Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

My money is on the “highly requested new features” being centered on ground combat.

Hehe, i wonder why...

And of course, Blobbers is there

Many read newspaper and are part of a journey called Life. Becoming a backer to support and get what matter to you is 100% part of it.

Is it me or is he becoming more unhinged? He's saying becoming a backer is an important part of life?


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Theaters of War? 😋

Only Star Citizen can make an announcement of a feature being added to the roadmap. Doesn’t mean the features are being actively worked on or that they’re coming within the next three years, just that they’re now appearing on a web page.
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Hehe, i wonder why...

And of course, Blobbers is there

Is it me or is he becoming more unhinged? He's saying becoming a backer is an important part of life?
I don't know what he is saying. He always comes up with these false equivalancy arguments that are really just gobbledeegook.

"To get what matters to you" would require CIG holding up their end of the bargain, it would also mean holding them to account. Neither of which are done by people like Bloober.
3000 m² leased for 10 years to expand the company in Frankfurt. So much money that CR will not pocket. He's not a very good crook. Why invest so much while the scam is already working so well ?²-bueromietflaeche-im-one/
Fun story: my ex-boss sold his company to an Irish fund, but he was the owner of the building the company was renting. So he earned money both with company sale and company lease :)

Who knows, maybe the building is Ortwin's or Calder's or one of his friends :)
3000 m² leased for 10 years to expand the company in Frankfurt. So much money that CR will not pocket. He's not a very good crook. Why invest so much while the scam is already working so well ?²-bueromietflaeche-im-one/
3000 promises made before 2016. So much content that CR has not delivered. He is not a very good manager. Why make so many new promises when he can't deliver the previous promises?

3000 m² leased for 10 years to expand the company in Frankfurt. So much money that CR will not pocket. He's not a very good crook. Why invest so much while the scam is already working so well ?²-bueromietflaeche-im-one/
I'm not saying he is crook, but the constant scope creep, and glacially slow development, lead me to question his motives. IMO, he's in WAY over his head. A 100+ systems, plus all the stuff that was promised? Impossible to do within a reasonable time frame.

BTW, a clever crook will not grab a few million and make a run for it. A clever crook will keep the money rolling in, delivering just enough that not too many get cold feet. A German building magnate called Juergen Schneider skimmed BILLIONS. When he was finally found out, he owed FIVE BILLION MARK ( Mark!). How? Well, he strung his clients, business partners, and banks along, delivering a little, and promising ever more, often by lying and using fabricated "evidence" (thinking of pretty videos promising game loops which are not even thought of yet? Good.).
One thing though SC is not straight scam like that "Chronicles of Eleria" stuff mentioned before in this thread. No one got to play that game apart from extremely limited parkour demo, that was probably done in very quick pace when things started to look very bleak for "project". Yes current SC is extremely limited and buggy but it IS kind of game. Some people even have fun with it.
One thing though SC is not straight scam like that "Chronicles of Eleria" stuff mentioned before in this thread. No one got to play that game apart from extremely limited parkour demo, that was probably done in very quick pace when things started to look very bleak for "project". Yes current SC is extremely limited and buggy but it IS kind of game. Some people even have fun with it.
Not a scam the same way those super expensive monster digital cables for audiophiles are not a scam while they sound the same as a coat hanger.

It's a real product. As advertised? No. Is that intentional? Yes. Why? To make money.
3000 m² leased for 10 years to expand the company in Frankfurt. So much money that CR will not pocket. He's not a very good crook. Why invest so much while the scam is already working so well ?²-bueromietflaeche-im-one/

Tax Relief? Tax Credits? Reducing Tax Bill due to 'investment' and writing it off or reducing liability through depreciation in future Tax years? Some other government subsidised entity? I dont know for sure as dont keep up with German economics and policies but CIG have a history of taking advantage of things like that.
"Won't take another 10 years" huh?
CIG will not stop to make solo games after the SQ42 release. They make tools to develop games, prepare to hear about them for a long time if SQ42 is a success.
If you haven't notice, CR has great ambitions for his company. He wants to be equal to Rockstar.

BTW, a clever crook will not grab a few million and make a run for it. A clever crook will keep the money rolling in, delivering just enough that not too many get cold feet.
A clever crook will not invest in a 3 000 m² renting and hire new employees that will only reduce his income as a swindler when the scam goes perfectly...
CIG will not stop to make solo games after the SQ42 release. They make tools to develop games, prepare to hear about them for a long time if SQ42 is a success.
If you haven't notice, CR has great ambitions for his company. He wants to be equal to Rockstar.

A clever crook will not invest in a 3 000 m² renting and hire new employees that will only reduce his income as a swindler when the scam goes perfectly...
Don't you think they should start with the release of ONE game before talking about developing more games? :unsure:
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