General / Off-Topic The safest place

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My old instructor in Ob/Gyn is sick with Covid. The surgeon who fixed my brother's cancer has it.
8 medical workers are sick too. Our Prime Minister is in quarantine after exposure.

Cases have surged to 632 active, and I can calculate overrunning of the local health service within 4 weeks. Fortunately, our administration isn't staffed and supported by a cohort with stochastic risk blindness. So we might be able to suppress and control it just before that happens, but the cost to the service is going to be high.

Going to suggest that you are recommending a feat that isn't possible. Because of "social quantum theory" - Particles vs Waves.

Back when my family took a loss some years ago, my brain suffered loss of cells in the hippocampus. That happens during both grieving and depressive disease.
The hippocampus shrinks, and we can see it on scans. Now those cells hold place memory- part of our navigation system. So I was driving home from work, and reached an intersection that I'd gone through 100,000 times. But that day, the place cell had died. I simply couldn't identify the spot. No idea of where to go.

What is this place? asked the brain. You have no memory of it. What are you even doing here?

Immediately, you know your hippocampus is bad, because you used to be normal from before. What if you were NEVER normal: If the issue were there from birth?
Well, you'd have zero ability to even see that there was a disability.

I think that these folks have analogous defects in their ventromedial prefrontal cortex.
They cannot understand any large scale risks to population, as a disability. So they cannot understand why mass shootings are a problem, deny that climate change is real or a threat, ignore pandemics, eschew vaccines- because their perceptual processing is malfunctioning. Like mine did, that day.

So- they could read and comprehend these words, just as I could physically see the street, but the meaning would not exist. It wouldn't matter to them. At all.

This extends to ANY large scale stochastic risk. So they can't understand why there should be safety regulations. Why there should be dietary guidelines imposed on menus. Why smoking should be banned. They bitterly resent these efforts which seem totally unnecessary.
"The only problem with business is these stupid quarantine restrictions" "Why can't I smoke?" "Who are these controlling experts that are telling ME what to do?" YOU CANT MAKE MEEEE.

People in wheelchairs are not going to be running alongside, keeping up. Because they can't.

So if you were like that, you simply wouldn't be able to get why those people are masking and vaccinating for something that just can't register with your perception. So, they must be y cowards. Not a Lion, like you, brave and independent. With your guns. Cause if you can't identify threats on a large scale, what threats would you concentrate on? Local, personal ones, like those people who want to R--- you with their mandated safety things.
What is this "society" thing you speak of? It's a local 2% risk. I cannot see those piles of dead people. It must be a hoax, or crisis actors, or something, not REAL.
They are individual particles of sand. How can they form a dune that moves in a wave pattern?

vmPFC defects also cause gullibility, tolerance for lies, susceptibility to conspiracy thinking, religious fundamentalism because of false tagging failure. So they swallow the nanobot vaccine control idea, the 5G idea, the Qanon idea, the lizard people idea, the demon sperm idea, etc etc etc ad nauseum. I know a lady here who thinks the British Princes are having congress with demons, and regularly walks in backward to ward off the Evil that Follows. Antimasker, anti vaxxer of course. She has spiritual protection, in place of gun protection, which of course is -- no protection. Not from Covid.

It's easy to fool and defraud them, and drive them into open hostility against actual truth. Or the people that tell it. ( Insert Dr. Fauci.)
And they go back for more, from the same debunked sources, because if you cannot false-tag a lie, it's the same as an "alternative fact", and doesn't produce the revulsion we feel.
So there's whole industries 🦊 devoted to milking them for cash, and a divorce industry because they can't judge character. A recent arrest for fraud illustrates this perfectly.

vmPFC inhibits the amygdala, which drives the fear response to faces of different racial origins. Take away the inhibition, and you get racist fear dialling up to 11. Hence their association with paraphanalia like Pepe, and Confed Flags, and racist statues, the disastrous desire for nationalistic separation, and conflict in the streets.

During a pandemic, well, you get the our situation today.
Is there a way to fix the issue- yes, but the post is already too long.

We cannot ask these people to fly, any more than we can demand that they just not have a disability anymore. That disability is a societal cancer. But the people themselves are not, and we(especially me) need to try to understand.

In the time it took to post this, our figures have changed to 767.
I recalculate overrun in 3 weeks. Maybe 2. I am grateful for having my operation earlier now because in just days, the condition would become fatal here without the services.

Eagerly awaiting your post where you write about how to fix the Issue . In the meantime : thanks, one more time .
Some organizations/demographics take COVID-19 precautions more seriously than others. Not much more to it.
Rubbish. The powers that be decide which activities are approved and which aren't, hence Sturgis being the big bad and ANTIFA, BLM & assorted acts of domestic terrorism are widely accepted. Sturgis supposedly spreads covid and mass riots protesting systemic racism don't. That's the extent of the science right there in a nut shell.
Business effectiveness report from the pandemic:

I started the day at Oh-Dark-Thirty. The network was supposed to be up, and I would be starting the machine conversion process for the specialist equipment.

I found a half-eaten pizza, and some doughnuts. And some dozen High Tech Wizards performing rituals and sacrifices.

Things had not gone according to plan...I'm sure you're shocked.

I, and my multimillion dollar collection of equipment were dead in the water, without a network.

I got a good look at the equipment being installed. The new rack servers and switches had dust and grime on them. The "new" phones were either hand-me-downs- or refurbs.

Since I couldn't do my stuff, I found myself placing phones on desks...until we ran out.

They had only shipped, and provisioned, half the phones. Remember, this is a factory environment that needs PA's and phones.

My agency called after lunch. I would not be needed until Monday, due to client issues (not with me).

So, 0530 Monday, the production floor, and half the offices will be dead. I will be still waiting to do my stuff.

Private businesses are so much more effective than anyone else at efficiency. Especially that durn Post Office. :)

Note for Robin: With the bosses gone, I was one of the few wearing a mask. You can predict what comes next. I dread it might include me, despite precautions.
Someone did something really amazing :


The Article :

Someone did something really amazing :


The Article :

No wonder qanon have been getting deplatformed recently.

On the positive side the more mainstream this stuff gets the more openly ridiculed it will be by the majority of the population, its hard for the truly bonkers stuff to survive outside of the hugboxes. Going a bit more mainstream could hopefully be what kills it.

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I read an article about some people being unable to process the huge numbers involved so it just doesn't actually register as a threat.

Then there's the survival usefulness of denial as a short term coping strategy so you can keep functioning. Doesn't work so well in a long drawn out threat like a pandemic.
Uh huh. Gotta love how you can turn someone into a sociopath, mysoginist or racist by twisting and redefining the meaning of the word, phrase or label until someone who wouldn't have fit that profile as recently as a year ago suddenly falls within these negative parameters. Burn the witch!

Deleted member 257907

Someone did something really amazing :


The Article :

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