FDEV Please remove 2 millions limit when killing wanted commanders

Please frontier should consider this.

I think the 2 millions limit should be removed. Maybe with more than 2 millions per minor faction, a commander that kills a wanted one, could (for example) receive only 80% of the bounty and that bounty divided between the wing partners who took part in the killing.


Let´s suppose me and 3 more wingmates manage to kill one wanted commander, using kill warrant scanner, who is wanted for a 500 million amount in total.

Using my suggestion, the wing should receive 80% of the bounties (400 millions) divided between the wing (4) so each one receives 100 millions.

This way people avoid using the kill to give money to alternate accounts, but also bounty hunting become a lucratitve activity.

Is not fair the typical FDL rebuy can cost up to 10 millions, but if a kill a wanted commander, no matter how mucho bounty he has in that system, I am going to receive only 2 millions.

Please frontier should consider this.

I think the 2 millions limit should be removed. Maybe with more than 2 millions per minor faction, a commander that kills a wanted one, could (for example) receive only 80% of the bounty and that bounty divided between the wing partners who took part in the killing.


Let´s suppose me and 3 more wingmates manage to kill one wanted commander, using kill warrant scanner, who is wanted for a 500 million amount in total.

Using my suggestion, the wing should receive 80% of the bounties (400 millions) divided between the wing (4) so each one receives 100 millions.

This way people avoid using the kill to give money to alternate accounts, but also bounty hunting become a lucratitve activity.

Is not fair the typical FDL rebuy can cost up to 10 millions, but if a kill a wanted commander, no matter how mucho bounty he has in that system, I am going to receive only 2 millions.

We might be at war (;)) but I agree. That cap is actively hindering bounty hunting and frankly there is so much money in "the economy"
it doesn't matter if this could be exploited.
You know, wings rewards used to be divided instead every getting whole bounty... People were not happy about it as sharing is a big no no :)
Dumb people... Frontier really needs to stop catering to the "easy mode" crowd.

I would much rather the rewards be divided, as it just makes sense. On the other hand, any job that requires a team should offer rewards up to four times higher than jobs that can be done alone. This too just makes sense.
But now I'm surprised. You are the first one who mentioned exploits, which are (iirc) the only reason behind this cap. In the same line you relativise it again with "it doesn't matter anyway"? It's almost like saying, who cares about any new bug, with all these bugs already around?
I hope I just didn't got the irony.. 🥴
Thing is, to effectively use this as an exploit, player A goes out and runs up a massive bounty, probably requiring a Corvette or Cutter to do quickly- player B can do nothing at this point and player A has to already have a bucket full of credits and engineered ships. Player A then lets player B shoot them and claim the bounty.

Or, player B goes mining and probably gets credits quicker and without cost to player A.
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But now I'm surprised. You are the first one who mentioned exploits, which are (iirc) the only reason behind this cap. In the same line you relativise it again with "it doesn't matter anyway"? It's almost like saying, who cares about any new bug, with all these bugs already around?
I hope I just didn't got the irony.. 🥴
Money exploits from blowing up players isn't worse then mining.

If I would gank players, I'd rack up up to 6 milion a pop but I also would use my g5 murderboat (because of ATR and other players).
If (and good luck trying) you blow that up you would get the billion bounty on my head. I would lose that bounty or lose my murderboat.
So for organic PvP it's good and a win one the one side, lose on the other.
Now the hypothetic exploit is: I use a unengineered or lightly engineered "gank"boat to kill NPCs, and let my friend blow me up for a billion,
I lose the ship and my buddy gets the money, and vice versa. It's just that this isn't as fast as mining either, so I simply don't care.

But for organic PvP and an effective policing, the cap has to go.

Edit: Dillon was quicker
Thing is, to effectively use this as an exploit, player A goes out and runs up a massive bounty, probably requiring a Corvette or Cutter to do quickly- player B can do nothing at this point and player A has to already have a bucket full of credits and engineered ships. Player A then lets player B shoot them and claim the bounty.
Well, the effective way to use it as an exploit would be for players B, C, D and E to also be running up the bounties simultaneously, and then they wing up to claim and hand-in each in turn.

It's probably quickest to run up the bounty with a hold full of "stolen" LTDs in a T-9 (which can be stored on a Fleet Carrier when not in use) - and get a tiny assault bounty first. Then every authority scan is assessing you for ~150M credits of stolen cargo ... which would ordinarily be a fine, but since you're already wanted adds to your bounty ... and hey, the Fleet Carrier attracts authority ships. You could run up a ridiculous bounty very quickly that way, I think.

The suggestion in the original post to split player bounties among a wing and cap at 80% (cap including anything like Powerplay effects which boost bounty payout, of course) would stop any such exploits, though.
that limit has been introduced in the very early days of elite dangerous when making credits was much harder and some just made themself wanted a lot to be killed by a friend who earned the cash. today making hundrets of millions of credits is so easy that any bounty on a commanders head should be paid in full. really. there is absolutely no motivation in hunting down commanders with a high bounty when you get paid almost nothing.
we should be able to put a price on peoples head
Yep, and if someone put a price on my head, I would jump in a freewinder, launch off the deck of my FC out in the middle of nowhere, and use one of my alts to collect it. Great idea actually, just no in game way to properly execute that idea without it being exploited to the point of uselessness.

I suggest the same would happen if they uncapped the bounties. I think it would be collected by friends and alts far more often than in some legitimate way. But, I am not against it despite that. Easy money for someone else does not harm my game any more than any of the other easy money makers in this game. How fast can one build up a 100M bounty, (after expenses of course), then get a friend or alt to collect it, then transfer what ever funds need transferring back to the original commander? Is it more than an hour or so? If so, then it is still slower than VO core mining, and Robigo Mines - Sirius Atmo passenger runs.
Yeah, the wing multiplier could be an exploit when you get someone run up a billion-credit bounty (not difficult in a 'vette) then have their four mates all "gank" him and claim a billion each while he only pays a billion.

On the other end, 2 million is "who cares" tier of credit exploiting, you could do it right now if you wanted but for the time and effort involved you'd be better off just taking a wing massacre mission or something.

I'd just give everyone in the wing the first 2 million of any bounty (which, given that no NPC ever has a bounty that high, won't affect PvE) and divide the rest.
I'm not concerned about player to player cash transfer, although it is much quicker for a player to rack up a several million credit bounty then have an ally kill them than it is to farm bounties in a RES or CNB.

I'd be happy if the cap were removed but no influence applied on cashing in a player bounty, perhaps it could only be claimed at an IF or something. I'd suggest the cap only be removed if the player with the bounty on their head has zero notoriety too, to discourage rapid cynical farming of bounties, although that doesn't solve the issue with smuggling as Ian Doncaster describes and I can't immediately think of a way around that.
Please frontier should consider this.

I think the 2 millions limit should be removed. Maybe with more than 2 millions per minor faction, a commander that kills a wanted one, could (for example) receive only 80% of the bounty and that bounty divided between the wing partners who took part in the killing.


Let´s suppose me and 3 more wingmates manage to kill one wanted commander, using kill warrant scanner, who is wanted for a 500 million amount in total.

Using my suggestion, the wing should receive 80% of the bounties (400 millions) divided between the wing (4) so each one receives 100 millions.

This way people avoid using the kill to give money to alternate accounts, but also bounty hunting become a lucratitve activity.

Is not fair the typical FDL rebuy can cost up to 10 millions, but if a kill a wanted commander, no matter how mucho bounty he has in that system, I am going to receive only 2 millions.


All for it and I would start hunting all the foreigners with bounties in Colonia, but....

I'd be happy if the cap were removed but no influence applied on cashing in a player bounty, perhaps it could only be claimed at an IF or something. I'd suggest the cap only be removed if the player with the bounty on their head has zero notoriety too, to discourage rapid cynical farming of bounties, although that doesn't solve the issue with smuggling as Ian Doncaster describes and I can't immediately think of a way around that.

this one. No player bounty should count towards inf. Just saw it exploited today again, actually I see it quite often in the last months. 1 rakes in bounties by killing clean ships of the other factions in the system and then a wing of 4 kills them for easy bounties for their controlling faction. Now imagine if the bounties were unlocked, rotate and you can max the bounty buckets in 4 systems with just 5 players in no time.
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