ALERT: Fires in Imperial space!

Terrorist Attacks on Imperial Starports
10 SEP 3306
Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders

The Empire has broadcast this message across its emergency channels:

“There have been multiple explosions within Mackenzie Relay station, in Princess Aisling Duval’s home system of Cemiess. NMLA terrorists have claimed responsibility.”

“In coordinated attacks they have also struck at Tsiolkovsky Terminal in the Gabjaujis system, Garrido Market in the LHS 4031 system, and Muller Terminal in the Rabh system.”

“We urgently request assistance from the galactic community with repairing these starports and rescuing their populations.”

The Imperial Internal Security Service issued a bulletin regarding this current threat:

“The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA) is a paramilitary force of political extremists, whose activities have been small-scale until now.”

“Marlinism is a well-known ideology inspired by Marlin Duval, who established the Republic of Achenar in the 23rd century prior to it becoming the Empire. Many people in the fringe systems are Marlinists, who want to replace hereditary Emperors with representation by elected senators. Neo-Marlinism is a more radical conviction that only terror tactics will force such change.”

“The NMLA’s hatred of the Imperial Family explains why it has targeted starports under the Duval banner. But its use of portable military-grade explosives is unprecedented, suggesting an increase in resources.”
So my guess is that FD's intention is to re-use the burning station mechanic for a new Terrorist Attack Galnet story. Unfortunately the burning stations automatically trigger a Thargoid activity report. Also, the attacked stations are showing the usual Thargoid caustic damage but again, that could be unintentional and part of the game's standard "burning station" graphic. Or ... perhaps the stations have been attacked by Thargoid terrorists?
Terrorist Attacks on Imperial Starports
10 SEP 3306
Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders

The Empire has broadcast this message across its emergency channels:

“There have been multiple explosions within Mackenzie Relay station, in Princess Aisling Duval’s home system of Cemiess. NMLA terrorists have claimed responsibility.”

“In coordinated attacks they have also struck at Tsiolkovsky Terminal in the Gabjaujis system, Garrido Market in the LHS 4031 system, and Muller Terminal in the Rabh system.”

“We urgently request assistance from the galactic community with repairing these starports and rescuing their populations.”

The Imperial Internal Security Service issued a bulletin regarding this current threat:

“The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA) is a paramilitary force of political extremists, whose activities have been small-scale until now.”

“Marlinism is a well-known ideology inspired by Marlin Duval, who established the Republic of Achenar in the 23rd century prior to it becoming the Empire. Many people in the fringe systems are Marlinists, who want to replace hereditary Emperors with representation by elected senators. Neo-Marlinism is a more radical conviction that only terror tactics will force such change.”

“The NMLA’s hatred of the Imperial Family explains why it has targeted starports under the Duval banner. But its use of portable military-grade explosives is unprecedented, suggesting an increase in resources.”

Oooo, actual lore? Nice. All those times I snaked in a few thousand land mines was for this?
So my guess is that FD's intention is to re-use the burning station mechanic for a new Terrorist Attack Galnet story. Unfortunately the burning stations automatically trigger a Thargoid activity report. Also, the attacked stations are showing the usual Thargoid caustic damage but again, that could be unintentional and part of the game's standard "burning station" graphic. Or ... perhaps the stations have been attacked by Thargoid terrorists?
I didn't see that plot twist coming!!!!
Yeah sorry, I posted a certain picture on the imperial network and I guess a few of the stations couldn't handle the load.
So the current thinking is that it's terrorists and not Thargoids?

I'm going to be mightily p***ed if I get there and find out I needed my AXI ship all the way back in Asterope ;)
As the game used Thargoids assets (news + caustic on stations + red alerts in it, etc...), there is a display issue when we take off from the stations.
This UI has been updated in a recent update, and it doesn't work well with the old UI.


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