We break the game ourselves!

Money doesn't matter anymore. Everyone can get millions into their account in no time. Mining has destroyed the appeal of the game.

There are no more community goals ... no longer makes sense. Why should I follow anything for a week when in the end only peanuts can be harvested? I can make the money in a few hours with mining.

Why should I fly a passenger around if I can get the same money in a few minutes?

Why should I hunt bounty when I can do it a lot easier?

I now have almost 2000 hours of playing time in this game. But I've never felt so insignificant. The carriers bring something new. But they are far from being well thought out either. Role management must be introduced here!

Activities other than mining must finally make sense again. You have to reward accordingly!

The game has to lose the touch "I'll only get rich quickly with mining"! The primary question of the newbies at the moment is only: How can I make money quickly? After all, apparently, doesn't money go into this game? But that's wrong!

The things that made Elite Dangerous great and connected the community must get more importance again!


(Google Translate - better than my english ;) )
Totally agree with Op post.
The game has turned into a shameful grind and farm thing.
Mats credits ores etc. And when you have 100 billion 12 engineered ships 2 carriers on main an alt?
What then?
The game needs player driven content. Community galnet so on.
PvP needs fixing too.
Open is deserted.
Game is unbalanced.
From , the rare goods glitch, seeking goods, to robigo runs, to Skimmer missions, to Smeaton missions, Sothis Bio haulage, Meta alloy haulage, Thorium haulage, Thursrday tick long range haulage glitch... Breath out, Void opals, and now LTD's...

There has always been something, stop worrying about how others play the game. Blatant exploits eventually get fixed, the galaxy doesn't implode.
It's not worry..its a lack of things to do.
There's alot to do but it's mostly money or mats orientated and frankly it's boring.
Mebbe I should patrol borann ll or lll again hehe.
It's not worry..its a lack of things to do.
There's alot to do but it's mostly money or mats orientated and frankly it's boring.
Mebbe I should patrol borann ll or lll again hehe.

Tonnes to do in the game. People choose to obsess over silly things like sit in a Ice rings for months, then complain. Ridiculous. I've done a few hours of mining in as many months. Am trying to cram in a fraction of my todo list before lockdown fully ends.
From , the rare goods glitch, seeking goods, to robigo runs, to Skimmer missions, to Smeaton missions, Sothis Bio haulage, Meta alloy haulage, Thorium haulage, Thursrday tick long range haulage glitch... Breath out, Void opals, and now LTD's...

There has always been something, stop worrying about how others play the game. Blatant exploits eventually get fixed, the galaxy doesn't implode.
Generally speaking, there will always be a "best" way to make money. The trick is to make sure that "best" isn't so much better that it trivializes everything else.
Money doesn't matter anymore.
Credits haven't mattered to me for over three years.

I got a Python, a FDL, and a bunch of rebuys just in case ... and then I didn't need to worry about money again.
(My net assets were well under 1 billion credits at that point, and it had taken me most of two years to get that far because I was mostly doing things like exploration and CQC which didn't pay well back then either.)

I still go around trading, bounty hunting, exploring, running missions, etc. because I find it fun. I go mining about once a year and haven't used the new mining tools since 3.3 Beta (I go mining for relaxing, and they're far too fiddly to use for that)

If I liked big ships then it would have taken me longer - or more focus on actually earning credits - to get to that point. But I'd have got there eventually anyway.

The game needs player driven content.
The vast majority of players, given the choice, drive most of what player-driven content there is into stagnation and stasis. They do so for reasons which for them, in their situation, are personally reasonable, because most players want to win and most players want to be in control of their situation. But the overall effect is uninteresting. The same is true of other content where Frontier gives people a choice between two outcomes: they always pick the boring one.
For my part I do what I want to do.
I don’t hold the game accountable for the psychology of large sections of the player base.
Those wanting everything, as soon as possible, will always find a way. Players want what they perceive to be the “good stuff” sooner rather than later, and admittedly mining now facilitates this behavior in a particularly gratuitous fashion. Their “endgame” is, at least in monetary terms, achievable in days.
But it’ll be difficult to suddenly roll it all back wouldn’t you say? Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
Generally speaking, there will always be a "best" way to make money. The trick is to make sure that "best" isn't so much better that it trivializes everything else.

There is no asset in game that requires anyone to do that 'Best' method until their eyes start bleeding. I just don't get it. People saying they need 20+ billion for carriers, why?

I have briefly dabbled with the various best methods. Rest of the time I mix up playtime. If others want to OCD over one thing, fine. It doesn't affect my play style.
I have couple of billion on my bank and all the ships I need. No FC. Now my goals are to reach Elite in combat and engineer all my ships to fit their roles. For these goals I pick up missions that grant me materials and let me blow up ships. Sometimes I go and do something else. In a way I am in my zen place. No hurry to earn anything, just fly and do my stuff.

Though, it would be great to have more complex missions as now they are quite repetitive. Also would be nice to have some kind of incentive to fly in the open. And would really want to see the community goals or such to come back.
The game is broken.
Not the way it's played.
Admitted some aspects namely spam mining to get a big ship endgame assumption.
But the games fundamentals are flawed.
Separate engineering trees for PvP and pve.
No accountability long term.
Big huge bugs left unresolved.
Bgs incomprehensible to most laymen. But exploited In solo/pgs.
Address this and the game would be better.
Thargoid Guardian all left hanging like an abandoned toy.
Galnet community thing all.gone.
Open deserted.
The game is not broken because players find nothing else important than doing grindy stuff to collect virtual credits. It is like missing your real life wideness, just because there is nothing else but to earn billions. How sick is that?

I simply cannot understand, why people waste their reallife time to do things they do not like (!) in a game? That is ridiculuous.

I always try to be clear, that one hour of gametime in Elite is one our of my lifetime lost for ever. So this one hour must be so much fun, that I am willing to spend it.

And as I always say: lookup Commander Isinona for example and how this guy played Elite.

I pray for those, that waste their worthy lifetime to useless gameplay. It is still the rest of your reallife! Remember that.
Bgs incomprehensible to most laymen.
The primary principle: do stuff for a faction, that faction's position improves. Very comprehensible. Everything else is detail that doesn't change the principle.

The point is to let people's actions influence the galaxy. Letting them influence it too controllably so everything is neatly ordered and in its proper place with no room for disruption - as the "document it" crowd would have, as the "disregard actions from non-deliberate players" crowd would have, as the "give us more direct control over factions" crowd would have - would just lead to boredom.

That it's not straightforward to endlessly spreadsheet out and plan to the nth degree I see as a feature, not a bug. (That people who take the time to research it rather than being spoonfed instructions can nevertheless gain more precise influence over factions, also a feature. Too much of this game already rewards outsourcing your thinking.)
It's probably the fact that the game is stagnant at the moment. Frontier in their wisdom, removed ALL of the lore/content that was around a year ago.

I amassed my 'fortune' 12 months ago, when double Painite mining was lucrative - I've never bothered with LTD or Void Opal mining.
My 18+bil meant that I didn't play at all from February this year up until the FC's was released & even before that I wasn't playing a lot.

My thought was not to even bother getting a FC, this was mainly due to the lack of said content. However, on release I did purchase a Carrier & I'm back playing again, Exploring in the black - I actually passed 10000 hours on my gameclock a couple of week back (I'd been stuck on 9900 hours for over a year - that's how little I'v played since FD dropped the lore/content).

As for chasing credits via mining......meh!. Others can do what they wish, chase whatever credit value's they want. I'm happy with my current account & don't really need to chase anything, certainly not credits!

Just out there......in the black.......chilling......having a Bud........WAAAAASSSSSSSAAAAAAPPPPP!!!!!!!;)🍻🍻
Basically there are two kinds of PC games:

1. Games, in which infinite amount of money / resources doesn't make playing any less interesting. Sometimes even, on the contrary, it makes playing even more engaging and fun. Examples of such games are Eve Online, Guild Wars 2.

2. Games, in which gaining big enough (and moreover, infinite) amount of money / resources makes any further playing absolutely meaningless and dull, except when the same primitive and repetitive actions make one happy. Example of such games are Elite Dangerous, ETS2.

In terms of game design, games of first kind are brilliant, while games of second kind are ugly (even when being in an eye-candy wrap).
Can't really argue with that.......It's just personal choice, what an individual enjoys.
Though I never did like Eve, never got passed the free weekend periods that came up every now & then. Never tried Guild Wars 2.
I'm more into something that I can relax while playing. That's why I don't touch pewpew in ED.
I played all those high pulse rate games in my younger days, not interested in any of them now:sleep:
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