Galaxy map issue

I'm having issues with galaxy map, it works fine when i first start a game, but after few minutes I can't use it properly, I can select system (one close enough i can jump to) but when I go back to the ship it doesn't show it as selected, it also won't let me plot a route, or open the keyboard to search for system, bookmark, open system map from galaxy map ...
Like i said it works fine when i first start the game but then just stops...
Exiting to main menu and rejoining doesn't help, quitting the game and starting doesn't help... I have to restart the ps4 and then it works for few min...
For last 2 years I've been outside the bubble exploring so I would plot the route at the start and forget about it, but just got back to the bubble and its unplayable...
Going to reinstall the game tonight and see if that helps...
Playing on OG PS4 Horizons
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I'm having issues with galaxy map, it works fine when i first start a game, but after few minutes I can't use it properly, I can select system (one close enough i can jump to) but when I go back to the ship it doesn't show it as selected, it also won't let me plot a route, or open the keyboard to search for system, bookmark, open system map from galaxy map ...
Like i said it works fine when i first start the game but then just stops...
Exiting to main menu and rejoining doesn't help, quitting the game and starting doesn't help... I have to restart the ps4 and then it works for few min...
For last 2 years I've been outside the bubble exploring so I would plot the route at the start and forget about it, but just got back to the bubble and its unplayable...
Going to reinstall the game tonight and see if that helps...
Playing on OG PS4 Horizons
Don’t waste your time reinstalling the game. If the problem is a bug you’ll just be downloading it again.
I do not have the same issues, I’ve experienced lil pain in the but nuances, thought they do not occur on a daily basis.
such as:
In the middle of a CZ fight, I’ve already picked my side and I’m fighting away when suddenly I have to pick my side again.
SC assist engaged and when I arrive at destination it goes right past it and fails to disengage. This kinda irritates me when during a mission I’m dodging attempts at interdiction.
I parked my carrier at one planet 398 ls from entry. Come back latter and its 111,000ls from where I parked it. next day, right back where I left it.

The only thing one can try is defraging your PlayStation. Pretty simple to do. But usually that just improves the units performance, doesn’t hurt to try though.
The only thing I can think of is the problem is most likely at the server end (Amazon) where the bulk of the games mechanics are stored.
reinstalling the game however would be a monumental waste for you.
try defrag and if that doesn’t work, then adapt and sit tight. Patches are forthcoming.
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Don’t waste your time reinstalling the game. If the problem is a bug you’ll just be downloading it again.
I do not have the same issues, I’ve experienced lil pain in the but nuances, thought they do not occur on a daily basis.
such as:
In the middle of a CZ fight, I’ve already picked my side and I’m fighting away when suddenly I have to pick my side again.
SC assist engaged and when I arrive at destination it goes right past it and fails to disengage. This kinda irritates me when during a mission I’m dodging attempts at interdiction.
I parked my carrier at one planet 398 ls from entry. Come back latter and its 111,000ls from where I parked it. next day, right back where I left it.

The only thing one can try is defraging your PlayStation. Pretty simple to do. But usually that just improves the units performance, doesn’t hurt to try though.
The only thing I can think of is the problem is most likely at the server end (Amazon) where the bulk of the games mechanics are stored.
reinstalling the game however would be a monumental waste for you.
try defrag and if that doesn’t work, then adapt and sit tight. Patches are forthcoming.
Got fast Internet, it only took me 15 min...
Before I did that, I was (shame to admit it) doing Robigo passenger missions, and had no problem at all during hour and a half of grind.
The issue occurred while I was flying around outfitting and engendering Python come to think of it. Every time I would change something, map decided to stop cooperating.
Not planing on any changes for at least few weeks, don't play that much cuz IRL stuff, will keep the tabs on it, might transfer one of my ships here to do some testing...
Still gonna defrag the system, it's been a while, thanks for the idea...


Got fast Internet, it only took me 15 min...
Before I did that, I was (shame to admit it) doing Robigo passenger missions, and had no problem at all during hour and a half of grind.
The issue occurred while I was flying around outfitting and engendering Python come to think of it. Every time I would change something, map decided to stop cooperating.
Not planing on any changes for at least few weeks, don't play that much cuz IRL stuff, will keep the tabs on it, might transfer one of my ships here to do some testing...
Still gonna defrag the system, it's been a while, thanks for the idea...
Absolutely no shame doing passenger missions in Robigo. Nobody would think that.
I’m currently in Sothis, made it home. I enjoy the easy social/political enviroment. There’s usually a war going on. This week (just starte) a war between Sirius corp and Kumo Council. I’m just tired of seeing Sirius corp with the 2nd highest influence offering mining missions and combat missions in CEOS while they do nothing in Sothis. So I raised influence of Kumo Council and got a war started. Eventually I’ll have Sirius corp at the bottom of the list. But I still have to maintain my reputation with em. So once at the end of a day when my rep dropped to neutral, I jump in my passenger python and run up to Robigo and take one trip of passengers. Rep goes up to Allied.
Back to Sothis and more pew pew with my Krait 2.
I also have a carrier nearby (1 jump from Sothis in a quaint off system all alone, if you need the platform let me know, I’ll send you the location.
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