It says you had 2 ebreaches on this line, I think. Maybe that's it?
The point is that when I disembarked, there was no message of illegal goods in my backpack nor any sign on the screen UI... besides the fact I even got back to the very same settlement with another covert heist mission and got scanned without any issues.

Still... didn't even get fined for whatever "illegal" stuff I was elegibly carrying
The point is that when I disembarked, there was no message of illegal goods in my backpack nor any sign on the screen UI... besides the fact I even got back to the very same settlement with another covert heist mission and got scanned without any issues.

Still... didn't even get fined for whatever "illegal" stuff I was elegibly carrying
Actually, I think you've uncovered something here that I've seen a few times recently that I've not been able to replicate/recreate.

As rightly pointed out by other posters, seems like e-breaches were the offender.

I was under the impression (but may well be wrong) you have to actively select to add e-breaches to your suit once you disembark from your ship/SRV. However, a number of times recently (post patch 5), after I have selected to add e-breaches to my suit, the next time (in the same session) I disembarked, turns out the e-breaches were automatically added to my suit without me having to select to move them from the vehicle to my suit. This was between planets so, e.g. Ship -> Srv -> Foot -> SRV -> Ship -> Different Planet -> Ship - > SRV - Foot etc. I am wondering if that's what happened to you? Luckily for me I had no brushes with the law, so it went well for me; might be worth seeing if this can be replicated. I've seen it at least two times, for sure.
Actually, I think you've uncovered something here that I've seen a few times recently that I've not been able to replicate/recreate.

As rightly pointed out by other posters, seems like e-breaches were the offender.

I was under the impression (but may well be wrong) you have to actively select to add e-breaches to your suit once you disembark from your ship/SRV. However, a number of times recently (post patch 5), after I have selected to add e-breaches to my suit, the next time (in the same session) I disembarked, turns out the e-breaches were automatically added to my suit without me having to select to move them from the vehicle to my suit. This was between planets so, e.g. Ship -> Srv -> Foot -> SRV -> Ship -> Different Planet -> Ship - > SRV - Foot etc. I am wondering if that's what happened to you? Luckily for me I had no brushes with the law, so it went well for me; might be worth seeing if this can be replicated. I've seen it at least two times, for sure.
Didn't select e-breaches do be added... maybe in the first month I did so a couple times but not recently.

Once again... there was no message of illegal goods in my backpack nor any sign on the screen UI.
All this besides the fact I even got back to the very same settlement with another covert heist mission and got scanned without any issues.

Didn't even get fined for whatever "illegal" stuff I was elegibly carrying
Didn't select e-breaches do be added... maybe in the first month I did so a couple times but not recently.

Once again... there was no message of illegal goods in my backpack nor any sign on the screen UI.
All this besides the fact I even got back to the very same settlement with another covert heist mission and got scanned without any issues.

Didn't even get fined for whatever "illegal" stuff I was elegibly carrying

Well, here comes the i told you so moment. Post 311
You did have E-Breaches in your inventory.
But you didn't added those - this makes it bug no.1
And you say the illegal goods sensor was not lit (which would make bug no.2)

I can confirm bug no.1 - it happened to me several times.
First time it happened i didnt pay attention to the warning light and got scanned and agroed. So i had to supercruise out and back back in.
Second time, same settlement - i did noticed the illegal goods warning and removed the E-breaches after i disembarked (and made it a habit to check it regularly)

But i cannot really confirm the bug no2, simply because in my case the warning was lit.
I tested the E-Breaches in several Governments - In Anarchy and Communism they are permitted. No warning light lit, but no issues when being scanned either.
In several other government types i tested, they're illegal and the warning is lit the moment i disembarked.
In your case, the controlling faction that scanned you (Cult of HIP 109067) is a theocracy and the E-Breaches are illegal - as you already noticed.
However, i didn't specifically tested Theocracies. Maybe in a theocracy the E-breaches are illegal, but the warning does not light up??? 🤷‍♂️

So best advice: if you can reproduce it, make screenshots and post them in the issue tracker (search if there is a similar issue, if not make a new one)
It's quite annoying to fail a covert mission like that because random bugs.

Update 6, where art thou?
Second time, same settlement - i did noticed the illegal goods warning and removed the E-breaches after i disembarked (and made it a habit to check it regularly)
Yes, this happened to me as well. I've gotten into the habit of double-checking my inventory every time I leave the ship, to make sure I have exactly what I think I have in there. I don't trust the game to auto-load things correctly for me.
I did 3 Covert Theft and 6 Covert Heist missions from the consoles with a Covert Heist being last. Invitation was sent after the 6th Covert Heist was completed following exit to main menu and back into game again.
As for the E-Breaches, I had that happen to me once. I didn't even know what that middle icon meant until today. I just had to make a mental note every time. :S
A little confused because most of the advice i see is to get financial projections you should scan HAB data ports. After 4 runs against a tourist settlement indicates its either rate or nonexistent. I do have 4 financial projections, no idea where i got them from.

Looking at cmdrs-toolbox.com i see they can be got from LAB, IND, and AGRI data ports.

So i don't waste my time, anyone confirm whether HAB is a good option or i should forget that and go for what cmdrs-toolbox suggests?
A little confused because most of the advice i see is to get financial projections you should scan HAB data ports. After 4 runs against a tourist settlement indicates its either rate or nonexistent. I do have 4 financial projections, no idea where i got them from.

Looking at cmdrs-toolbox.com i see they can be got from LAB, IND, and AGRI data ports.

So i don't waste my time, anyone confirm whether HAB is a good option or i should forget that and go for what cmdrs-toolbox suggests?
I wouldn't say they're really common, but I see them in HAB ports often enough. I can't confirm if I've seen them in the other ports you mentioned though, and neither does Inara.

A little confused because most of the advice i see is to get financial projections you should scan HAB data ports. After 4 runs against a tourist settlement indicates its either rate or nonexistent. I do have 4 financial projections, no idea where i got them from.

Looking at cmdrs-toolbox.com i see they can be got from LAB, IND, and AGRI data ports.

So i don't waste my time, anyone confirm whether HAB is a good option or i should forget that and go for what cmdrs-toolbox suggests?
They are pretty rare. I have only gathered 20 in total (All from HAB ports) according to EDEngineer but I'm positive I haven't gathered all I've run into once I unlocked Terra. Most of them from Arsenault's View in Fullerene C60 back when I was actively looking for them to unlock her.

I have 5 in my storage right now so if you'd like them, drop me a PM and we'll set up a meet.

Edit: FYI, I'm way out in Taygeta hunting goids so you may or may not be interested in coming out for them.
A little confused because most of the advice i see is to get financial projections you should scan HAB data ports. After 4 runs against a tourist settlement indicates its either rate or nonexistent. I do have 4 financial projections, no idea where i got them from.

Looking at cmdrs-toolbox.com i see they can be got from LAB, IND, and AGRI data ports.

So i don't waste my time, anyone confirm whether HAB is a good option or i should forget that and go for what cmdrs-toolbox suggests?

I had reaally bad luck with touristic settlements lately.
I got most of the unlock materials from ind/agr/extraction settlements. Some of them have up to 4 hab data ports (there is a warehouse building type with 2 hab data ports)
I had reaally bad luck with touristic settlements lately.
I got most of the unlock materials from ind/agr/extraction settlements. Some of them have up to 4 hab data ports (there is a warehouse building type with 2 hab data ports)
Yeah, I was just doing a random scav massacre mission at an Ext base tonight and ...


(mix of the HABs and EXT ports - 3 is pretty high from 1 base though)
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