Besides Star Citizens, What is a great alternative for Elite Dangerous?

Just thinking about playing other space games. What is a great alternative besides Star Citizens? Any space game goes, doesn't need to be multiplayer.
Avorion, you block build your ships like minecraft style and it has trade like X4 and station building, then theres X4 its ok but bugs and tedious mechanics might be off putting.
X4 from Egosoft.
Maybe Evochron Legacy. But that might graphically not be up to your standards and has some weak game design choices (while the whole ship thing is cool).
If you can stand pretty old graphics it's I-War 2. there are still some nice mods available, too.
No Man's Sky (obviously)
Mass Effect 1-3 (more RPG in space, less flying around yourself)
The X-series (X3 is still good enough today, X4 is awesome if you have all (two) expansions).
Stay away from X-Rebirth. That game is crap

Not "space", but "aquatic": Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zero

Star Trek Online, but I haven't played that one in years
EVE Online


Depending on your definition of "space game", you could also add strategy games like Stellaris or BattleTech to your list
Thanks for all your suggestions, I was also wondering if there is any space game that has exploration in it and possibly ship interiors. Doesn't need to focus on exploration but if it's a part of the game it's ok too (but it can focus on exploration).
Thanks for all your suggestions, I was also wondering if there is any space game that has exploration in it and possibly ship interiors. Doesn't need to focus on exploration but if it's a part of the game it's ok too (but it can focus on exploration).

No Man's Sky has ship interiors for your freighter and is most certainly exploration focused. The "comic" visuals might be off-putting.

X4 does have ship interiors (albeit "reduced" to the minimum) and sort of exploration. In the beginning the map is unknown to you and it's up to you to discover sectors, jump gates etc.
X4, Space Engineers, Space Engine (if you miss the stellar forge), Rebel Galaxy, and Subnautica are my ED replacements. Though none of them do VR like ED does.

Right now X4 is where I'm spending most of my time.


Now if you want full ship interiors and exploration, Space Engineers might be right up your ally, especially with the Explorer's Mod.
for a bit of fun try this free demo heres a ship that oddly flies almost in the exact same way that currently ufo's don't👽
EXO ONE (steam)
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No Man's Sky and X4 Foundations are the 2 I've played.

NMS is a lot of fun, but it's more about exploration/gathering than ship flying. The flight model is very simple. The graphics are cartoonish, but can be very beautiful. There is a LOT to do, and a lot to see and figure out.

X4 is more gritty and has more 'realistic' graphics style. It's not as good looking as ED, but it looks pretty good. You can fly pretty much any of the ships in the game, and have NPCs to crew and pilot your fleet (you will eventually have a huge fleet). Flight model is meh, but better than NMS. X4 transitions as you go into more of an Empire Management sim, and not so much a Lone Pilot With Ship game. The UI is terrible and will drive you insane, but it does mostly work once you figure it out.

Neither of them is anything like Elite Dangerous, though. If EDO kills this game, it'll be a sad day.
Flight model is meh
The more I play X4, the more I like the flight model. It's taken a lot of tweaking of my controller layout and getting used to something "different", but it's starting to feel good to me. I take full advantage of 6DoF and FA-toggling along with travel drive toggling (I rarely use boost), so it definitely doesn't feel like a typical arcade shooter. And unlike Elite, X4 as AG and ID, so the neck-breaking acceleration is easier to accept from an immersion standpoint.
I know but I like the concept of it. But thanks for the warning.
FWIW I keep looking at NMS on PC as a potential buy. I own it on PS4, but I've hit some roadblocks that turned me off to it. On PC with mods, however, it might be quite the compelling game. I'm just not sure... In the meantime, X4 is keeping me very busy.
X4, Space Engineers, Space Engine (if you miss the stellar forge), Rebel Galaxy, and Subnautica are my ED replacements. Though none of them do VR like ED does.

Right now X4 is where I'm spending most of my time.

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Now if you want full ship interiors and exploration, Space Engineers might be right up your ally, especially with the Explorer's Mod.
I second Space Engine for exploration. If you want to spend all your time exploring the universe in similar ED style but with no game layers and insta travel. Remember zooming out in ED galaxy map and being blown away by the scale. Imagine doing that again, except with galaxies instead of stars.
FWIW I keep looking at NMS on PC as a potential buy. I own it on PS4, but I've hit some roadblocks that turned me off to it. On PC with mods, however, it might be quite the compelling game. I'm just not sure... In the meantime, X4 is keeping me very busy.
You know what turned me off big time from NMS that nobody ever talks about? The audio. I feel like many of the sound effects have a weird overdrive / fuzz on them, maybe even peaking that just drives me nuts everytime I hear them. It sounds very low fi and crap. Sorry must vent this. I want to like it so bad but I just keep bouncing off it.
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