State of the Game

I'd need to smother my uncle with a pillow before he'd let me put the heating on.

It could be -20 and he'd still refused to heat the house.
The irony of last night was that I don't usually have the radiator switched on in the morning because it dries my sinuses out, but I specifically turned it on last night so that when the heating came on this morning it would take the chill off the air. Fat lot of good that did with a window ending up wide open.
Think that's bad? I heard that bloody Maria Carey xmas tune on the radio today...nearly bloody crashed the van trying to change it.

There's only one good thing about Mariah Carey, or two if you count things that way.

Still have snow on the roofs of the houses across the way here. I woke up this morning to discover that my window had blown off the latch in a gale (with added snowstorm) overnight and my bedroom was 2 degrees C. And windy. Not the best start to the weekend all things considered.

Mine is normally windy.

When I was in hospital with leukemia I was notorious with doctors for putting the aircon full on in my room. Heat just made me feel even more ill :D

The corridors were tropical and my room was....Scottish in climate. The doctors had to put coats over their coats when they came in....

Was it deep fried?
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