants video, you can store the fuel as cargo before you go so there's 26000? light years you can travel before needing mine. That should be okay.

Just the forum freaking out as usual. Am even surprised the explorer camp wanted cartographics. Remember how hard it was to get a base near SagA*, as far as I'm aware you still can't sell your exp data in deep space. I would have been surprised if we could suddenly sell expo data anywhere in the galaxy.

The 1 hour warning makes sense for the jumps, although the timer should be less if you have the carrier configured to not allow docking.
Too slow in my book. For a trip to Colonia I’ll need 88hrs minimum to get there and if have to manually kick off each one then it’ll be 5 times that long. That’s just a pain in the nuts.
Too slow in my book. For a trip to Colonia I’ll need 88hrs minimum to get there and if have to manually kick off each one then it’ll be 5 times that long. That’s just a pain in the nuts.

Never checked, how much time does it take to transfer a ship to Colonia, and what is the cost? Trying to compare transferring my whole fleet (cost/time) versus filling my cargo hold full of fuel and using a carrier.
66hrs I believe and 1.6X the value of the ship

Hopefully in Beta we can get them to increase jump range. Although it seems to be balanced as is comnpared to normal transfer.

Am also assuming (since we can pre schedule jumps, and use fuel from the cargo hold) Cmdrs can now set up regular shuttle routes between Colonia etc. Max carrier range fully fuelled is 26,000LY including fuel in the tanks.
I wondered another thing. When 20 or however many people buy one on the first day, will there be a shortage of "parking" at the buying yard? Sure, after a while they'll move on.
No, because many people will just log into PC and Solo of that's the case.
It looked like you can hold 1k fuel and its 1t:1ly ratio.
Will loading these things up with maximum guff cause the fuel to drain even quicker on jumping? or are the engines mass immune. Flimley
If it is like the rest of the game, this will not be the case and it will be an exponential calculation base on distance and mass.
The initial jump should be immediately without delay. I don't mind a 1 hour cooldown after the jump.
Interesting. I was thinking 15 mins on either side.
Asps and Kraits are exploration ships. Not carriers. Carriers are bases. I think 1 hour is absolutely fine.
1 hour isn't that bad. I actually expected the timers to be in days.
Spoken like true non-explorer guys. ;)
I'm kind of hoping a ton of people by a fleet carrier, go in local orbit with 30 other carriers, who all decide it's not for them, can't work out how to jump it, decommission right away and we can have a fleet carrier graveyard of rotting hulks! Do it for me Commanders.
Let's definately test this in beta!!!
I can do the same distance with my Anaconda inside of an HOUR.
A half hour even.
they said in the announcement that you could jump 500ly and back if you were careful, the FC holds 1000 tons of Tritium so I am thinking that is about 500 tons per jump.
I can mine about 100 tons of low temp diamonds per hour in Borann triple site so that's about 4 to 5 hours mining 500 tons of Tritium per jump.
That is a huge amount of Tritium needed per jump if out exploring.
Frontier definitely needs to give the explorers some love on this! I think some of it will be worked out in the betas.
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Isn't the one hour charge up primarily to allow people to arrive and depart before the jump.
They indicated on the stream it would have announcement in the lead up to the jump.

Even if you feel an hour is too long, there needs to be some warning and time to allow people to leave if they don't want to go with the ship.
Just checked obsidian ants video, you can store the fuel as cargo before you go so there's 26000? light years you can travel before needing mine. That should be okay.
Then you need to mine another 26000 tons. It takes roughly three hours to mine 500 tons of LTDs. If tritium is mined at the same rate*, that'll be about 156 hours of mining to replenish your fuel stock. That'll be fun.

*Apparently it's to be found in surface and subsurface deposits. Maybe that'll be faster than laser mining. Maybe it'll be slower. We'll see.
I'd suggest lowering the fuel cost to 100 tons for a 500 LY jump. That would allow 10 jumps on a full tank and would mitigate the grind considerably.
I've have concerns that these ships may be a bit too slow. I think the range may need to be extended. Also the jump prep and especially cool down times may need to be halved.
One or the other not both. I think its fine as it is. Its not meant to be the default way to travel, yours ships are. But I wouldn't be against a smaller spool up and cool down, like 30 minutes instead of an hour for each.
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