First Impressions - I can't believe we waited 2 years for this.

It appears that everything Frontier has produced for ED since launch has been one Minimal Viable Product after another, and I struggle to understand what exactly they've been working on for the last 2-4 years, other than their other games. Which, btw, are mostly games for toddlers. I suppose this could be a good explanation as to the FisherPrice level game design in Elite.
I wish people would use terms they understood. They release barebone updates, not minimum vialable products apart from the original release of ED.

It's till not good though. It's what they do with updates. Instead of concentrating on one thing to make it as fully featured as possible, they do a load of other stuff to go with it. It's not the best way to go in my view. It makes those updates barebones.

As to Odyssey, well I'm assuming we haven't seen everything yet. I will be surprised if there are no thargoid and guardian on foot stuff, but I doubt it's been implemented yet and won't turn up until the console release.

Also, what they have done with a relatively small team for a game like ED is pretty good. A 100 odd dev team is a very small amount, when you look at other games.
What is particularly galling is the premium FDev charged for alpha, and then charged everyone else for a beta that is less functional than the alpha and told us all it was a finished product. In any other case of a reasonable consumer buying a half finished product they would be entitled to a partial refund and a replacement product. It's unethical on FDev's part.
[Performance is terrible. I expected it to take a hit, but not this bad.]
Stations looks even worse than ever before and perfrmance is worse as twice as ever.
Yeah you are right... It's really dissapointing!
Elite Odyssey is a game that can fluidly change from a space flight game to a ground based game with a first person perspective. This is quite an achievement. Usually, a game is only one of the two with incompatible game engines. Both game parts are already difficult to create as a stand alone. Even leading games like GTA 5 are almost unplayable in the first person perspective mode.

Few other games tried to combine space flight and a first person perspective so far and usually messed at least one part of it completely up.

It‘s not perfect yet, but it will improve over time. This was the case with every release from Frontier until now. It is important to know that this developper can be trusted to continue to improve their game over the coming months and years.


Robert de Vries
Bugs aside, things are not looking good. I always give FD the benefit of the doubt knowing the complexities of what they are trying to do with the young talent they have.

I just can't believe I waited 2 years for this.

What can we glean from FD's track record? They have good artists, 3d modelers, style, graphical effects, UI looks, the best sound crew in all of gaming. It seems the bulk of their employees work mainly on cosmetics visuals and sounds which are all fine. The LOOK is good. The FEEL is bad.

While I've played many many games with trackIR in first person and headlook enabled like Arma for example - the first person handling of it in Odyssey is terrible right out of the box. No matter your position your rifle and weapon get out of place easily even with your head dead center (will aim down the rifle on the wrong side etc) .

No prone position.

Stealth really isn't an option. Although I have been able to sneak up on people there is no real option to silently dispatch a foe like all the other games out t here. (that I've seen)

Performance is terrible. I expected it to take a hit, but not this bad.

The different types of things to do with the different tools are fun on the combat missions. I was a little pleasantly surprised to see a lot of the interactivity with the bases systems. I've yet to try the exploration suit but it looks like there is very little to find and do with this.

Payouts while doing these missions don't make it worth the time or effort. It might have been good when we initially started playing as new players but for people with billions this just isn't really any fun once you've done something a couple times.

2 Suits ... and only a few weapons. This was their biggest faux pas. They spent 2 years. There should be a plethora of options and customizations. It is a terrible shame because the SRV went the exact same way. With fighters you had a choice. SRV's were never expanded, and now I can't see them expanding this past a few suits with the way things are set up.

What they did construct is well done. The concourse etc is all fine and realistic. But like all other Elite Dangerous features, they are cold and lifeless and without ambiance. Sterile would be a good word. There is no emotion attached to this.

Where they ultimately missed the mark is in the lack of ship interiors. The one thing people feel emotion for is their ship. They are the commander. It has always been about the ship for Elite. The fact we can't customize and walk around the interior is placing the first nail into the coffin. Adding ship interiors WAS the next logical step for the evolution of the game. It was supposed to be designed to scale with interiors planned.

Not to mention the pure amount of money they could have made offering paid cosmetics for the interiors of your ship. Warframe is a prime example of all the fun you can have customizing your ship, right down to aquariums, music, trinkets decorations, trophies etc and things to do.

I'm getting tired of waiting for them to push in the right direction, and stop making stupid mistakes (like powerplay) by wasting time on some things and ignoring others. The living breathing galaxy and overall story started out well with mystery and intrigue and exploration and warfare with a new enemy. Now I don't know if this is a galaxy I want to explore, fight for, or play in. I enjoyed making money in mining but when they nerfed that it took away from the fun. They've always had a really poor track record of balancing risk/reward and scaling an economy correctly.

Well enough negativity for now. As usual - kudos on the graphics, the sound. The rest, the design decisions, and overall feel is terrible so far.

I can't say this enough. I can't believe we waited 2 years for this.
!00% with the OP on this, thank you have saved me alot of typing.
Bugs aside, things are not looking good. I always give FD the benefit of the doubt knowing the complexities of what they are trying to do with the young talent they have.

I just can't believe I waited 2 years for this.

What can we glean from FD's track record? They have good artists, 3d modelers, style, graphical effects, UI looks, the best sound crew in all of gaming. It seems the bulk of their employees work mainly on cosmetics visuals and sounds which are all fine. The LOOK is good. The FEEL is bad.

While I've played many many games with trackIR in first person and headlook enabled like Arma for example - the first person handling of it in Odyssey is terrible right out of the box. No matter your position your rifle and weapon get out of place easily even with your head dead center (will aim down the rifle on the wrong side etc) .

No prone position.

Stealth really isn't an option. Although I have been able to sneak up on people there is no real option to silently dispatch a foe like all the other games out t here. (that I've seen)

Performance is terrible. I expected it to take a hit, but not this bad.

The different types of things to do with the different tools are fun on the combat missions. I was a little pleasantly surprised to see a lot of the interactivity with the bases systems. I've yet to try the exploration suit but it looks like there is very little to find and do with this.

Payouts while doing these missions don't make it worth the time or effort. It might have been good when we initially started playing as new players but for people with billions this just isn't really any fun once you've done something a couple times.

2 Suits ... and only a few weapons. This was their biggest faux pas. They spent 2 years. There should be a plethora of options and customizations. It is a terrible shame because the SRV went the exact same way. With fighters you had a choice. SRV's were never expanded, and now I can't see them expanding this past a few suits with the way things are set up.

What they did construct is well done. The concourse etc is all fine and realistic. But like all other Elite Dangerous features, they are cold and lifeless and without ambiance. Sterile would be a good word. There is no emotion attached to this.

Where they ultimately missed the mark is in the lack of ship interiors. The one thing people feel emotion for is their ship. They are the commander. It has always been about the ship for Elite. The fact we can't customize and walk around the interior is placing the first nail into the coffin. Adding ship interiors WAS the next logical step for the evolution of the game. It was supposed to be designed to scale with interiors planned.

Not to mention the pure amount of money they could have made offering paid cosmetics for the interiors of your ship. Warframe is a prime example of all the fun you can have customizing your ship, right down to aquariums, music, trinkets decorations, trophies etc and things to do.

I'm getting tired of waiting for them to push in the right direction, and stop making stupid mistakes (like powerplay) by wasting time on some things and ignoring others. The living breathing galaxy and overall story started out well with mystery and intrigue and exploration and warfare with a new enemy. Now I don't know if this is a galaxy I want to explore, fight for, or play in. I enjoyed making money in mining but when they nerfed that it took away from the fun. They've always had a really poor track record of balancing risk/reward and scaling an economy correctly.

Well enough negativity for now. As usual - kudos on the graphics, the sound. The rest, the design decisions, and overall feel is terrible so far.

I can't say this enough. I can't believe we waited 2 years for this.
It appears that everything Frontier has produced for ED since launch has been one Minimal Viable Product after another, and I struggle to understand what exactly they've been working on for the last 2-4 years, other than their other games. Which, btw, are mostly games for toddlers. I suppose this could be a good explanation as to the FisherPrice level game design in Elite.
ok boomer!
I just hope they fix all the issues over the coming weeks or months...
I've spent enough time being hopeful, since before 2013. That being said they do usually patch pretty well after updates historically. This also is the only game to this scale ever built like this. It just seems to me like they have a disproportionate amount of graphics artists instead of engine coders, and little to no creative writers/directors to inject some life into this game.
No.. I have played plenty that do t have it.

Any shooter? So you need it in Gears do you? Or borderlands.. I can think of plenty of examples..
If the gunplay was half as good as borderlands' it would be okay.

As it stands it's spongy and bland as a piece of soaked white bread.
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Elite Odyssey is a game that can fluidly change from a space flight game to a ground based game with a first person perspective. This is quite an achievement. Usually, a game is only one of the two with incompatible game engines. Both game parts are already difficult to create as a stand alone. Even leading games like GTA 5 are almost unplayable in the first person perspective mode.

Few other games tried to combine space flight and a first person perspective so far and usually messed at least one part of it completely up.

It‘s not perfect yet, but it will improve over time. This was the case with every release from Frontier until now. It is important to know that this developper can be trusted to continue to improve their game over the coming months and years.


Robert de Vries
Sorry mate but you're all wrong. It's got nothing to do with "Incompatible game engines". It's how it's coded that's the issue. It's essentially two game modes wrapped in a state machine. Obviously adding all the procedural nature of the game to it, it poses complications, but it's still an embarrassment what they have produced (And making people pay for an Alpha (Technically a beta) is just disgusting. But anyway, It's not like up till now the game wasn't without its flaws. Money-making methods are essentially exploits because they refuse to address the issue that certain methods are HUGELY more profitable than others. People are forced into these exploits / methods. You can spend time and money (ingame money) on kitting out a ship so that they can finally work towards 5B fleet carrier, just for them to nerf it. Just to give a little context. You can build an AFK ship that makes 500m a night (easily, or it did till they either made hatch breakers OP, or point defense redundant). OR you can do 16,666 Odyssey ground missions that pay 300k each to get 5B for the fleet carrier.

Please for the love of god stop being an apologist. If you went to a restaurant and ordered a meal, and they brought you a few skanky chips instead, I'm sure you wouldn't be best pleased.

I'm incredibly close to hanging this game up. If SC wasn't equally as buggy, I would definitely never look back.
Personally I think they jumped past the ship interiors on purpose. There are some severely difficult technical challenges to moving around inside a moving ship. Many games have this issue and only few have solved it. Probably didn't think it was worth the effort. That being said, I don't care what they think. Having the ability to modify your ship like NMS's freighters or warframe would be a CASH COW for them. I
Even if they fix all of the bugs and make EDO perform great, the fact that the content is poor, the graphics are poor, the gameplay is poor will still remain. Moreover, small things like the "Armstrong moment", Jacques not being cyborg and maybe 100 others more, make me believe that this is not only a minimum viable product, but is also made by a very superficial team of game designers or directors.
If the gunplay was half as good as borderlands' it would be okay.

As it stands it's spongy and bland as a piece of soaked white bread.
Which is exactly what I was expecting from Frontier given that they have never made a FPS before, and its based in the ED universe.

People need to pay more attention.
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