getting ganked isn't fun

yea, what a surprise?!

i recently decided to play open exclusively. i don't pvp. i know and i accepted the fact that i can get ganked by other players. when i went to deciat today, i knew there are players specifically aiming to gank other players. i knew that. i got interdicted and got killed. but it made me realize something that i didn't before. this was actually the first time another player, actually it was two players, killed me.

the realization was that getting ganked simply isn't fun. for either side i would presume.

first the interdiction. maybe there was a little bit of excitement at the beginning. but quickly it was very clear that i couldn't escape.

ok, then i need run away. so, i put everything into engines and shields and boosted away. didn't help. then i charged my fsd to jump to a different system. was interrupted. could i have done something against that? i don't know. then i was completely disabled and shot down by the two other players.

the entire encounter was me flying forward, boosting until i was disabled. then i had to wait a couple of seconds to get blown up.

i lost 7m credits and 5-10 minutes. wasn't fun in any way for me and i was wondering, was it fun on the other side? because i didn't stand a chance. i didn't fight back and i couldn't do anything against the interruption attacks and i couldn't do anything against all my modules being disabled.

first and foremost i want to have fun in the game. and even though i do accept the fact that i can get ganked by other players, it's simply not a fun experience. so, now what? i will avoid playing open until i figured out a way how i can get fun out of this experience.

any suggestions would be much appreciated. also interested to hear the other side of the story. is it fun to gank? how do gank encounters usually look like for you? do some actually decide to fight back? do they stand a chance? i suppose no.
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the entire encounter was me flying forward, boosting until i was disabled. then i had to wait a couple of seconds to get blown up.
Okay, so, this is what rings bells for me. If you boost in a straight line (or try to line up on your destination as soon as you start charging your drive and fly towards it) then you're a predictable target. FSD resets are dumbfire missiles, which are easy to land on something that's stationary or moving in a straight line, but a pain to tag on someone that's actively evading - missiles have a different flight profile to other weapons too since they don't inherit the firing ship's velocity, which means that if they're using fixed weapons then they can't easily line up on you with the missiles and their other weapons at the same time unless they're right on top of you.

While you're charging your drive, don't just run for your destination, boost at the person attacking you. Basically, you want to force them to turn to keep their aim on you. When your drive's charged and you get that "ready to engage" notification, then even if you're flying backwards it'll only take a single boost to get you into the countdown.
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