Newbie bounty hunting question

Hi all, I've only been on the game for about 10 hours. I've just been the nearest naval beacon and killed 3 bounties with help from the law and I've earned nearly 1,500,000cr already. Is that normal? I can suddenly buy lots of ships and weapon upgrades and it feels like I've really lucked out or it's a glitch of some sort. I was expecting a big grind to get my first new ship and wonder if I've missed out on the joy of that.
You only need to search YouTube and see 100's of videos about....
"How to make a bazillion credits every hour"
"How to get an Anaconda in 3 easy steps"

People have no patience nowadays 🙂
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fly to the shops in clogs
I was expecting a big grind to get my first new ship and wonder if I've missed out on the joy of that.
Most people dont use grind and joy in the same sentence like that :) But I know what you mean, working your way up and achieving things gradually is its own reward for some of us.

Wait til you do a CG and are trying not to shoot up the Trade ranks or finding the least profitable route and commodity you can . I started last one at 96% and had to stop at 99% just coz its too easy. I want it organically so it feels like Ive earned it.

Good news is that one career, Explo, still has the ability to lose everything in one go, but players have tried to make that easy too with FCs every 5K LY.

Its hard to play your own way and blaze your own trail when its almost impossible not to make stupid amounts of money due to the 'Make it easy' brigade. TBH I preferred it when the exploits were optional even if they were exploits, at least they only affected the ones who wanted it.
It seems to have happened to most games over the years. Like COD on veteran used to be actually brutal now it's literally a walk through the trenches. Possibly the worst example of it being a "rewind" button on racing games 😂😂 its pathetic. When you're on the last lap of an 80 lap behemoth track and the tension is building in your arms and you bin it straight into the railings and come last it's the most frustrating thing ever but that makes it all the more rewarding when you finally do it
Fdev please nerf the crap out of the game. Make it hard again. 😁

Being serious though, some parts of the game are very time consuming like engineering, superpower rank and getting the free Anaconda at Hutton 🤫😉 but I think Fdev have made a reasonably good compromise.

It's a great game. Enjoy it.
killed 3 bounties with help from the law and I've earned nearly 1,500,000cr already....
I can suddenly buy lots of ships and weapon upgrades and it feels like I've really lucked out or it's a glitch of some sort.

but I think Fdev have made a reasonably good compromise.

Seriously? You think that OP experience is a good compromise? Sounds to me like OP would have loved the original Elite or the original ED and if not there is literally every other game ever made they could play for that easy win.

I wonder what the Alpha feedback will be....and its partially why I intend to ignore it so I don't even know how good it could have been. Ignorance is bliss sometimes.
They finally adjusted combat payouts, making them more in-line with other methods of making money.

Making virtually risk-free billions has been possible with mining for some time now, it was only right that combat saw an increase, considering the danger involved.

Credits are hardly the real grind anyway. Unlocking engineers, gathering materials, and building a ship that isn’t completely awful— now that takes a bit of time. Less than it used to, but still a healthy amount of game hours.

Materials are much more valuable than credits once you get past the initial stages of gameplay.
Appreciate all the replies chaps. I was just expecting to have to do more than one little trip to the nav beacon before I could upgrade but it's no biggie. Just to clarify my initial point I have since noticed when I destroy the bounty it will say for example 19,000cr earned but when I hand it in at mawsons dock I get say 70,000cr for it. Is that correct? I wasnt using the warrant scanner thingy.

All that aside I'm staggered by what a vast and fantastic game this is and i didnt know about it until it came on gamepass somehow. I even played the original I'm so old haha.
All that aside I'm staggered by what a vast and fantastic game this is and i didnt know about it until it came on gamepass somehow. I even played the original I'm so old haha.
A lot of us played the original back in the 80's.
ED is a great game, but if you want a more retro feel there is a version of Elite called Oolite.
It's free and has some good looking graphics. It has all the 'old school' ships plus loads more. There are 100's of addons too.

Just to clarify my initial point I have since noticed when I destroy the bounty it will say for example 19,000cr earned but when I hand it in at mawsons dock I get say 70,000cr for it. Is that correct? I wasnt using the warrant scanner thingy.
I think that's a recent change/display bug. When you kill a Thargoid it says you're awarded 2,000,000 credits, but when you cash it in you get 8,000,000. It's been happening since the combat payouts were buffed significantly.


Volunteer Moderator
Yeh just noticed the same a ship which says 250,000cr actually awarded 1,000,000cr.

It's actually nice money to be made at a Compromised Nav Beacon noe. Still only made 4% progress to Elite. Deadly to Elite seems very slow.
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