OK ... This is now a problem

I'm not sure if this is directly related to Carriers. The other day I had a lot of orange sidewinder errors, but I was just jumping/cruising in low traffic systems (no carriers around at all). The same day, I was in the icebox, and had no issues.

But today, I was getting weird screen freezes jumping in and near the high selling LTD station. Sometimes it would freeze for 10-15 seconds during the jump animation..like the animation itself completely froze. But I ended up successfully jumping into the system (and I got pirated by a couple CODE pirates, so instancing was working, more or less). So maybe it's indirectly related to carriers, but it doesn't seem to be a 1-1 correlation.
This is also true... I've been getting hangs from low waking and stutters and crashes as well even in low pop. systems. Just not nearly as much as in hi pop.
Yep, seen that on XB too. Not everytime but often enough to be noticeable
Not so prevalent on PC (slightly longer SC transition timers on PC, but not as insanely long as it sometimes happens on XB)

It's happening on PC as well, the problem is definitely server-side:
All I can tell you is that I've had some connection issues in the past, especially after updates, but after setting up port forwarding I rarely experience them anymore.
In Carrier heavy systems I don't notice any problems.
Similar experience here... I tried port forwarding a few years ago and never went back. I very rarely experience any issues anywhere in the game. only have the standard 12Mbs download and 1Mb upload

I’m not claiming there is no spoon but another thing to consider is your router and it’s firmware, if it’s old and/or one of those freebies issued from the telecommunication companies. Bin it, immediately! In either instance it won’t handle gaming. Also things that hamper internet connection are how far your property is from the exchange.

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Getting a full hand of it right now.

Started the game on XB
Started the game on PC
PC logs in, XB turning a red Cutter on the screen
PC i plot a jump from the carrier management screen, 1 minute later XB logs in finally
XB opens the galaxy map -> Orange sidewinder
XB reconnects > Open galaxy map > Mauve Adder
XB reconnects > Taupe Cobra
XB quit the game > restart > reconnect> Mauve Adder directly from the hangar screen
PC still fine, jump scheduled in 3 minutes 40 seconds.
XB reconnect (takes a long time as every other attempt above) PC carrier honks letting me know the services are suspended prior to jump.
XB still showing a red cutter on the screen (stuck but not dead) - i forsee it will eventually connect then crash with a Mauve Adder right from the hangar screen
PC carrier jumps in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1
XB still shows a stuck red Cutter on the screen

@Bruce Garrido @Tim Smith
Guys please, can you give the XB support team a sign to check the platform?
I don't use port forwarding but yet I can see human players. ED's network code requires at least one commander in any given instance who has an activate port forwarding, so his machine can act as a host to this instance. That said, especially in crowded systems, where the possibility of being instanced with such a player is much higher than in low frequency systems, such an advice won't help much.
Really?? If you have any more details on the theory of this i'd be interested.
Getting a full hand of it right now.

Started the game on XB
Started the game on PC
PC logs in, XB turning a red Cutter on the screen
PC i plot a jump from the carrier management screen, 1 minute later XB logs in finally
XB opens the galaxy map -> Orange sidewinder
XB reconnects > Open galaxy map > Mauve Adder
XB reconnects > Taupe Cobra
XB quit the game > restart > reconnect> Mauve Adder directly from the hangar screen
PC still fine, jump scheduled in 3 minutes 40 seconds.
XB reconnect (takes a long time as every other attempt above) PC carrier honks letting me know the services are suspended prior to jump.
XB still showing a red cutter on the screen (stuck but not dead) - i forsee it will eventually connect then crash with a Mauve Adder right from the hangar screen
PC carrier jumps in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1
XB still shows a stuck red Cutter on the screen

@Bruce Garrido @Tim Smith
Guys please, can you give the XB support team a sign to check the platform?

Yep, theres clearly something in the console programming or servers that we are on that isn't playing ball!
Egad, that's one heck of a bandwidth you have there! I haven't ever seen a sub 10mS ping time outside of an intranet!

It's rural Hungary lol
DL could be twice as much but my laptop only has 1 Gbps Ethernet :)

But it does not really help tbh, the game is nigh unplayable sometimes in crowded systems, since the carrier update. All colours of Adders and whatnot left and right, and even when it's a bit better, 5 minutes long login screens, annoying freezes in supercruise, endless tunneling and things like that can still happen. Today it seems to be especially bad.
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