Boost your graphics performance in Elite Dangerous Odyssey using these simple tricks

none helped for me ... even tried 720p and its still 20 fps on foot...sigh
The thing is, reducing resolution doesn’t really help (esp going 720p) you’re loading your cpu. You would probably get a better result if you upped the resolution so that you balanced the GPU/CPU usage. What’s your specs? I’ve got a Ryzen 5 2600 (stock speed) RTX 2070 super and I run it at high settings 1440p and get 40-70fps on foot and near 200 in space. I get 45ish when in a station.
The thing is, reducing resolution doesn’t really help (esp going 720p) you’re loading your cpu. You would probably get a better result if you upped the resolution so that you balanced the GPU/CPU usage. What’s your specs? I’ve got a Ryzen 5 2600 (stock speed) RTX 2070 super and I run it at high settings 1440p and get 40-70fps on foot and near 200 in space. I get 45ish when in a station.
4670k, 16gb ddr3-1600, 1080ti.

just tried ss 0.75 on low at 3440x1440p and its exactly the same fps anything legs related if there is fire frames drop to single digits and i have to look away or the pc crashes in 5 seconds. :) horizons ultra locked 75 fps anywhere. after today i stop trying.
4670k, 16gb ddr3-1600, 1080ti.

just tried ss 0.75 on low at 3440x1440p and its exactly the same fps anything legs related if there is fire frames drop to single digits and i have to look away or the pc crashes in 5 seconds. :) horizons ultra locked 75 fps anywhere.
Have you gone into nvidia control panel and set gpu performance to max performance and vsync to off? This unshackles the gpu. It’s strange isn’t it, our specs aren’t all that different gpu wise. Maybe worth seeing if the ram can be Overclocked to 1866 or 2133. What’s the core utilisation when you’re playing?
none helped for me ... even tried 720p and its still 20 fps on foot...sigh
Consider using the following tools (I swear by them and have done so for years):

- PatchMyPC (
---- While not strictly helpful for EDO, it helps keep applications up to date

- SDI : (
---- Create a restore point
---- Run this tool & update all your drivers

From previous experience, sometimes game performance can be affected by missing drivers, and this tool may help you locate them.
Have you gone into nvidia control panel and set gpu performance to max performance and vsync to off? This unshackles the gpu. It’s strange isn’t it, our specs aren’t all that different gpu wise. Maybe worth seeing if the ram can be Overclocked to 1866 or 2133. What’s the core utilisation when you’re playing?
yes and yes. i ran a stable overclock for 6 years on this motherboard and even with default bios its exactly the same.
In my whole experience with gaming in general, which is over 20 years now, updating GPU drivers never did any good, particularly for framerate for me. Sometimes it mess up more than it fixed, and more often than not, there was no difference at all.

When I see someone post stuff like: "oh, I updated to newest optimized version and it gave me whole 5 FPS!" I mean, really? Disregarding fact that ~1-5 FPS is anecdotal and completely is value in error zone?

Did anyone ever really got 20-30 FPS from GPU driver updates? I'm just genuinely curious. Because anything less means there's no real effect, and could be a fluke.
In my whole experience with gaming in general, which is over 20 years now, updating GPU drivers never did any good, particularly for framerate for me. Sometimes it mess up more than it fixed, and more often than not, there was no difference at all.

When I see someone post stuff like: "oh, I updated to newest optimized version and it gave me whole 5 FPS!" I mean, really? Disregarding fact that ~1-5 FPS is anecdotal and completely is value in error zone?

Did anyone ever really got 20-30 FPS from GPU driver updates? I'm just genuinely curious. Because anything less means there's no real effect, and could be a fluke.
i also have a laptop which runs better with an ancient driver rather than a new one. :D

i tried about 20 different drivers for my 1080ti during the alpha. some worse than others but always abysmal performance. cleaned my pc, new thermal paste, new fans, everything updated, reseated all cards and cables, new 750w seasonic psu...

elite is the only thing i play because it ticked all the boxes. im a father of 2 full time working and renovating a house for 5 years. at this moment im neary in tears...
at the moment i only have time to fiddle around with all of this because of back surgery and loss of hearing so i cant work, in 2 weeks its back in the field and time is gone. then id be happy with 2 hours pc time a week.
Consider using the following tools (I swear by them and have done so for years):

- PatchMyPC (
---- While not strictly helpful for EDO, it helps keep applications up to date

- SDI : (
---- Create a restore point
---- Run this tool & update all your drivers

From previous experience, sometimes game performance can be affected by missing drivers, and this tool may help you locate them.

Oh come on? Really? And what about CCleaner? Cleaning the registry for a 20% Boost?
I'm so dissapointed that I've just asked FD for a refund, all I've done is spend all day tinkering with key bindings and twiddling with graphics settings. I used to enjoy 60fps+ in Horizons now I'm lucky if I get 10-14 in Odyssey. I know Fd had a deadline but honestly I wish they'd extended it improving the client instead.
There's definitely something screwy going on with the on foot elements. The graphics are good, but nothing crazy judging by the overall fidelity, but it hammers my (admittedly ageing) GTX 1070. All I want is 60fps - my monitor's limit - and I get that in space and driving around old Planets. Indeed my GPU - which can boost to 2ghz and hold it as long as needed - is regularly running at around 800mhz so it's far from pushed.

However, when on foot, it boosts to near 2ghz is at very high percent load, yet fps drops into the 40's. GPU remains under 60c, even in a warm room, so the hardware is working well. I've also noticed that the new UI - i.e. at a stations main menu - now makes my GPU work really hard just to achieve my vSync'd 60fps.

GPU Drivers are the very latest, the space-side of the game runs great with the new lighting etc. it's just on foot it's pretty dire. Dunno about others but when fps dips into the 40's it's actually uncomfortable to watch, so I need to take a break before too long. They really need to get this running right, consoles have no chance in six months otherwise. Don't mind being a Beta tester too much, but it's not really what I was expecting with this DLC & patch.

Servers down shortly for an update, but we'd need a client update to address this surely?

Don't forget that if you own a fleet carrier then they are currently not allowed to jump because FD are doing all that they can to maintain server stability lol (according to messages on FD's own support login) Their hamsters have had a heart attack lol. But still it would boil my urine to have an FC and not actually be able to use it because of Odyssey.
I love a good tweak. Today's additional info that really helps:

  • Turn FX to "OFF".
  • Turn Volumetric effects quality to low.

This should get you miles.

- It also seems very resolution senstive, so you have to "gently caress" the combination of resolution vs supersampling vs AA technique for best results. I actually use .85 + smaa (defies logic in know) but thats heaps better iq than any other combination.

Hitting 45fps in stations with "recommended" system requirements.. that's an epic score.

I love tweaking graphics settings.

Also, the game itself is a gut sinking let down once you get past this point, so enjoy it while you can. Its a nice try, but unless you're a kickstarter backer who bought the game, didn't play one minute of the space game and left elite on your shelf.. waiting for the david braben 90's throwback shooter.. im still struggingling to find the point of any of it.

With the SRV, you were still driving something so the simulator box was checked.

EDIT: I've put most details back to high / max, except shadows of course.
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I love a good tweak. Today's additional info that really helps:

  • Turn FX to "OFF".
  • Turn Volumetric effects quality to low.

This should get you miles.

- It also seems very resolution senstive, so you have to "gently caress" the combination of resolution vs supersampling vs AA technique for best results. I actually use .85 + smaa (defies logic in know) but thats heaps better iq than any other combination.

Hitting 45fps in stations with "recommended" system requirements.. that's an epic score.

I love tweaking graphics settings.

Also, the game itself is a gut sinking let down once you get past this point, so enjoy it while you can. Its a nice try, but unless you're a kickstarter backer who bought the game, didn't play one minute of the space game and left elite on your shelf.. waiting for the david braben 90's throwback shooter.. im still struggingling to find the point of any of it.

With the SRV, you were still driving something so the simulator box was checked.

EDIT: I've put most details back to high / max, except shadows of course.
only real gains are coming from shadows ! put shadows to medium or low , problem solved
[Beer] By the way:

I haven't read much of the content of the thread, though the first few posts seem to have yielded and demonstrated positive results.
But if no one else has said it yet, can I be the first to say that

"Using these simple tricks" made me want to not only ignore your post, but to make a youtube video of myself reverse-scamming you.
Any thread title ANYWHERE with the phrase "simple trick" in it is grounds for a vulture of MaxTAC officers dropping on your head and kicking your coffee machine over.

And yes I am mixing my intellectual properties.

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