About to do a wet job with a Type - 10 of a friend covering the skies
(Photo made by myself)
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Not fair the game doesn't run in that resolution in my computer.Greetings Commanders!
Our vast galaxy is a beautiful collection of planets, stars, nebulae, and other celestial bodies. Since Elite Dangerous began, we have loved seeing you share the amazing moments and sights you have experienced while playing. This gave rise to our regular #StellarScreenshots threads on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the forums.
As we continue to celebrate these moments, we think it's time that #StellarScreenshots received an upgrade. Therefore, we're going to start showcasing five screenshots every week rather than four and each Commander whose image is featured will receive an exclusive Paint Job which cannot be obtained elsewhere!
Each month, one of these three unique Paint Jobs for the Asp Explorer will be awarded to featured Commanders - the Asp Explorer Shatter Lava, Ice and Acid:
View attachment 188814
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To qualify, #StellarScreenshots entries must:
- Include the exact Commander name of the account from which the screenshot was taken
- Be posted on the current week's #StellarScreenshots threads on either Twitter, Facebook, or the forums. If posted on Twitter separately, use the hashtag #StellarScreenshots. Posts on this thread will NOT be counted.
- Be in a 16:9 aspect ratio with a minimum resolution of 1920x1080
Submit as many screenshots per week as you would like! Images that have been enhanced with editing software will be accepted, but may not be featured. We reserve the right to not award any featured entry with an in-game prize, but hope that won't be necessary!
While we appreciate all of the screenshots submitted since Elite Dangerous' beginning, we're only offering these prizes as of the start of this #StellarScreenshots revamp. If your screenshot has been featured in the past, you'll still be able to be featured again and win in future! Paint Jobs may be applied the same week of the #StellarScreenshots posts, or in some cases at the end of the month.
We look forward to seeing more of your in-game captures - good luck!