"Compare Markets" tool

Using the Compare Markets tool, I selected a target station and looked for a good deal. It showed Narcotics at a good profit. It did not say Narcotics were illegal. Of course, one would think that they were, but anyway....
I loaded up with Narcotics and travelled to the target station. When I got there, I was mildly surprised that the Narcotics were an illicit good, but on top of that I was shocked that the market wasn't even buying Narcotics.

This is the second time I've had this issue; the first time it was with weapons. Am I reading something wrongly?
Yes you are not researching your target markets. Just because the market says you will make a profit with a specific commodity doesn't mean you should take that as fact. Always check to see if the intended market allows the import of the commodity otherwise you will have to smuggle it in - in other words, don't get scanned whilst transporting it. It only takes a second or two to find out what is prohibited in a specific system/station, then you can make an informed decision on whether it is viable to attempt to smuggle the goods.
My initial concern isn't the legality of the matter, it's that the Compare Markets tool said there was a demand for the goods at the selected destination. When I got there, there was no demand at all. The legality is what it is, but when I get there I want to sell the goods.
It's one of the tool's many flaws, and which hasn't received improvement since its release.

If the item is illegal at the market it's giving you prices to go sell, then it is not buying it... but the tool isn't doing this legality check so it is displaying an impossible price for you.

What you can do:

  • Checking the commodity information (it says under which conditions it is illegal). This involves either the controlling faction's government types or superpowers.
  • At the system map for your destination, mouse-over the station with the second tab and it will say which commodities are prohibited, like this:
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Been a while since I tried, but if the station has a Black Market, you can sell it there? Or no? (I would swear I've done this before)
but also with much profit?

i like smuggling, but gave it up a time ago because it was not really worth the time.
It's one of the tool's many flaws, and which hasn't received improvement since its release.

If the item is illegal at the market it's giving you prices to go sell, then it is not buying it... but the tool isn't doing this legality check so it is displaying an impossible price for you.

What you can do:

  • Checking the commodity information (it says under which conditions it is illegal). This involves either the controlling faction's government types or superpowers.
  • At the system map for your destination, mouse-over the station with the second tab and it will say which commodities are prohibited, like this:
View attachment 204141
Thanks Danieros. You understand my question.
Fair enough, I can work with this.
With less profit.
For stolen goods you should not get as much as the what the local market is selling (as the goods fell off the back of a T9) but for items that prohibited in system you should be getting a premium rate (galactic average plus a percentage) because of the scarcity of that particular item. I can't recall if it happens that way, it's been a long time since dabbling in the black market.

My bigger problem with the black market mechanic is that it should resemble how it was in FE2 and FFE: they shouldn't appear on the galactic map and they should be contacting people on a bulletin board, with the chance it being a police sting with the opportunity to bribe them. The current mechanic is just a different sales screen.

They could also leverage the reputation system so that as you dealt a the trader more, you got better rates for example.
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