Newcomer / Intro Engineering first time, in what order should I go?

Hello Commanders.

So I want to make my first engineering, to get more juice out from Vulture's power plant. For overcharged G1 I need 1 x Sulphur.

So how exactly I do it?

1. go to Felicity on pin that blueprint
2. take my DBX to planet and farm one Suplhur (and what ever I happen to find at the same time)
And then what?

Shall I see material trader to store what ever I find when farming Suplhur? Then switch DMX to Vulture, and engineer the power plant? Should I do this on the same place where material trader is, or do I need to have that 1 x Suplhur with me when I do the engineering?

Thanks on advance.
You can do remote engineering at most stations, but you don't get progress with the engineer doing that. Until you've maxed your rep with an engineer, do it at their base.

The mats travel with you where-ever you go.
I would get the material using the DBX, fly that to the nearest station to Fe (Garay Terminal is fine), use the ship transfer functionality there and swap to the vulture (when it arrives) then fly that to the engineer to get the upgrade. It will cost credits and how much depends on distance, as does the time it takes to move the ship.

Sulphur is easy to come by so no need for the mat trader.
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First off, double check the resources you'll need.
Now you have a Vulture with (I assume) a 4A power unit.
And a DBX with another Class 4 power unit (?)

Make sure the power unt you want to upgrade is fitted into the DBX.
Now, fly to Felicity, and choose your upgrade. You can also add an experimental effect (but only at an Engineer base)
You might as well pin the blueprint...

Now, fly back to the DBX and swap the powerplant (It's much easier to do this in Horizons than Odyssey - in fact, ship outfitting is much easier in Horizons)

We're taking advantage of the fact that the Vulture poweplant can fit in the DBX. You could also use any ship that will work with a size 4 power unit - provided there's sufficient power to run th eship.
While engineering any module for the first time at an engineers base select and apply the special effect you want at the same time as they cannot be added using remote engineering.

In some cases the special effect is the only reason to engineer some modules.
I would add that you should decide what role you want your ship to have. There can always be multi role but if you specialize a build then it can be much more effective in a given role. DBX for example is a great bubble runner. For gathering engineering mats. No weapons, max jump range, SRV and cargo (eventually a size 4 corrosion resistant cargo rack). Then lightweight sensors and life support. This is just an example. My personal method is to have dedicated ships for each task because I really dislike swapping modules. Just my $0.02.
You're welcome!

Additional thoughts:-
Your Vulture only needs a class D life support - it's less mass than the others, so you get better jump range and slightly more manoeuverability.
You can have the life support and the sensors reduced in mass at an engineer (extend DBX range etc)
If you're going for serious combat in the Vulture, you should have enhanced thrusters as well. There's a big improvement in handling (as well as being able to get out of Dodge fast).
Lastly, you may want to engineer your lasers/weapons for lower energy use.
My experience is that using 2 big lasers overheats quickly and runs out of power quickly.

You may find that grinding for the Guardian modules will give you a better loadout...
Your Vulture only needs a class D life support - i......

Since the Vulture is renowned for losing its canopy in combat I kind of doubt the wisdom of going for a D life support. The D does give you 7½ minutes but one might find that is a bit short if one has issues finding the station if one has ended up with no HUD available in a useful canopy fragment. The mass difference from a D to a C or A is only 2tonne so that is not really a problem, of course as always the Vulture suffers from power issues so the extra 0.05 (to a C) or 0.16 (to an A) might tempt you to take a chance with the D.
How to go about engineering in general you've been told. Just to add my 2 cents: if you're careful with the overall loadout, a Vulture doesn't need an OC'ed PP (unless you want to carry plasmas or beams). Armoured/monstered is usually the better overall option.
While engineering any module for the first time at an engineers base select and apply the special effect you want at the same time as they cannot be added using remote engineering.

In some cases the special effect is the only reason to engineer some modules.

Good tip, thanks! I think I'll transfer few of my ships to the station on same system than Felicity, and take advantage of this advice.

I would add that you should decide what role you want your ship to have. There can always be multi role but if you specialize a build then it can be much more effective in a given role. DBX for example is a great bubble runner. For gathering engineering mats. No weapons, max jump range, SRV and cargo (eventually a size 4 corrosion resistant cargo rack). Then lightweight sensors and life support. This is just an example. My personal method is to have dedicated ships for each task because I really dislike swapping modules. Just my $0.02.

Thanks. Vulture is for bounty hunting, and at least for now PVE.

You're welcome!

Additional thoughts:-
Your Vulture only needs a class D life support - it's less mass than the others, so you get better jump range and slightly more manoeuverability.
You can have the life support and the sensors reduced in mass at an engineer (extend DBX range etc)
If you're going for serious combat in the Vulture, you should have enhanced thrusters as well. There's a big improvement in handling (as well as being able to get out of Dodge fast).
Lastly, you may want to engineer your lasers/weapons for lower energy use.
My experience is that using 2 big lasers overheats quickly and runs out of power quickly.

You may find that grinding for the Guardian modules will give you a better loadout...

Thanks. Overall, I was thinking to grind at least Guardian FSD 5A, since I can then use the same module for my DBX and Imperial Clipper. Is there some Guardian stuff that would be relatively easy to access compared to Engineered, that I should consider for bounty hunt Vulture?

How to go about engineering in general you've been told. Just to add my 2 cents: if you're careful with the overall loadout, a Vulture doesn't need an OC'ed PP (unless you want to carry plasmas or beams). Armoured/monstered is usually the better overall option.

This actually surprised me a bit, I mean, I have read that Vulture needs at least light engineering, but when I A-rated necessary things and save some juice on sensors and life support, I did just fine when I took it to RES and give it a try (multi cannon and pulse laser). Altho, my Vulture was still stripped in a way that I didn't have shield boosters or shield shell banks. I was following a guideline that I'd need minimum OC PP and dirty drive thrusters before taking my Vulture out, hence I started my first engineering test.

Anyway, I got Sulphur and I flew my DBX to Felicity's system, parked in the station near by for the nigh and ordered a transfer for my Vulture just in case, that I want/can engineer some other stuff while here, than just the PP (DBX has same PP, so I can as well just engineer that I switch it to Vulture when needed, as @colprice2002 instructed). Since I'm here, I wonder if I should engineer two power plants, one in DBX and one in Vulture, so make one OC and one Monstered/Armored since they are both 4A, so when I have better understanding of my Vulture's layout, I can choose which one to use?
I can choose which one to use?
Yes you can. Obviously, if it's fitted to a ship, you'll need to store the module beforehand. Then you can transfer it to the other ship. I think some modules - like armour - have restrictions in that, once on one ship, they can't be used elsewhere - I'll admit to not being 100% clear on what's what there though!
Hi again,

IIRC, you can swap all modules as follows:-
1) make sure you're at a station that allows outfitting (most do, but some of the outposts don't)
2) Use Horizons - Odyssey has improved, but I still find Horizons better for manipulating modules etc (!)
3) choose the module you want to swap
3a) use "store this module" - if it's a core module, the outfitting system will replace it with the E version of the slot (e.g. for the vulture PP, 4E) - this will cost the value of the base module
3b) same swap (DBX -> Vulture) highlight 4A PP, and shop for replacement. If you have both ships at the same station, you can choose 2E - or the cheapest alternative (if there isn't one available - follow 3a); store the old module.

4) with the recipient at the station, look in stored modules, then highlight & replace.
You may want to resell the now unused module.

If you ever decide to decommission a ship (e.g. trade the Vulture for a Mamba), don't trade-in a ship before you strip out the old modules and replace with the absolute minimum possible - a trade-in is 10% less than the value of the ship + modules. for a 5A fsd that means a loss of about 400 000Credits. Selling a module in outfitting gives you the value you paid for it (e.g. 105% off in some stations).

See you out in the black!
Since I'm here, I wonder if I should engineer two power plants, one in DBX and one in Vulture, so make one OC and one Monstered/Armored since they are both 4A, so when I have better understanding of my Vulture's layout, I can choose which one to use?
You can even put any engineered module into storage (up to IIRC 120 modules in total) and have it shipped (for a fee, depending on distance) to any outfitter in the Gelexy, then put it into your ship again.

But: you don't need to physically put every engineered module into your ship to find out how it works out - Coriolis lets you try out all possible combinations and engineering options in theory and check your ship's performance.

This, for example, is a (highly engineered) setup with powerplay weapons:
Yes you can. Obviously, if it's fitted to a ship, you'll need to store the module beforehand. Then you can transfer it to the other ship. I think some modules - like armour - have restrictions in that, once on one ship, they can't be used elsewhere - I'll admit to not being 100% clear on what's what there though!

Well the armour of a sidewinder wouldn't fit on an anaconda would it? ;)

Those hull "modules" are actually ship-model specific so your military grade composite you bought for your vulture can be stored and fitted to another vulture - although to be honest I have not checked if that is still the case - it cannot be fitted to a different ship-type.
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