State of the Game

All that tells me is that the number has fallen back to the same level of regular players on Saturday's (and kindly get the days and month the right way round).

Either due to a temporary spike in interest in the game due to propaganda or indifference about playing a buggy beta...

Amounts to the same thing: Lord Brebus screwed over the ED community for the benefit of his shareholders.
Don't bully me, I was trying to accommodate the Americans when I posted that elsewhere. I could use German dates instead :devilish:

(First picture from your link)

I live in this country and have to use dates on a daily base, thx.
Also, I'd like to point out the similarities with the bible. God create Adam, and from him Eve. Eventually Eve is tricked by the devil, with an apple (of all things), to spread chaos in Eden, and get them kicked.
In the Smurf, they are all male, until gargamel (the main evil of the story) create the female smurf. So spread chaos amongst the smurf.

I think it's the true inspiration for the author.

Also, gargamel had a cat, like all villains.
I've learned a lot about Smurfs today and it's still only 7:30!
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