Embarrassed I didn't realise this until now.....

Sit down, grab a drink and read my latest tale of woe, one that I am rather embarrassed about because I have been playing the game long enough I should have know about it! Meh, maybe some newbie will gain from my misfortune, that is all I hope for.

TL: DR Had a ship with a small range, had some distance to travel, didn't want to run out of fuel, didn't realise I could fit additional fuel tanks

Anyway, here is the sorry tale: One of the tasks I have set myself upon my return from self imposed exile is to go through every ship and make sure it is suited for it's assigned task and if need be, fully engineer it (NO THIS ISN'T A WHINGE ABOUT ENGINEERING, I will leave that to the professionals). Have so far done about 7 ships, about half my fleet with no problems, got mat collecting down to a fine art, actually enjoying the process. So far so good right!

My latest ship is one of the first ships I purchased, my old faithful speed beast, The Scout, a lovely little Imperial Courier. After some playing around with Coriolis, I settled on a configuration I wanted and plugged the required engineering upgrades into Inara to find out what mats I need to get - big surprise, 14 modules requiring some degree of engineering, from just adding or changing an experimental to complete G1 to G5. The big surprise is that I had sufficient mats to do it all, no hunting for ENC, RAW or MAT items required, which is kind of amazing because I had just completed engineered my Cutter. Anyway, feeling rather pleased with myself, I looked at the engineers I actually had to visit (as against what I could do remotely) and worked out I needed to visit 8 different engineers.

This is where the dunce cap comes it.

Lets be honest here, the Courier doesn't have long legs does it, sure at this stage it had around a 32ly jump range but I knew from experience that I might have to travel around 190LY between some engineers and that was over the total range of the tank (178ly to be exact). I realised I had a few options: (A) Plan my route to very carefully and hope everything works; (B) Plan on breaking a journey to refuel; ((C) set the route to economical and do LOTS of little jumps or (D) fit a fuel scoop. Option D is the most logical of course but I could only fit a Size 2 scoop and we all know how damn efficient that would have been. So I opened up the galaxy map and started planning my route - THEN A LIGHT WENT OFF. After I finished telling my partner off for scaring the bejebus out of my by walking in a turning the damn lights on without telling me (she is normally very good about things like that lol), I realised I had another option, one I have never considered before.

Yep, you all know what my missing option is, buy a damn 2C Fuel Tank. I have never thought of that before, always associated extra fuel tanks with long range exploration builds, not scooting around the bubble. But a quick check on Coriolis confirmed that if I swapped my 2E cargo rack that was going to be empty anyway with a 2C fuel tank my total range from 178 LYs to 253LYS, way enough for what I want. Fitted the tank and a little over 90 minutes later, back hope with a fully engineered (to my specs at least) Imperial Courier that I am very happy with.

So there is my tale of woe, finding out something basic after all these years playing. The number of times I could have used an extra fuel tank in the past and it honestly never occurred to me - I feel so damn stupid, you may all laugh in my general direction now lol
fit the scoop to refill, or fit the tank for reach, but the additional weight lowers the jump range.... decisions, decisions...

only good thing is, that you can buy/sell modules without loss. refitting must be done for the task at hand.
fit the scoop to refill, or fit the tank for reach, but the additional weight lowers the jump range.... decisions, decisions...

only good thing is, that you can buy/sell modules without loss. refitting must be done for the task at hand.
I was initially worried about the loss of jump range but with the extra tank full, jump range went from 36.43ly to 35.17ly - in the bubble I could live with that :D
Sit down, grab a drink and read my latest tale of woe, one that I am rather embarrassed about because I have been playing the game long enough I should have know about it! Meh, maybe some newbie will gain from my misfortune, that is all I hope for.

TL: DR Had a ship with a small range, had some distance to travel, didn't want to run out of fuel, didn't realise I could fit additional fuel tanks

Anyway, here is the sorry tale: One of the tasks I have set myself upon my return from self imposed exile is to go through every ship and make sure it is suited for it's assigned task and if need be, fully engineer it (NO THIS ISN'T A WHINGE ABOUT ENGINEERING, I will leave that to the professionals). Have so far done about 7 ships, about half my fleet with no problems, got mat collecting down to a fine art, actually enjoying the process. So far so good right!

My latest ship is one of the first ships I purchased, my old faithful speed beast, The Scout, a lovely little Imperial Courier. After some playing around with Coriolis, I settled on a configuration I wanted and plugged the required engineering upgrades into Inara to find out what mats I need to get - big surprise, 14 modules requiring some degree of engineering, from just adding or changing an experimental to complete G1 to G5. The big surprise is that I had sufficient mats to do it all, no hunting for ENC, RAW or MAT items required, which is kind of amazing because I had just completed engineered my Cutter. Anyway, feeling rather pleased with myself, I looked at the engineers I actually had to visit (as against what I could do remotely) and worked out I needed to visit 8 different engineers.

This is where the dunce cap comes it.

Lets be honest here, the Courier doesn't have long legs does it, sure at this stage it had around a 32ly jump range but I knew from experience that I might have to travel around 190LY between some engineers and that was over the total range of the tank (178ly to be exact). I realised I had a few options: (A) Plan my route to very carefully and hope everything works; (B) Plan on breaking a journey to refuel; ((C) set the route to economical and do LOTS of little jumps or (D) fit a fuel scoop. Option D is the most logical of course but I could only fit a Size 2 scoop and we all know how damn efficient that would have been. So I opened up the galaxy map and started planning my route - THEN A LIGHT WENT OFF. After I finished telling my partner off for scaring the bejebus out of my by walking in a turning the damn lights on without telling me (she is normally very good about things like that lol), I realised I had another option, one I have never considered before.

Yep, you all know what my missing option is, buy a damn 2C Fuel Tank. I have never thought of that before, always associated extra fuel tanks with long range exploration builds, not scooting around the bubble. But a quick check on Coriolis confirmed that if I swapped my 2E cargo rack that was going to be empty anyway with a 2C fuel tank my total range from 178 LYs to 253LYS, way enough for what I want. Fitted the tank and a little over 90 minutes later, back hope with a fully engineered (to my specs at least) Imperial Courier that I am very happy with.

So there is my tale of woe, finding out something basic after all these years playing. The number of times I could have used an extra fuel tank in the past and it honestly never occurred to me - I feel so damn stupid, you may all laugh in my general direction now lol

You tell your partner off for turning the lights on?


Btw, while you are busy stripping those unneeded ships, have you considered having multiple ships of the same type for different jobs?
For example, I have a Cutter for laser mining and a Trucker Cutter. A Vette for SSD mining and a vet for PvE combat. A standard build combat capable Conda and a JumpaConda. You get the idea... Some ships are good for a couple of specific tasks, and I got tired of module switching after a year or two of doing it. So each activity has a specialised ship for it now. Even a T10 tank with size 8 prismatics for dropping in on 10G planets lol!

Oh and an added fuel tank helps if you are taking a JumpaConda to Colonia... Saves having to scoop fuel as often so you can NS boost and jump more. I think I got it down to only needing to divert to non-NS jumps twice during the 22kly run for fuel.

Edit: obviously now I need to divert to mine tritium instead... 😝
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Fuel tanks are interesting for the very bored because depending on what you're doing you might be able to substitute a fuel scoop with one.

Playing without a fuel scoop in the bubble and out the bubble centered on a carrier... has some form of novelty. Takes you back yo before you started and was still on your toes in space.

In the end I settled on really small and impractical emergency scoops to achieve the same effect. No need to go back that far :)
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke1iiu6K6sU

I have never thought of that before, always associated extra fuel tanks with long range exploration builds, not scooting around the bubble.

Now this is weird, because a fuel scoop is virtually mandatory on an exploration build, which often makes extra tanks completely redundant. I've frequently fitted tanks to ships to maximize ferry range within the bubble, but essentially never on an exploration setup.
I put fuel tanks in my "Bubble bus" DBX - one of the best decisions for that ship I've made.
Yeah, I must admit I am re-evaluating the configuration of a couple of my smaller ships now, got to say I was surprised how much extra range even a simple 2C (4T) gave me. Just kicking myself that I hadn't realised this before.

One thing though, the day I think I know everything about this game is the day I will uninstall it lol
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One of my Cobra MkIIIs has a 6t fuel capacity, a 4t main tank & a 2t auxiliary tank. It was designed to do a single run (for a CG IIRC) and the configuration allowed me to do the run in a single jump rather than carry slightly more but have to do 2 jumps.

Other than edge cases like that I rarely use extra tanks, I just fit (even a small) scoop.
I fitted an extra fuel tank (size 4, 16t) in my JumpConda.

It's customary to shave every spare gram off a JumpConda build, and some even downsize the existing tank (a size 6 FSD needs 8t for one max-range jump, and has a default 32t tank). So why make an ultra-light ship forty tons heavier than it needs to be?

Neutron-jumping, that's why. When you're chain-jumping from one neutron to the next, you're not refuelling, sooner or later you have to break off and visit a KGBFOAM star, and stay there until you've refuelled. With a 7A scoop, the actual refuelling process doesn't take long, but you still have to break your sequence of boosted jumps.

My fully-fuelled jumprange is still in excess of 76ly, out of a theoretical maximum of just over 83ly, which isn't bad (and I could still make a longer jump on a mostly-empty tank if necessary). But I can make six 300ly boosted jumps on one fuel load, so around 1,800ly between refuelling stops.
Extra fuel tanks were great before ship transfers were introduced. Thanks to that they're pretty much useless except for niche circumstances where you can't spend time refueling, like carrying thargoid cargo without CRCRs.


Volunteer Moderator
Extra fuel tanks were great before ship transfers were introduced. Thanks to that they're pretty much useless except for niche circumstances where you can't spend time refueling, like carrying thargoid cargo without CRCRs.
Or long distance races, where they are very handy indeed.
Although I have removed scoops from most of my fleet except for a couple of explorer builds I keep in stock one of most sizes and extra fuel tanks 3C and above just in case needed, also carry a fuel transfer limpet controller, you never know what you may need in stock on the carrier when you are mainly out in the black.
Or long distance races, where they are very handy indeed.
Which was their main purpose back then... a corvette fully loaded with HRPs and weapons jumped what, 10ly a pop? Fitting a fuel scoop made fording any distance take a crazy amount of time. Instead, just fit a fuel tank or two, sure it cuts your HRP meta a little, but engineered HRP stacking is powerful anyway, and the main reason you'd need to ford a large distance was for CGs. Fuel tanks made that easy and quick compared to other methods.
My T6 explorer has an extra C5 tank, tripling it's fuel reserves. Very convenient not having to worry about when I will hit a scoopable star next and not having to top off every chance I get.
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