"No plans to port Elite Dangerous to PS5"

I'd take post-processing over nothing, wouldn't you?

Not that I expect any further development however minor to happen on the consoles now. This is as good as it gets for the forseeable future I think that's clear. Unfortunately.

Indeed ... a very sorry state ....

Given the delay to Odyssey ... and that they clearly have 4K assets for the game already ... I wonder if it would be possible to build an alternative PS4 version of the game but compiled with the 4K assets and rendering at 4K but then release that ONLY for the PS5? Would still run in backwards-compat mode now with 4K ... without impacting the “true” PS4 version ...

Anything like that would win them some serious brownie points whilst they work towards delivering the PS Odyssey DLC which, realistically, will be out “end-of-2021” now.
Indeed ... a very sorry state ....

Given the delay to Odyssey ... and that they clearly have 4K assets for the game already ... I wonder if it would be possible to build an alternative PS4 version of the game but compiled with the 4K assets and rendering at 4K but then release that ONLY for the PS5? Would still run in backwards-compat mode now with 4K ... without impacting the “true” PS4 version ...

Anything like that would win them some serious brownie points whilst they work towards delivering the PS Odyssey DLC which, realistically, will be out “end-of-2021” now.

I'm all for creative solutions - I think my earlier postings support that - but I fear that however possible, however small an amount of work it is, and no matter how big the quality of life update is, Frontier will not dedicate any time at all to console specific development until later in the year.
Not really no. ED has much lower ambitions graphically than Cyberpunk.

The point is that there are a lot of people saying that having it release on PC first means that they can somehow gauge what the console release will be like.

This is not true as recently demonstrated by Cyberpunk and which has previously been demonstrated by such games as Subnautica and ARK. I'm sure there are other examples but ultimately you can't gauge console release quality based on what gets released on PC.

Graphical ambitions aren't the only indicator either because as you said, ED has lower graphical ambitions and FDev still put out console ports that are of much lower quality than their PC counterparts. That's not an issue caused by graphical ambitions, it's an issue caused by a lack of developer ambition. That proven lack of developer ambition doesn't suddenly go away when it involves Odyssey.


Volunteer Moderator
The point is that there are a lot of people saying that having it release on PC first means that they can somehow gauge what the console release will be like.

This is not true as recently demonstrated by Cyberpunk and which has previously been demonstrated by such games as Subnautica and ARK. I'm sure there are other examples but ultimately you can't gauge console release quality based on what gets released on PC.

Graphical ambitions aren't the only indicator either because as you said, ED has lower graphical ambitions and FDev still put out console ports that are of much lower quality than their PC counterparts. That's not an issue caused by graphical ambitions, it's an issue caused by a lack of developer ambition. That proven lack of developer ambition doesn't suddenly go away when it involves Odyssey.

I can appreciate what you are saying but, I don't believe it is in such a dire place that Cyberpunk was. I honestly think once Odyssey is released it will be fine on consoles.

It will just look potentially worse which we are very much used to on console with the current version of ED. The main reason this thread was born.

The first person footage I've seen so far is really nothing the PS4 wouldn't be able to manage in my opinion.

Comparing it to Cyberpunk is a little disingenuous to be honest. The base PS4 version being so far removed from the PC version. Still it generally runs ok on the PS5 buggy, but, ok (it's a pretty solid 60fps and can look very good even on the backwards compatible version).
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I honestly think once Odyssey is released it will be fine on consoles.

Probably yes, but it will take a lots of optimizations. And i'm not talking about on foot combat, but about planetary improvements they keep talking about
Which might make the game even worse on last gen consoles.
And lets not forget that they toned down the quality settings for PS4 Pro and XB1X when they did launched the carriers - which might mean that even the upper tier of last gen consoles might struggle with certain changes they implemented in game

And the current situation is not quite nice for the last gen consoles.
For example, after the January 2020 Patch, when they "fixed" the fss long scanning for bodies with bio/geo sites, the game on XB One S is strutting quite badly nearby planetary bodies and sometimes when popping in system too
And let's not mention the so often crashes in the carrier heavy systems, but not only.
The colored snakes are more than ever since they launched the game on epic too


Volunteer Moderator
Yeh the planetary tech will probably need to be paired back a lot on the console version. I totally accept that.

To be honest I think the PS4 Pro Quality mode was broken before the carrier update arrived but, it might go someway to explain why the Pro version has retained it's downgrades. Good point.

I had no real issues even in busy systems with carriers on the PS4 Pro and that's carried over to the PS5. I have read about the stuttering in the Xbox forum but, luckily not seen that in my experience.
I haven't seen any new planet tech pics that look like they would be a big deal on a ps4. Theres a lot of nicely detailed games on ps4. Look at the environments on RDR2 for example. It's beautifuly detailed and has weather and animals and tress and plants of all types. I think all the worry is just overreaction because CP2077 flopped so hard on ps4.

I highly doubt fdev will be putting huge sprawling metropolises FILLED with npcs and interactive/destructible objects.
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I haven't seen any new planet tech pics that look like they would be a big deal on a ps4. Theres a look of nicely detailed games on ps4. Look at the environments on RDR2 for example. It's beautifuly detailed and has weather and animals and tress and plants of all types. I think all the worry is just overreaction because CP2077 flopped so hard on ps4.

I highly doubt fdev will be putting huge sprawling metropolises FILLED with npcs and interactive/destructible objects.

They seem to have misunderstood and completely overlooked testing of CP2077 on base consoles, until after the game had gone gold (I don’t know how they did this).
I really struggle to believe anything that the CDPR management team have said, but I really feel for the development team.

I do think we’ll have some form of console downgrading or issues when Odyssey presents itself.

I’m beyond annoyed with the missing Quality mode features, the game had some beautiful effects for a period, which are now completely missing.
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Nice thread and nice ideas but everyone seem to miss the main target...it's Fdev that "does not" care to improve on what a PS4 platform (be it Pro or standard) can still do,perfect example the RDRII graphics,and the fact that they "have no plans" to exploit Next Gen consoles hardware benefits as well,this speaks a lot about their intentions,cash the most with the least effort. By Autumn 2021 I doubt console players would be bothered to throw cash in this DLC at all.
I haven't seen any new planet tech pics that look like they would be a big deal on a ps4.
The CPU`s on last-gen were particularly weak. If aspects of Odyssey are CPU bound, then that could well cause performance issues - and that might be a bigger risk particularly as console builds are currently on ice.
The CPU`s on last-gen were particularly weak. If aspects of Odyssey are CPU bound, then that could well cause performance issues - and that might be a bigger risk particularly as console builds are currently on ice.
And why an environment rich and graphically pleasing game like RDR II could run that good in a standard PS4 then? Magic?
I'm not seeing how there's a limitation when sites like Inara are capable of pulling everything about your account.

Inara is able to pull journal entries via an API.

Account transferability likely is tied into authentication, presence and account/live data storage over and above just the journal entries. I'm assuming (obviously) that due to the lack of cross play, cross save and account transfer , at some point Frontier made a decision to separate the storage of that data by platform, and it isn't unified.

Not saying it isn't possible at all, just saying that because Inara has access to some data via an API, it doesn't automatically mean Frontier are able to easily switch your account across to a different platform on the back-end.

Also as others have pointed out, their attitude to consoles appears somewhat apathetic.
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And why an environment rich and graphically pleasing game like RDR II could run that good in a standard PS4 then? Magic?

I dont think generating nice terrain would be an issue for on-foot type of playing.

But generating the planet terrain and have it increase in details as you approach from supercruise is quite a challenge.
Or generating the terrain while moving at superspeeds in supercruise or glinding sequence over the planetary surface...
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