Besides Star Citizens, What is a great alternative for Elite Dangerous?

I just skimmed this thread again and I've been watching a lot of other space flight/combat simulation game videos, and these two seem to stand out atm:

Infinity Battlescape and Everspace 2

Infinity Battlescape
Head to head combat with some NPC fill-in to compensate and make the game more fun
seamless flight to planet surfaces

Everspace 2
similar in some ways with the above
UI looks a lot like NMS
seamless flight to plant surfaces

A few others that caught my eye:
Dual Universe
House of the Dying Sun
Star Conflict (3rd person view only)

Point me to any others that have not been mentioned in this thread. I'm going to keep looking for another good shoot'em up space game.

Thank you and have a nice day
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I guess the reason E:D still has staying power is that while it fails on so many levels, it also is one of the only games which simultaneously does all the things that it does. So if someone were to ask me for an E:D replacement I'd have to ask which part of ED they like and which parts they don't like, because to date there still isn't any game on the market which can be summed up as "Elite Dangerous, but better".

Anyway I like Everspace and Space Engineers (with mods) and NMS and Pulsar: Lost Colony because they all individually do a lot of Elite's features better than Elite does, but none of them really replace it outright for me.
I guess the reason E:D still has staying power is that while it fails on so many levels, it also is one of the only games which simultaneously does all the things that it does. So if someone were to ask me for an E:D replacement I'd have to ask which part of ED they like and which parts they don't like, because to date there still isn't any game on the market which can be summed up as "Elite Dangerous, but better".

Anyway I like Everspace and Space Engineers (with mods) and NMS and Pulsar: Lost Colony because they all individually do a lot of Elite's features better than Elite does, but none of them really replace it outright for me.
Unfortunately ED (fdev) has lost it's way. They talked a great game and produced a great game, but whereas other devs have added and fleshed out play within their games, ED just got grindier and more boring. They replace things to do in the game with grind, thinking players will just sit and accept that.
Can you imagine what ED would be like with some of the features of other games.

However, all that said, I haven't found the perfect game yet, there-again I'm not really looking, because no game is ever going to produce 'my' perfect game, because you have to think of other players too... Which is fine.
I pick the best and play the best that I feel suit me. The best for gameplay, not the prettiest, but those that have great gameplay.

I would end with, ED isn't done yet, I think they have the base to still pull it back, it's just up to them and to listen to the players more. An ED2 would be the way to go for me.
Unfortunately ED (fdev) has lost it's way. They talked a great game and produced a great game, but whereas other devs have added and fleshed out play within their games, ED just got grindier and more boring. They replace things to do in the game with grind, thinking players will just sit and accept that.
I've been playing since the Alpha, and that isn't solely Frontier's fault. A very vocal segment of the player base demanded grind, as opposed to depth. They wanted guaranteed and repeatable results to obtaining their goals, rather than having to examine the pro's and con's of available options. Pretty much since Premium Beta One, I've been watching Frontier fill in the depth they created in the game in response to player complaints.

I used to try to be an alternative voice to the "make the game grindier" crowd. I pretty much gave up last year.

It's still a pretty good sci-fi spaceship flying sim, as long as you don't care about a feeling of accomplishment, try to ignore the dwindling verisimilitude in the game, and avoid chasing the PvP meta. 🤷‍♀️
I've been playing since the Alpha, and that isn't solely Frontier's fault. A very vocal segment of the player base demanded grind, as opposed to depth. They wanted guaranteed and repeatable results to obtaining their goals, rather than having to examine the pro's and con's of available options. Pretty much since Premium Beta One, I've been watching Frontier fill in the depth they created in the game in response to player complaints.

I used to try to be an alternative voice to the "make the game grindier" crowd. I pretty much gave up last year.

It's still a pretty good sci-fi spaceship flying sim, as long as you don't care about a feeling of accomplishment, try to ignore the dwindling verisimilitude in the game, and avoid chasing the PvP meta. 🤷‍♀️
Yeah I know, I've been playing a long time too. Just a shame really.
I also played ED since Alpha. I quit playing twice; the first time was a few months before Horizons came out. The second time was after fleet carriers came out and I have not played more than a couple of hours since FCs introduction. FC's broke my camel's back. Immersion was not in Frontier's gameplan which is fine, its their game.

For a game developer to put most, if not all of their effort into a new "feature" but initially plan on it being for a portion of the player base is what sucked about FCs. When they decided to tweek it so it was available to any player with billions of credits to buy and maintain AND still not provide a bridge to gaze out of, was too much to take.

I could go into details but its a waste of time here. I've uninstalled it and I don't plan on going back. Odyssey is too little too late from what I've seen and read about to get my interest up enough to reload it.
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I would recommend Empyrion as a direct alternative to ED.
Lol if Empyrion had half the realistic graphics that ED had, it would've been game over a LONG time ago. IMO this indie space game is easily one of the most underrated titles in the space genre. It has had spacelegs, Earth like planets, survival gameplay, etc etc from DAY ONE. The fact this game actually completed it's exit beta milestone AND was fully functional. Then continued to receive huge FREE technical updates like my literally expanding the game's horizons with a proc gen universe. And has continued receiving regular updates that significantly improve gameplay. Like expanding the MQ, improving side quests, NPC AI, etc etc. to date.
Just thinking about playing other space games. What is a great alternative besides Star Citizens? Any space game goes, doesn't need to be multiplayer.
I've been playing Elite Dangerous for some time now, Horizon is very specialized in space ships and space combat, a very good game I must say, on the other hand I just became a suscriber with Star Citizen and now own an Aurora MR.

My motivation is the same, I'm not into foot soldier gunfights and will be happy flying space ships in both games.
In addition looking for a RPG I'd also interest myself in a somewhat casual rogue-like. Classical rogue-like - not the 3 h rogue-lite gameloops. Which arent neccessarily bad, but I want more random world stuff. DF type. Would need something along the "procedural story" telling of the Adams bros. Rimworld was a good attempt but the events are still limited. A sandbox where stuff happens and it's not just txt, but can be visited e.g. Without going too crazy into mutations, technology and that. Don't want to consult almanacs on what 1000s of gadgets all do.
Sounds like Rebel Galaxy Outlaw might scratch that itch. It's finally off that cancer called EGS and now on Steam.
Update. Star Wars Squadrons is free to play for the next 48hrs on Steam. Exploit this deal while you can

I picked up this trilogy on sale recently: Star Wars Squadrons, Jedi Fallen Order, and Battlefront 2 - very surprised at the quality of the game.
All shiny and polished, and space combat, while basic, the graphics are really good and the feeling of beeing in a massive Space Battle in both Squadrons and Battlefront 2 story are very immersive. It's something i always wanted to experience in Elite Dangerous. And hoping someday i will....
In addition looking for a RPG I'd also interest myself in a somewhat casual rogue-like. Classical rogue-like - not the 3 h rogue-lite gameloops. Which arent neccessarily bad, but I want more random world stuff. DF type. Would need something along the "procedural story" telling of the Adams bros. Rimworld was a good attempt but the events are still limited. A sandbox where stuff happens and it's not just txt, but can be visited e.g. Without going too crazy into mutations, technology and that. Don't want to consult almanacs on what 1000s of gadgets all do.
Staying in the space genre, you could do worse than looking at Everspace 1. It's basically a classic rogue-like in space, and quite fun.
Destro01.jpg Destro02.jpg

Katana02.jpg Katana03.jpg Katana04.jpg Katana05.jpg

X4Misc02.jpg X4Misc01.jpg
Katana-class corvette, a timeless classic. Only ship to span three different game in the series! (except Xenon fighters, now that I think of it)

Besides Star Citizens, What is a great alternative for Elite Dangerous?​

Is there one? Isn’t that why we’re all here, playing Elite?
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