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I am back as the prophecy has long foretold!
I know Leo, it's pretty dreadful when people don't just line up to agree with one's beliefs. For what it's worth I'm quite happy to develop the discussion along those lines so that even though there's disagreement there can still be a reasonable exchange of views and information. It's known as "debate" and it has historically been proven to be helpful to advanced cultures and free societies, despite falling out of vogue nowadays.

Btw, that statement you emboldened is pretty accurate, scientifically speaking, as far I'm aware.
I certainly agree with you Leo on that score; we should all be getting news from outside of our established confirmation bias chambers...which is a deep irony here considering how hard some people in thread have worked to turn this it into one. The good news is that I do derive my "news" from a wide base, much wider than anyone else here from what I can tell.

Oh, and the blow dryer bit; I've seen that point raised before, now I'd like you (or anyone else for that matter) to show me where the comment was made and exactly what was said including in what context.

Edit: and please don't just go with the wicki page as tempting as that may be haha
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Ordinarily I would be happy to prove you wrong but I cannot summon the energy to wade through filth on YT to find the direct quote from Mr Email inventor and the next news network so you will have to find it yourself.

Obviously you will take this as me admitting defeat and you "winning" but I have to inform you that while you're winning i'll be eating a southern fried chicken burger on a brioche bun with cheese, mayo and lettuce so really im winning all day long.

I'll save you the trouble; any written or video evidence that supports the idea you're promoting in the time honored tradition of marginalizing those you disagree with instead of defeating them through logic and debate will put the lie to the assertion your making.

See, the deal is I KNOW that you're just getting it second hand and running with it, which is why I pointed out that wicki doesn't count.

Edit: and all disagreements aside, that sounds like a hell of a good sandwich. Enjoy!
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Oh I'm not trying to marginalize you as you seem more than able to do it to yourself.

Besides there is no debate when it comes to the idea of Covid 19 being just like the flu when in fact its nothing like it at all. Perhaps you could provide us with some of your evidence that you have read that covid is just like the flu.

Burger was great btw although the brioche was a crumbling under the weight of so much awesome.

Btw the video in which he claimed that the corona virus could be dealt with by using a hair dryer was deleted from YT but I think you already knew that.
He never claimed that "Covid could be cured by putting a hair dry up your nose" but I think that you already knew that.
Yes definitely.

Welcome back at all the Cmdrs. :)


I saw your original post before the edit: no, covid hasn't stopped me. I haven't altered my schedule in any way since this whole thing has been going on, other then to lay in a decent stock of supplies. And those supplies and general preparedness have nothing whatsoever to do with the virus. And honestly now, all jokes aside: I want to get it, assuming I haven't already. That's the only way we're all getting through this as a society. Getting covid and facing it down, one way or the other.
I saw your original post before the edit: no, covid hasn't stopped me. I haven't altered my schedule in any way since this whole thing has been going on, other then to lay in a decent stock of supplies. And those supplies and general preparedness have nothing whatsoever to do with the virus. And honestly now, all jokes aside: I want to get it, assuming I haven't already. That's the only way we're all getting through this as a society. Getting covid and facing it down, one way or the other.
Yes I changed the content of the 1st message which I found retrospectively a little hard for a convalescent like you. :)

I can not imagine 5 weeks of absence on the forums without that you were seriously ill. 🤒🤕🤢🤧


I saw your original post before the edit: no, covid hasn't stopped me. I haven't altered my schedule in any way since this whole thing has been going on, other then to lay in a decent stock of supplies. And those supplies and general preparedness have nothing whatsoever to do with the virus. And honestly now, all jokes aside: I want to get it, assuming I haven't already. That's the only way we're all getting through this as a society. Getting covid and facing it down, one way or the other.

That's a bit of a gamble: Herd immunity

:D S
A danish screening for antibodies shows that ~1.1% have been infected so far. This is going to be a long one. This also shows that the ratio between unreported vs reported cases is lower than the expected 30:1 or even 100:1. Instead it's around 6:1.

(In danish, but should be translatable using Chrome etc.)

So now everything is supposed to go back to normal, opening up all over. I smell trouble on the horizon.

It also shows that the fatality rate is higher than expected. Probably around 1% of all cases including unreported cases, maybe higher, because only tested patients are included in the fatality data from many countries. Assuming that the numbers are representative, and that the World aims towards herd immunity, the virus will infect at least 80-90%, and the total death count, once this is over, will be somewhere around 100 million.

Indeed, this is going to be uphill for some time.

Stay safe folks!
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True, but even the simplest minds have meanwhile realised that it's all about exponential expansion and how to control its speed to prevent our health systems from collapsing. But your overwhelming number of information sources probably couldn't tell you that...
No Frillop, I totally get the orthodox view as presented by almost any mainstream media outlet you care to name. I just don't subscribe to that viewpoint and contest that there is an ulterior motive to keeping us all "locked down" for the good of ourselves and everyone else. And on a purely practical sense, how long do we want to go around wearing masks and social distancing from each other? I mean the people who are really and literally doing just that, not just denigrating people for chafing at this directive while secretly out visiting their girlfriends and non-living together romantic partners on the sly, how long are you/they/we willing to hide and go on with a quasi life in the impractical hope that this never finds us? A year? 2 years? 10 years? How about this as the "new normal?" I would rather take a chance on dying any day of the week then go on like that, and I certainly don't expect anyone else to do it on my behalf.

There's an old saying that I grew up with and it's as true today as it was back when I first heard it as a youngster: I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees...and that is what almost everyone in the world is doing right now. Living on their knees.
He lives in the arxe end of nowhere which can be a blessing and a disguise in that the transmission rate could be lower given the reduced number of people but he might struggle to find a ventilator if he catches it and takes a bad turn.

If push comes to shove he can stock up on bleach, hydroxychloroquine and a hair dryer.
See, there you go with the tried and true tactic of marginalization again where you can't beat me with logic and facts: last time I checked covid can and will travel wherever there are people, even if it takes a bit longer. Kinda weird how it stopped almost utterly in it's tracks here, despite there being tens of thousands of people where I live, all of them fertile ground for the virus to do it's thing.

Oh, and seeing as how people put on a ventilator have an approximately 80-90% mortality rate from that treatment in and of itself I won't be signing up for the ventilator. In fact, I can't imagine going to the hospital at all for that matter.
Oh, and seeing as how people put on a ventilator have an approximately 80-90% mortality rate from that treatment in and of itself I won't be signing up for the ventilator. In fact, I can't imagine going to the hospital at all for that matter.

Isn't that an argument similar to that since fatal car crashes commonly involve people wearing seatbelts, seatbelts must therefore be dangerous?

As someone (also) living in the backwaters, I can happily report that NZ has been without new cases for days now, and we are slowly coming out of hiding. The true impact on the economy is still work in progress. Large part of the impact will be due to the impact on other economies than ours, including that huge one to the north-east that normally just is loud and obnoxious on the world stage. But lately it has been loud, obnoxious and very virulent on the world stage. It seems they just want to out-drama everybody else in most cases and most deaths and everything... Must be the southern European ancestry. :p

:D S
Isn't that an argument similar to that since fatal car crashes commonly involve people wearing seatbelts, seatbelts must therefore be dangerous?

As someone (also) living in the backwaters, I can happily report that NZ has been without new cases for days now, and we are slowly coming out of hiding. The true impact on the economy is still work in progress. Large part of the impact will be due to the impact on other economies than ours, including that huge one to the north-east that normally just is loud and obnoxious on the world stage. But lately it has been loud, obnoxious and very virulent on the world stage. It seems they just want to out-drama everybody else in most cases and most deaths and everything... Must be the southern European ancestry. :p

:D S
What percentage of your population caught this and what are you going to do when it starts going through your previously un-infected biomass anew?
It may be naive, though. It may come back, and back, and back. Immunity is not guaranteed, and it may (and may already have!) mutated.

:D S
Then I'll sign up to keep catching it. Actually, I've already signed up in a sense seeing as how I've continually kept the same schedule during the plandemic as before.
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