State of the Game

This is soooo weird... This stuff is borked for sure and needs a patch.

Not the first for the Yankee.
Careful 'bout using that term south of the Mason-Dixon Line, friend ;)
They have Hot Dog (usually made with donkey and mice meat, rarely dog)
Guilty as charged. At least outside of Arkansas.
and Hamburg-er, despite Hamburg being in Germany
That's where we source the meat from.
Oh and Coca Cola doesn't have coca in it anymore.
Yeah, we're mad as hell about that one too. Well, some of us are. We're just mad as hell very quietly, depending on who's listening. ;)
Also did you know that

NASA lost its $125-million Mars Climate Orbiter because spacecraft engineers failed to convert from English to metric measurements when exchanging vital data before the craft was launched.

The fact the USA are using a long dead British King's foot size as bases for their distance calculation is very ironic. From a country who is very proud of severing its ties with the Brits :)
And the one unit they got right, the nautical mile being one second of a degree of our Earth's circumference - they kill by inventing a second more obscure mile for land traffic...
I'm not disagreeing, but think about it: It's like trashing somebody's army, then strutting around using all of his stuphz! I'm sure @Bottom Hat would approve :)
Fun fact, with the french helping with the American revolution, and building a long lasting friendship, we sent a few goodies.

One of them was the metric system. To free you from the Brit system. Sadly, the dude from the "Academie Nationale" had his ship captured by the Brits, and the poor guy died in jail in England. As such, you never got the metric system.

Doubly ironic, since the Brits eventually, and for once, did the right think and adopted the metric system.
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